Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. COMMENT EST LA 3D ? "[17] Roger Ebert gave 2010: The Year We Make Contact three stars out of four, writing that "It doesn't match the poetry and the mystery of the original film, but it does continue the story, and it offers sound, pragmatic explanations for many of the strange and visionary things in 2001." well no, unfortunately it didn't. The thing is I'm not really sure how this is possible considering this movie was made 16 years later. [4]​ Según el director, no es una historia de amor, es más la relación entre un padre y una hija.[5]​. In other words back on Earth the Ruskies are getting a bit stand-offish with the Yanks, so they order their astronauts not to play with the Americans on the ship. ce film est une bombe émotionnelle j'ai jamais vue ça dans un film d'animation bien sure pour jeune adulte. Marzo 2, 2010 #2. [5][6], Principal photography on the film began in February 1984 for a 71-day schedule. Description. USE THEM TOGETHER Some of what we saw in '2001' was more like visualising business class travel for executives, regular living quarters in orbit for businessmen, almost like an advertisement by a space based property company. Brave explorers are headed for the far reaches of the galaxy in the continuation of the story that began with "2001: A Space Odyssey." Furia de titanes (título original: Clash of the Titans) es una película estadounidense de fantasía, adaptación de una película de 1981 del mismo título. URGENT Casting Calls! Así mismo, también se llevó a cabo parte del rodaje en las Dunas de Maspalomas, en Gran Canaria, y en el parque nacional de Timanfaya, en Lanzarote. In contrast once again you can see the strong influence of a certain Ridley Scott movie from 1979 with the long dark, intimidating, narrow corridors. The other main ship piloted by the Americans and Russians, the [i]Leonov[/i] was designed by popular futurist Syd Mead so you know its probably gonna be very sensible and grounded. Tatischeff Schiel McDonald, Richard (16 de mayo de 2010). During its second week, the film faced competition from two other new sci-fi films; John Carpenter's Starman and David Lynch's Dune,[13] but ultimately outgrossed both by the end of its domestic theatrical run. La historia gira en torno a un ilusionista de avanzada edad llamado Tatischeff (Jean-Claude Donda), que durante la última etapa de su carrera debe conformarse con hacer espectáculos pequeños, trasladándose de ciudad en ciudad. Lire ses 1 444 critiques, Suivre son activité I don’t know why I wrote Tim Burton. It was re-issued (with different artwork) in September 2000. LANDING THERE Looking for a Three-Way? did he get reborn as an alien? Registrarse. Estuve trabajando en un diseño, y la gente dijo 'Eso me recuerda a Voldemort', porque no había nariz. Bomb It 2 (2010) Cast and Crew. No resynthesis or sampling was employed on the Synclavier. (Although to be fair, The Social Network, a movie about one of the 21st century’s most famous geeks, is up for Best Picture and Best Actor.) Le Seigneur des Anneaux : 6 acteurs qui se sont blessés sur le tournage, Le Hobbit : un voyage inattendu sur France 2 : Ian McKellen (Gandalf) a failli quitter le tournage. The visuals are way behind, the music is stirring but lacklustre in comparison, the cast is big but somehow that doesn't really matter and the overall sheen just can't compare. A ship for getting things done with little fuss, a workers ship for tough Soviets. Struggling to control the ships systems, tempers and personalities of the crew clash. the effects were actually supervised by the equally legendary Richard Edlund, so what gives? I found the story here to be pretty well done, save some occasionally corny and overbearing monologues, staying true to the original, and always managing to be interesting. The critical consensus reads, "2010 struggles to escape from the shadow of its monolithic predecessor, but offers brainy adventure in a more straightforward voyage through the cosmos. The ship is often merely in shadow so you only see the basic shape and not much real detail. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. El preestreno de la película se realizó en Londres el 29 de marzo de 2010. Ummmm, do you not mean “Johnny Depp” for the actor in Alice in Wonderland? The Prodigies est un film d'animation vraiment pas comme les autres. Al final de la película sus caminos se separan. Both he and Kubrick collaborated with each other over both of their works, ultimately each project did end up differing slightly. (Although to be fair, The Social […] The "burst" then flies toward Jupiter. We get a brief flashback of the plot (key points) for '2001' with subtitles to get everyone up to speed, which does indeed feel like its pandering to people who didn't watch or understand the original. [17]​ El estreno de la cinta fue el 16 de febrero de 2010, en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Berlín. [12] It was held off from the top spot by Beverly Hills Cop, which became that year's highest-grossing film in North America. Although, despite all that it was nice (and very cool) to see the old sets from the original film recreated for some shots on-board Discovery one, looking pretty faithful too I might add. simpliste mais étonnamment, une fois les deux premières minutes ... "The prodigies" est un film d'animation saisissant... Tout est bon à prendre dans cette réalisation particulièrement aboutie. | Rating: 3/4 I did get this feeling from some of the characters for sure, more so Roy Scheider's character of Heywood Floyd who is the more laid-back, rebellious of the crew, the typical Yank. tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, "Top 10 Best Space Travel Films Of All Time", "Weekend Box Office Results for December 7-9, 1984 - Box Office Mojo", "Weekend Box Office Results for December 14-16, 1984 - Box Office Mojo", "1984 Yearly Box Office Results - Box Office Mojo", "GCD :: Issue :: Marvel Super Special #37", "2010: The Year We Make Contact Movie Reviews, Pictures", "2010: A Film Review by James Berardinelli", "Movie Review - 2010 - '2010,' PURSUES THE MYSTERY OF '2001, "The 57th Academy Awards (1985) Nominees and Winners", "Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA", The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2010:_The_Year_We_Make_Contact&oldid=978618170, Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation winning works, Articles needing additional references from November 2014, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 16 September 2020, at 00:17. The film was released on Blu-ray Disc on April 7, 2009. Arthur C. Clarke's Odyssey series continues with the sci-fi thriller 2010. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Indeed it was Balaban that gave the most heart wrenching moment for me. However, the script's a little too expository; in contrast to the last film, which was all enigma and ambiguity. For me it was all about Balaban, this dude just has that odd look which intrigues you, is he good? Initially, the scene was filmed with Roy Scheider attaching the pens to a piece of movable glass that was placed between him and the camera, a technique similar to that used for the iconic "floating pen" scene in "2001", but this proved unworkable. Filmmaker Jon Reiss and his crew go to Asia, Australia, the Middle East, and elsewhere to examine local graffiti and talk with the street artists. But wait! Forgot your password? And that it was, but boy did it look stupid and ugly! [10]​ Según el director, él había contactado anteriormente con la hija menor de Tati, Sophie Tatischeff, para que le permitiera utilizar algunas escenas de la cinta Jour de fête (1949) en Les triplettes de Belleville; fue allí cuando Tatischeff le sugirió hacer una versión animada del guion de Tati, debido principalmente a que no quería que un actor interpretara a su padre. Thanks for the catch. I even got to see the actual costume at an exhibit yesterday. Upon arriving at Jupiter, the crew detects signs of life on Jupiter's seemingly barren moon Europa. [Full Review in Spanish]. Hyams' sequel to Kubrick's big daddy of sci-fi movies may not have the novelty of 2001: A Space Odyssey, but it is still a better film than anyone could have dared to expect. [14]​, La cinta recibió una respuesta positiva por parte de la crítica cinematográfica, obteniendo un 90% de comentarios "frescos" en el sitio web Rotten Tomatoes, y una puntuación de 83/100 en Metacritic. ¿Se parecen más al cabello? As it focuses on the screenwriting and pre-production process, the book terminates on February 7, 1984 just before the movie is about to start filming, though it does include 16 pages of behind-the-scenes photographs from the film. Luckily the interior sets did not suffer quite the same fate, again they simply aren't up to the original films standard admittedly, but you could say that's down to utilising different types of craft in this sequel. J.R. 'Bob' Dobbs & The Church of the SubGenius, Fall TV First Look: Find Out What’s Coming, The Best Peacock Original Shows and Movies, All Upcoming Disney Movies: New Disney Live-Action, Animation, Pixar, Marvel, and More. | Rating: 5/10 |, August 3, 2011 So I’m holding the 2010 Geek Oscars right here. That one thing of course being the special effects, yes I know it sounds shallow but its true. Shire and Huxley were so impressed by the realistic sound of the Synclavier that they placed a disclaimer in the album's liner notes stating "No re-synthesis or sampling was employed on the Synclavier. Initially, Tony Banks, keyboardist for the band Genesis, was commissioned to do the soundtrack for 2010: The Year We Make Contact. [10]​ Pero Norrington no estaba seguro de dirigir el proyecto, dado que por edad no conoció la película original de 1981. Viktor Antonov, Antoine Charreyron Interview : The Prodigies, Carnets de voyage N°8 - Carnets de voyage à... Cannes 2011 - Jour 2, (maltraitance sur mineur, agression, viole, meurtres, "torture" par l'utilisation de pouvoirs). Also nearby is the giant alien Monolith that the Discovery was originally sent to investigate. |, August 3, 2011 While an international dispute causes tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, both nations prepare space missions to determine what happened to the Discovery; the Soviet spacecraft Leonov will be ready before the American spacecraft Discovery Two, but the Soviets need American astronauts to help board the Discovery and investigate the malfunction of the ship's sentient computer, HAL 9000, which caused the disaster. This was mainly down to practical reasons with the movie, actually being able to film things, cost etc...Obviously in the novel Clarke was able to flesh out more content properly where as the movie merely hinted at things, or was more symbolic.