The hundred or so short animations and games found on the "Mr and Mrs Wheatley" site were noticed by large media companies and Wheatley's work expanded into mainstream media. 'https:' : 'http:') + '//' + (isSSL ? The moment he started talking to the tramp (Mr Sarah Jane Smith, Brian Miller) I was properly hooked by his interpretation. Also the second act gets pretty boring and the villain is weak but hey ho. Trevor Mullis 1,577 films 1 Edit. Ben Wheatley is the surprise choice to direct new Doctor Who episodes, Ben Wheatley to direct new Doctor Who episodes, You may not agree with our views, or other users’, but please respond to them respectfully, Swearing, personal abuse, racism, sexism, homophobia and other discriminatory or inciteful language is not acceptable, Do not impersonate other users or reveal private information about third parties, We reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts and ban offending users without notification. Known for his bravura swearing, Capaldi's casting in the Saturday teatime series raised a few eyebrows. Capaldi nailed it. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The added jokes were silly after a serious moment. I'm not on the phone, I'm right here, standing in front of you. Deep Breath is a decent episode that does not quite reach the other Doctor intro episodes of the modern series. Since wrapping on Doctor Who episodes Deep Breath and Into The Dalek, director Ben Wheatley has been busy making his latest feature, an adaptation of J.G Ballard’s High Rise. Watched this a few weeks ago and it was an absolute treat to revisit and actually a lot better than I remember. More details at The best part is when Strax hits Clara in the face with a newspaper. The last time I watched this was when it received a limited cinema run back in the latter half of 2014. I’ve done a lot of FX work so that doesn’t faze me too much but if you come from the outside looking at those episodes you might worry. All the Doctor Who stories that are on Letterboxd. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. Read what Steven Moffat had to say about series 8 at the same event, here. I drew it all and planned it and planned it and planned it as much as I could. No, of course it isn't. The episode is longer than The Time of the Doctor and the same length as The Day of the Doctor, despite not really being an “event” episode in any meaningful sense. It's a good start to Capaldi's run. When the newly-regenerated doctor arrives in Victorian London, he finds a dinosaur rampant in the Thames and a spate of deadly spontaneous combustions. Want an ad-free experience?Subscribe to Independent Premium. That was also brilliant. This one is so funny holy crap I forgot how funny it is. Video, The Covid doctor whose dance video went viral, 'It was a massacre... We pay for these bullets' Video, 'It was a massacre... We pay for these bullets', 'I caught Covid at my uncle's funeral' Video, Macron leads vigil for beheaded history teacher. This is encouraged in likelihood by the failures of The Ghost Monument - which tries to introduce the…. [citation needed]. The Essential DanMachi Moments, Doctor Who: Ben Wheatley on Deep Breath and Into The Dalek. There's a few nice moments, but otherwise it's dreadfully boring and dull. I didn't like it.. On how he became involved in directing Doctor Who: It started with a conversation with my agent years ago. The story has some interesting ideas, but the tone is all over the place, shifting abruptly between wacky comedy and darker moments, and there is a lot of extraneous moments like the Dinosaur. [16] In 2014, Wheatley directed the first two episodes of the eighth series of Doctor Who, a show he has been a fan of since childhood. The movie holds a 76% rating on Rotten Tomatoes with a critic consensus describing the film as "an expertly executed slow-burn crime thriller that thrives on tension before morphing into visceral horror."[13]. The second half allows us to see how this Doctor operates and we get to see a darker Doctor for the first time since Eccleston (Not that Smith and Tennant weren't dark, but their episodes had much lighter tones). And here begins the rewatch of an a brilliant and under-appreciated  run of my most beloved tv show. His film Happy New Year, Colin Burstead was made for the BBC 2018 Christmas schedule but will be available on the Iplayer for the entirety of 2019. [18], In November 2018, Wheatley was announced as the director of a new adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's gothic romance novel Rebecca, a Working Title Films production to be released on Netflix. Doctor Who celebrates its 50th anniversary next month, with a 75-minute special episode called The Day Of The Doctor on Saturday, 23 November. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? The article states that filming takes place over December and January, with an Autumn 2014 broadcast. Since Doctor Who is a series, I’d rather log 2 episodes that are specials today instead of 1. medianet_height = "600"; His films, which are also known for being darkly comic, include Sightseers, described as "Nuts in May with axes," by film critic Mark Kermode; comedy crime drama Down Terrace, and the recent A Field in England. Letting go of Matt Smith was very hard and it gave me a lot of trauma, yes for real. He probably waited two years until he made that call, that’s how it works with agents. Where Doctor Who takes itself seriously, Red Dwarf does not- and that's what makes this inane hollywoodisation so laughable. [8] Between 2007 and 2009 Wheatley directed series 2 of Modern Toss and Ideal series 5 and 6. Accompanied by Stewart, Mcintosh and Starkey the lead group of characters are all given someone good to bite their teeth into the story itself is a bit silly and over bloated but nonetheless is perfect sci fi nonsense. Doctor is weird, Clara gets on my nerves, the story is whack, villains are not fleshed (see what I did there) out enough and I’m not the biggest fan of the Paternosta Gang. this is a good intro, sad how much time must be spent discussing the fact the doctor no longer looks young. ", His Doctor is Tom Baker, he revealed. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. But he has also been praised as one of the most promising directors of his generation. .css-14iz86j-BoldText{font-weight:bold;}British filmmaker Ben Wheatley has revealed he is to direct Peter Capaldi's first episodes of Doctor Who. "I'm really looking forward to working with Peter Capaldi and finding out where Steven Moffat is planning to take the new Doctor.". There’s a lot hanging on it all the time, there’s no easy days on Doctor Who, except for maybe [the scene in Deep Breath with the Doctor and Clara meeting in the restaurant] because that was quite good, I just put the camera there and they talked for fifteen minutes, it was great. Born in 1972, Wheatley said Tom Baker was "his" Doctor, adding that he had "been watching the current run of Doctor Who with my son and have discovered it all over again. Then reading the scripts and seeing how involved they were in terms of action and stuff… oh God. A sci-fi TV series, Silk Road, written and directed by Wheatley, has been announced. Peter just looked so brilliant as he popped out, everyone was just going ‘yeah, brilliant’. Is it still the same broom? It was written by showrunner and executive producer Steven Moffat and directed by Ben Wheatley. There are plenty of nice moments throughout but the story is too focused on dealing with fan complaints rather than telling a story. On 3 pages you can do a lot of coverage, on 11 you can do none so you’ve just got to get it right. I don’t like the “is the doctor really a good man” subject this brings up because it does it so poorly and I think that’s the major flaw with the episode. It dragged for me in the first half (mostly with Clara's confusion, you've been through all his history you should be used to regeneration by now! Holy shit I changed my mind, this episode is fantastic, Peter Capaldi perfect casting. Stories like The Eleventh Hour and The Woman Who Fell to Earth do mare to balance the story with introducing the new status quo.