Brainiac (real name: Vril Dox) is an alien android appearing as one of the main antagonists in DC Comics. The event known as Infinite Crisis brought together the Legions of all three continuities. Yet another Brainiac was sighted in the Queen Maud Land, while another was spotted in Polynesia when the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever suddenly occurred. After that plan failed when Clark followed and stopped him, Brainiac returned to Earth disguised as Kara (whom he put in the Phantom Zone) and killed Edward Teague, revealed Clark's secret to Lex, tried to put Chloe Sullivan in a coma too and was hunted down and overloaded him with electricity by Clark, causing him to explode. Vril Dox is the founder of the interplanetary police force Licensed Extra Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network (abbreviated as L.E.G.I.O.N., an acronym suggested by Strata but accepted by Dox). However, Brainiac in fact imprisoned Kara in the Phantom Zone and posed as her to escape with Clark. "Propelled by sheer malice", Brainiac's head unit crawls a few inches before finally running out of power. Superman escapes from his imprisonment and sees Brainiac emerging from his "bio-shell". Ironically, despite his ancestor being one Superman's greatest foes, the Pre-Crisis Brainiac 5 had a serious long-term relationship with Superman's cousin Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl.

The exception that the, The Season 5 plot of making Lex Luthor a suitable host for Zod's mind is similar to the second season of, In many forms and as a recurring villain, Brainiac appeared in. Upon returning to Krypton, however, Brainiac discovered Krypton had been destroyed.[38]. Chloe's healing power saves her from Brainiac. [3] The experiment aimed to illustrate periodic trends in the alkali metal series. [5] Following his new objective of self-preservation, Brainiac targeted Clark Kent, who he saw as a threat to his existence, with the intent of destroying or controlling him and then he planned to gain infinite knowledge and leave Doomsday to destroy Earth.

[2] In 2009, Brainiac was ranked by IGN as the 17th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time. The citizens of Kandor recall that Brainiac stole their city from Krypton, and not the alien wizard Tolos.[29].

Brainiac's legacy was revealed in Action Comics #276 (May 1961), in a Legion of Super-Heroes back-up story. Just like in the comics how Jonathon Kent's death was caused by Brainiac, in Smallville, Brainiac is the main antagonist of the season and was a factor of stress Jonathon deals with in Season 5 that helps lead to his death. This new version of Brainiac resembles a much larger and more muscular version of the original, pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths. Dox, along with his old compatriot, Strata, must form a new team to regain his former status. Brainiac 5 gives Superman a transfusion of Conner's blood and exposes him to a very large dose of concentrated synthesized yellow sun rays. (27 May 2015).

There is also a feature called "Things What My Body Does", in which a member of the public is filmed doing something extraordinary with their bodies. In the season eight finale, Rokk told Clark that Brainiac was "gone". After the destruction of Yod-Colu, Dox constructed an army of starships and distributed his consciousness across a series of robots that would each travel the universe in order to preserve planets from the Multitude, becoming known as the Collector of Worlds.
In the comics Brainiac and Brainiac 5 are two separate characters with the second one being a descendant of the first one living in the 31st century rather than a new version of Brainiac reprogrammed and kept in the 31st century like it was depicted in the show.