Gigi M. E. Ramos, who works at a nonprofit for veterans, used her lunch break from work to greet the car caravan a few blocks away from the anti-wall mural.

The two discussed the explosive development and Sanders reminded the host and the audience that he's been calling for Trump to be impeached for months because he's "the most corrupt president of the modern era." In his speech, Senator Sanders touched on how he wanted to transform the country, and create an economy that and a government that works for every citizen of the United State, and not just the super rich.

You're talking about a very, very different subset, right? I’d have had more ppl to my house to watch the Patriots tomorrow if the game wasn’t canceled…This is weak.

Sanders touched on many of the recurring themes of his candidacy, specifically the threat posed by the changing climate and what he feels is the unfairness of our higher education system.

we had a Trump train here in Laredo, TX – 4,000 cars, 7,000 people 95% locals.

Proceeds get reinvested into having active, retired and wounded officers, their families and supporters tell more of these stories. With so much “stuff” happening in the world on social media, it’s easy for things to get lost. All content CLICK HERE TO TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS. post your service, apartments LEBANON, NH – Bernie Sanders recently held a rally in support of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ race to the White House while in New Hampshire. Senator Bernie Sanders announced he is officially suspending his campaign to be the 2020 Democratic nominee for President, due to falling too far behind in the delegate primary race to Joe Biden.
He distanced himself from his opponents who took more of a centrist approach to their campaigns. Sanders thought all of this was just a conservative plot to get rid the Department of Veteran Affairs, especially when a widely proffered solution was allowing the waiting-list victims to get VA support in going to private hospitals. Check out the Laredo Trump train. Organizers said they were a little surprised, and frankly stunned that several thousand cars and people participated. President: You attack ‘socialized medicine’ every single day,” he tweeted to this emblem of leftist disgust. He shared his stance on escalations with Iran that were occurring at the time. Joe Biden is not Bernie Sanders but the far left is becoming a significant force in the Democratic Party with all kinds of frightening ideas out to get us. We don't have to step over people sleeping on the sidewalk, our kids going to college education, that is what we are showing them.".

Get unprecedented access to some of the most powerful stories that the media refuses to show you. He also spent much of his speech pillorying Donald Trump and his divisive Presidency. We are a grassroots organization. NBC News and MSNBC hosted the debate along with The Nevada Independent. Online comments may return when we have better tech tools for managing them.

OK, Ambrose: Bernie Sanders piles on hypocrisy over…, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Bernie Sanders piles on hypocrisy over health care, Champion: Blue Wall of silence needs to be broken down, Lucas: CNN, AP are America’s version of Baghdad Bob, Lowry: Mainstream media walks on eggshells around Biden, This website uses cookies to improve your experience.

He also dared Senate Leader Mitch McConnell to put his legislation requiring a $15 minimum wage on the Senate floor, predicting it would overwhelmingly pass if he did. Some people even honked in support of the caravan. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The 9th Democratic Debate was held at the Paris Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. — Andrew Malcolm (@AHMalcolm) October 4, 2020.

Woman helping put body armor on K-9 officers sends message to politicians: try being a cop for a day, New York criminal released from jail yet again on ‘bail reform’ – previously jailed for shooting a police officer. Bernie Sanders held a campaign rally in San Jose, California. Senator, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and chastised him for siding with "wealthy contributors" over "the working people in Kentucky and America." He was also asked about Trump's burgeoning conflict with Iran and Sanders responded that he would do everything he can to prevent war with Iran. Perhaps one of the most flattering photos from the event was taken and shared online by Lauren O’Neill, who works on the Biden campaign in New Hampshire. Chris Hayes interviews Bernie Sanders from Washington DC about the COVID-19 economic stimulus package set to pass in Congress. He said after assessing the situation with his family and staff he concluded there was no feasible path to victory, and that he could not carry on with his campaign any longer, especially in a time when the country is dealing with a pandemic emergency. @BernieSanders takes the stage here in Lebanon, New Hampshire!

In it, he defended his stance on democratic socialism, and called for a "21st Century Bill of Rights," He criticized President Trump, as well as invoked the legacy of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal. Click to check it out. the point is the message? Tim Ryan and John Delaney were the most outspoken in support of more moderate positions providing a contrast while Pete Buttigieg with the 3rd most speaking time focused his criticism on Republicans. While we champion free speech, facts are a matter of life and death during the coronavirus pandemic, and right now Seven Days is prioritizing the production of responsible journalism over moderating online debates between readers. Why don’t I need a password? A cautionary reminder: It's just possible, if their covid fears are genuine, that the consistent lack of Biden crowds is based on that & they're still quite committed to go out & vote for Biden b/c while not enthusiastic about him, they are fervent about ousting Trump. Call us at (312) 248-2614 for information or leave a message on our contact page. Yes, Walter Reed is an outstanding VA hospital, but Sanders was chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee when veterans were dying in large numbers because of malfunctioning VA hospitals all over the country. Bloomberg appeared caught off guard at some moments, but forcefully pushed back at others.

And the view from the side of the rally-attendees was perhaps one of the most unflattering of angles of all. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders spoke at a town hall meeting in Waterloo, Iowa about his bid for the 2020 presidential campaign on the Democratic ticket. Since then, he's used his unique perspective to offer support and commentary about the criminal justice system. Sanders spent much of the interview talking about his grievances with the "1 percent" who have done exceptionally well while many in the lower classes have struggled to get by. This was along IH-35, Bob Bullock Loop and Del Mar. Who needs a crowd anyway? Others from the community did express disapproval of the Trump Train, because they did not feel it was necessary. Previous Bernie Sanders Speaking Engagements (EST). Sanders proposed giving a portion of the billions of dollars in military aid we give to Israel to Gaza instead. Obviously, people left-of-center had to acknowledge that there was hardly any turnout for the rally, with one Twitter user commenting: “Yes!!

“Many of us support the same values of being pro-life, supporting the police, gun rights, law and order, legal immigration, tax breaks, strong military, small businesses, voter ID, working class, prosperity for all minorities, small government, free speech, conservatism, the Constitution, capitalism, patriotism and justice for all. This year though, he’s liking how President Trump is actually changing things.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders held a town hall event at Clinton College in Rock Hill, South Carolina.
The Biden Campaign said they would follow up with a Biden Train of their own… it was not as successful. There was another event on Saturday, the same day the Trump train rolled out, and that was the Honoring Veterans and Families event. Not a super spreader!! The seven candidates who qualified will share the same stage for a single-night of debate. Sanders argues Republicans are trying to give too much money to big businesses without any checks on how they spend it and that Congress has to act quickly and boldly to combat potential unemployment numbers that could reach 20-30% in the coming months. A local Border Patrol officer echoed the sentiment, proud that Trump is pro-law enforcement.