She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. However, there can be affection without love. Sin cannot go unpunished forever (Romans 3:25–26). Love is deeper and stronger feeling inversely affection is a mild feeling. Affection can be communicated through gestures, words, or touches. In short, love is like a tender feeling, a deep undeniable affection. I’m convinced every reasonably healthy person is equipped to love others the way God designed. Infatuation makes you act irrationally or ‘crazy.’ Love calms you down. Love is often described or defined as a deep affection whereas affection is a feeling of liking and fondness. In love, a person uses to like every aspect of the person’s personality whom he is in love with. Affection is the first step towards love; love is a combination of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual mystic attachment to a person. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Affection is a give and take sequence, you give affection, and in return you get affection. Love is a more complex emotion. – Definition, Characteristics and Qualities. Affection is generated by factors like attraction and fondness towards someone. You can show affection to poor people, your pet’s etc. You can love somebody without expressing it. You start feeling it for someone without any reason. Vision about the Country Congo Brazzaville. It can refer to the love for parents, siblings, parents, children, etc. Affection basically refers to a situation or feeling when a person adores something or someone. Affection is a mild feeling compared to love. David knew how to please God. Affection is the first step towards love. In marriage, you feel the passion, and the loving acts become person specific. Affection is when a person adores someone or something. to speak against my servant Moses?”), >>>God and David VS Saul:  1 Samuel 13: 14. When you love someone, you feel that you simply can’t manage to live without them. Love is a step ahead of affection. Affection Vs Love: Most of us take affection and love as a same feelings but they differ from each other. Affection can be shown towards your pet or towards the poor and needy. Love is a slow process. If we love someone, we will feel affection for that person, but we do not love everyone for which we feel affection. clearly and not in riddles; The feeling of affection does not contain passionate, sensual or romantic feelings. Difference Between Love And Affection. The unconditional, merciful love God has for everyone should bring us to faith, receiving with gratefulness the conditional, covenant love He grants those who receive Jesus Christ as Savior. It is a combination of lots of feelings. In affection, a person adores something or someone. Affection is a gentle feeling of fondness, caring or liking. All rights reserved. To ignore God’s merciful love, to reject Christ, or to deny the Savior who bought us (2 Peter 2:1) is to subject ourselves to God’s wrath for eternity (Romans 1:18), not His love. Affection is a very gentle and moderate feeling. Moreover, when affection is present in your relationship, you just know it. For example, the Oxford Dictionary defines love as a strong feeling of affection and Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person. The LORD is the stronghold of my life– of whom shall I be afraid? No, not in regards to His merciful love. 3. . Agape refers to pure and ideal love, as opposed to eros. Affection is the feeling that one feels towards someone else’s beauty, looks, or some other appealing trait. One can also feel affection for that one does not love. The feeling of love contains passion and romance. It is caring for somebody. Falling in love is different from this. Affection takes work because it requires knowledge of what makes the other person tick. Love is the world’s most strong and deeper feeling. We've detected that you are using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. Affection is an expression of Love being conditionally or unconditionally, it is a natural attraction that comes for someone who has been submissive to another person’s desires. 8 With him I speak face to face, For example, you may feel affection for your neighbor, but this does not mean that you love your neighbor. This kind of love is characterized by longing and desire. Yes; because believers have exercised faith in God’s Son, they are saved. You choose to love someone else by putting their needs above your own. Affection takes the loving relationship between a man and woman in marriage into the deeper realm of tender expressions. Love is a complex emotion since it consists of a wide variety of feelings, and states; the love we feel towards a person differs according to the familiarity and relationship with that person. In affection, a person adores something or someone. How do you evaluate your personal love and affection with God and others? The love of God that brings people into intimacy with Himself is not extended to everyone, only to those who love the Son of God (John 14:21). > He : I know it's really awkward for you, we don't know each other fully. Hence No love without affection can happen. Subscribe on my Youtube channel to watch regularly the inspirational and powerful sermons to feed your precious Soul in Jesus Christ name, Error type: "Forbidden". Love is a combination of emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, and mystic attachment to a specific person on the other hand affection is the feeling that one feels towards someone else’s beauty, looks or some other appealing trait. Love is an unconditional feeling. How does Satan attack anointed men of God? DEMONSTRATE TRUE LOVE. Love never fails“ (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a NIV). It involves physical attraction and chemistry; a feeling no one can really explain, because everyone perceives it in his own different way. Love can even lead you to make some sacrifice to make your partner happy. Affection can be seen in a relationship between a child and a mother, two friends, wife and husband, etc. It is unconditional. Affection is one of the out-workings of love, Love is the commitment and the action, and affection is the safe, secure feeling that results. Love is a feeling that is very strong and deep, whereas affection is a feeling that is a moderate and gentle feeling and emotion towards someone/something. Case 1. Affection does not consist of passionate and romantic feelings. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. No, not in regards to His merciful love. You wait for hours just to get a look at this person; just his presence is enough to make you happy. In simple words, when you love someone, you also feel affectionate towards that person. I like to say (though it may be grammatically flawed) that affection is “love as actions” —actions that leave your spouse feeling really good about you and your marriage. Affection on the other hand can be taken as likeness or fondness an earlier phase of love. 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