I put it down to pretty simple thoughts. will oversee the successful development and operational delivery of the Made North West’s economy through the adoption of new technologies across our Executive of the North West Business Leadership Team. I absolutely agree – we’ve already recognised that we need to fine-tune the message even more, based on initial feedback we’ve gotten from the SMEs that we’ve already engaged with. email: [email protected] suggests a wide understanding of the benefits of digital manufacturing technologies, but a marked reluctance to actually invest in them. “How do we improve? You have Javascript disabled, this website works best when. Made Smarter’s Director Donna Edwards said: “Andrea was born and brought up in the North Backed by government and some of the world’s biggest businesses, the Made Smarter North West programme is set to engage with 3,000 SME manufacturers based in Cheshire and Warrington, Cumbria, Lancashire, Greater Manchester and the Liverpool City Region to boost productivity. Made Smarter was officially launched before Christmas in Liverpool. What about your ambitions for the Pilot – is there any way that you’ll be able to measure to your own satisfaction that it’s been a success? The US companies I’ve worked for absolutely use that language on a day-to-day basis. “However, much of this is down to the legacy of the first industrial revolution which started in this region. The steering board, which features over a dozen representatives drawn from manufacturing firms from across the North West will also monitor progress of the pilot project and report on learnings which will help to inform the proposed national roll-out of the Made Smarter concept. One-off usage is permitted but bulk copying is not. “I am very proud to have been appointed to the role of Chair for the steering group, and I am relishing the opportunity to helping shape and develop this exciting project which has the potential to transform the region’s industrial economy.”, Juergen Maier, CEO of Siemens and Co-Chair of the national Made Smarter Commission said: “I am delighted Andrea has agreed to become the Chair of the North West steering group. The project – designed to encourage, inform and assist smaller manufacturers into the process of adopting digital manufacturing technologies – has now appointed a chair, whose job it will be to monitor progress of this vital initiative. I think it’s just the way the world is today. Smarter North West programme is set to engage with Based at BAE Systems in Lancashire, Ms Thompson is BAE’s Managing Director for Europe & International Programmes. So if I, and BAE in this case, can bring some help and support and knowledge into those supply chains, that helps not only them, but it helps my business as well, because I’ve got a functioning supply chain that performs to what I need, delivers on time, and innovates, and that’s really what this is about. She will be a fantastic addition to the wider Made Smarter network of key business leaders we have brought together, both regionally and nationally, to help develop and deliver this project.”, This material is protected by MA Business copyright, Click here to see our Terms and Conditions.