Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. In the eyes of the Italians, the treaty made Ethiopia a protectorate; meaning Ethiopia had surrendered its sovereignty. Italy’s only possessions were African territories: Eritrea and Italian Somalia. In September of 1895, Emperor Menelik II, called the population of Ethiopia to arms. You will receive a new password via e-mail. Then the angry Ras Mengesha of Tigre requested assistance from the mighty king of Ethiopia, Minilik Haylemelekot, who immediately ordered the most famous and battle hardened Generals, Ras Welle Betul, and Ras Makonnen to punish both the traitors and their Italian masters. What they did not appreciate was Menelik’s foresight.

A second Italian brigade sent to cover the retreat of the first got caught up in a separate engagement. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. If you cannot remember your login information, click the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password. Login to using your favorite Social Media Login. Elections: Damn if You Do, Damn if You Don’t! The newly installed Emperor (Nagusa Nagast) Menelik II was keen to preserve his rule in the face of a full European assault on the continent, and so he agreed to a treaty that ceded some territory in return for a guarantee of his rule, financial assistance and military equipment. All Rights Reserved. On a side note, is this a WordPress site?

Baratieri agreed to a plan that called for his army of some 15,000 to advance under cover of night and occupy forward positions, a move that would have forced Menelik to lose face if he declined to attack Italian forces holding strong defensive positions. The Battle of Adwa was fought on 1 March 1896 between the Ethiopian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy near the town of Adwa, Ethiopia, in Tigray.
Menelik’s forces were able to defeat these brigades and the main Italian force in three separate combats. An official Italian presence didn’t begin until they established themselves at the Red Sea port of Massawa in 1885, after which the Italians began to move up into what are now the Eritrean highlands. The background and the events leading to the battle have been explained mainly from the perspective of diplomatic and political history . From African Voices exhibit: "Battle of Adwa, 1896. I wouldn’t say that I wholeheardetly agree but there is some sense to this.

The battle of Adwa had a significant national and international consequences and it occupied a unique place in the Ethiopian and African historiography.

Through late 1895 and into the early months of 1896, Menelik led a brilliant campaign that forced the overextended Italians to fight on his terms. The victory of Adwa which inspired the black race to rise up against white colonization was a fundamental turning point in the history of anti white domination struggle in Africa and Latin America. Some of Baratieri’s officers argued forcefully against retreat, citing spy reports to the effect that Menelik’s forces were demoralized and depleted. General Baratieri the Italian commander was reluctant to attack Menelik’s army in the open field. according to David Lovering Lewis, on 7 December 1895, Minilik’s vanguard led by the two Generals totally destroyed the parasite infested and stinking Agame army along with their Italian commanders at the battle of Amba-Alage. Wylde added how he witnessed captured Agame traitors crawling to the banks of a stream outside Adwa to quench their thirst, where many of them lingered unattended and exposed to elements until death put an end to their sufferings.
Moreover, historian Harold Marcus noted that, out of more than 18,000 elite Italian di-formazione faighters, ready to invade Ethiopia in that same year, one brigade under General Albertone was made up of entirely Agame traitors that include the grand father of the late Ethiopian organ eating tyrant Meles Zenawi Asres. His article is drawn from his recent book, The Battle of Adwa: African Victory in the Age of Empire. By threatening to outflank the Italian forces and threaten Eritrea, Menelik skilfully managed to manoeuvre the Italians into a position that left their supply lines exposed, and vulnerable to a population that was now turning against the occupiers. The Battle of Adwa (usually known as Adowa, or sometimes by the Italian name Adua) was fought on 1 March 1896 between Ethiopia and Italy near the town of Adwa, Ethiopia, in Tigray. The savage Tigre traitors however, managed to fight for two hours before surrendering to the Ethiopians after the capture of General Albertone. Click the appropriate button below and you will be redirected to your Social Media Website for confirmation and then back to once successful. The second independent nation being Ethiopia, or then still commonly known as Abyssinia. Abyssinia is a land with a fabled history and a civilization that Stretches back as far as the Aksumite Empire which existed from approximately 100–940 AD, its capital being Axum in northern Ethiopia. Taking hardly any prisoners, the victors of Battle of Adwa killed 289 Italian officers, 2,918 European soldiers and about 2,000 askari. ( Log Out /  Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (ሠዓሊ አምሳሉ ገ/ኪዳን አርጋው).