I will never forget the unworldly music/song.

Later in the week I was outside on a Saturday painting and heard the angels singing a different song, when I went to church that night the exact song played in church. I received it loud and clear from an Angel ! I could distinctly hear two woman singing with a chorus singing behind their voices. When I got outside the clouds and sky opened up and down steamed this amazing white light and then the singing got very loud. I was picking up her room and putting away clothes. God sent a message of hope during a very difficult and painful time! In my mind's eye I could see my mother suspended in the middle of an arch with singing angel on either side. At first I thought the CD player was still on but this music came from everywhere. Préférences cookies | You would not believe me if I told you what I and others saw and heard. He had been having radical heartbeat for several weeks and was waiting for the doctor to call to schedule an appointment - they thought his anti-rejection medication needed adjusting as it often did. it was some minor note it didn't sound happy. I give gratitude for it each and every day. There were no televisions to watch and I was a little anxious sleeping, so I picked up the bible next to me and closed my eyes asking God to lead me to the right words of comfort. We sang not only to heal me and to protect my children but also to heal the darkness. Me and my mother were not close before she became ill, but, we seem to have reconciled (without words), whilst I visited her in hospital.

[8], The accompanying music video for "When the Angels Sing" was directed by Stefan Klotz for DoRo Productions. I could actually hear it, and there is no way I could imagine music so amazing. [2] Ries eventually revised the song, resulting in Petruo and Lucy Diakovska singing the first verse and Benaissa and Sandy Mölling sharing vocals during the second verse. My dog has passed away recently and my fiancee and I were alone in a small chapel late at night. Hallelujah!

Behind Him were many angels who were singing praises to Him, I don't remember all they sang but one sentence remains in my heart.

I have never forgotten this experience. It only lasted about 30 seconds but that was enough to make me well and resume a busy life.

I remember seeing a figure but it was a pleasant one.

The sound was more amazing than any choir I have ever heard. Tears in my eyes, I was just about to put him back in his crib when the room got fractionally brighter and warmer.

I was compelled to walk about my home to seek out the source of what I was hearing .

I felt the presence of God with me, yet I was still nervous. ~Mary Obrien, Choir of Angels - For several weeks and for several hours each night very late, I heard a heavenly choir of male and female voices.

~Daniel57, Angel Choir in My Car - I was on my way home from a wonderful healing service at Christian Retreat in Bradenton FL.