Enough to look around a bit and read some definitions and ideas. I prefer "wage is theft". The list of acronyms and abbreviations related to CLAWS - Creating Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery Right now you work at a place and are paid a wage. We're a pro-leisure and anti-wage-slavery group of people dedicated to exploring the question: why work? We actively promote alternatives to the wage slavery mindset and what we call "The Cult of the Job" which automatically equates having a job with making a living. There's a sea of money out there and millions of ways to make it. Owners of said place may receive a "wage" themselves but are also entitled to a share of the profit, growth and value of the firm. But my real choice is comfortable and creative unemployment. They are 'tuning out' the dominant culture of work overload, and reject the costly consumer oriented value system. What about utilities such as nuclear power plants and distribution centers. This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. Intelligence économique et renseignement : dix réa... Rencontre avec Alain Juillet, Président de l'Acadé... La Finlande appelle à ne plus sauver de banques av... Vendredi-Saint: La Passion de Notre-Seigneur. About these results, Design & Copyright Notices This site has incorporated material from the former Leisure Party site. I see what it's trying to say, but I'd still rather not equate working for a wage with literal slavery (and the racism it historically implies). What about the people that already own stuff either through luck or hard work, do we just take it away with violence? 0. All the excess product of your labor goes up the ladder and into the pockets of someone at the top of the pyramid.

We're a pro-leisure and anti-wage-slavery group of people dedicated to exploring the question: why work?
Depends mostly on luck. After all, you usually make a lot more when you work for yourself and have much more independence. In a collectively owner situation there would be a total of $6 surplus which would be distributed to the workers who collectively own the business. NASA, Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Klein Paradijs en Niburu gerapporteerd als aanvalp... Verbinding met natuur helpt natuurgeweld voorspell... Oorzaak van bijensterfte eindelijk gevonden? Top subscription boxes – right to your door, © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Socialism_101: A space for learning about socialism and the socialist perspective. Will this be an improvement? All content copyright 2020, The Above Network, LLC. Many never 1. This pairs nicely with Total Automation in my opinion. and join one of thousands of communities. A better alternative to wage slavery is to do what you love doing and find a way to get paid for it (ie, do it as a job). Everyone would do a job according to their capabilities, and would receive from the community according to their needs. ", "There is more for us in life than the nine to five work ethic and a life of clocks, finances, and shallow living. Historically, some socialist organisations and activists have espoused workers' self-management or worker cooperatives as possible alternatives to wage labour. Wetenswaardige en wetenschappelijke informatie ove... 1 hectare land als oplossing voor de wereldcrisis, Eindeloos Bewustzijn - de film: 7 nov NED 2. There would be no wage-labour in a socialist society. PSP, HIPAA, This definition appears somewhat frequently, The Acronym Attic is To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number.