Windows 7 is a mature OS with years of fixing security holes. So yes, a problem occurred after the change, but it was not the fault of the change the fault lies in the system it was applied to. As I recall Windows 7 still has a market share of around 25%. Windows 7 will keep working, since that’s the subject of the article, so no need to panic. This simple two-digit programming “bug” was the most expensive peacetime catastrophe in modern history. As vulnerabilities are discovered, they’re patched. i`m gonna stick to win 7 until MBAM tells me i should switch. Malwarebytes, Bit Defender, VPN and a router with firewall (I don’t use wireless, I don’t need it) can’t protect me? It can be hard to recognize when the universe is giving you signs. "The universe nudges you in directions to get you there, but often we ignore it," she says. The old cars have more weight (density) and certainly will win in a standoff with MOST of the lighter cars today. You'll be honest with yourself about what you want and what you don't want. I am not computer smart ,I have PC Matic does that take care of my windows 7. Your article seems to support my view. It seems in retrospect that the changes/improvements of products and operating systems and devices were designed to render one’s ability to use the system i you did not buy it or “upgrade”. And you can run anywhere, in virtually any climate. You may very well be able to keep using Windows 7 safely, just as a small number of people continue to use Windows XP to this day. never a glitch or problem…nothing but smooth sailing for three years +. She didn’t count on the fact that they’d still be using the same software in 20 years. Never mind the loss of what I’d been working on since the last save, the fact that often there is no indication whatsoever as to the cause of the problem (yes, I know there’s an error code but it is never specific) means all you can do is reboot and cross your fingers. You keep dating the same type of people who are all wrong for you. She says we're "co-writing the story of our lives" and it's a dance between what our ego wants and what we're meant to learn and have. I only use Chrome, as soon as my computer turns on I click on that, so do I need to worry? The undertone I get sometimes is “Hey, get out of your comfort zone and get with the times like the rest of us”. I like the way you can pause and resume file copies. Find out definition is - to learn by study, observation, or search : discover. It is without a doubt the slowest piece of krap i have ever wasted money on. My mother’s computer has just crashed (she is 88 years old). You should be able to upgrade, in most cases, for free. Make sure you administrator account is enabled. I’ve seen them on sale for upwards of $50,000 and another example used here, a ’57 Chevy, is even more expensive. It’s just hard for me to believe that if you do what you already should be doing as this article suggests that the risk is that great. I told them about it and they patched that vulnerability. I am afraid Microsoft is wasting lots of computers in many ordinary households with W10, and people are just forgetting how fast and easily a computer can work…. "It's a strange, subtle energy but 'The One' shows up when we really understand who we need.". This is a closed system, does its job without the Internet or social media direct interface. For some purposes it may be enough to just disconnect from the source of most malware, the internet, except when updating security software. Glad to hear it. If you keep running into the same over person and over again, or your family and friends keep mentioning them to you, pay attention. I just know I’ve had more BSODs with 10 than I had with all the other versions of Windows put together. I keep the outdoors away from the inside. Support for Windows 7 from a device driver standpoint is drying up as I recently found out when I tried to reinstall on an older Acer. Does this mean 10 is a dumpster fire not capable of redeeming itself? me, i fall into the “old fart” class. When you're ready to meet "The One," there'll be a shift within you. Anyhow, should my W7 become unusable, I’ll switch to Linux, probably Mint. It answers this exact question. I think both the backups and limited use ideas are worth implementing. Another source of malware can be external physical media, infected flash or external drives or optical media. Tweet Running is a beautiful sport because of it’s simplicity. An original Mustang would probably cost you as much as a Tesla. "We can only get these Ones if we are being absolutely, hardcore, 100 percent honest with ourselves," she says. 5 The good news is that the advice in this article applies similarly to all unsupported OSes. I never go on the internet with it. It’s relatively safe to keep on using Windows 7 but staying behind a NAT router doesn’t offer complete protection against vulnerability exploits. No (at least IMO). I’d never seriously looked at Macs but an i7 with 16GB of ram and a 1TB SSD costs $2,200? Mr. N advised me to use it when i first got a computer and i have been completely happy with it. My only problem with *nix, i didnt find a proper desktop email client yet. Similarly with computers. I think that there are other security updates provided by Microsoft with a supported system, patches and such like which fix possible weaknesses that can be exploited by malware. run on my system, thats just the way it is. I appreciate your assurance. On my A cer Aspire 5310, the upgraded W7pro tó W10pro built 10240 works well, but it’s imposible to update It, because the frozen of matherboard on installing phase(when I have tó select the language of claviature) Is’t any solution for this? I'll make it through, follow - Microsoft has made many mistakes but I don’t see anything nefarious with their OS update policies. I had a bit of a run-in with the folk at the local computer shop regarding this issue. Pragmatically, that’s true for any software you run: at some point, Windows 7 support will be dropped, and you’ll need to either find an alternative, stop using that software, or upgrade to a supported version of Windows. When the universe is trying to hook you up with "The One," couples therapist, Alisha Powell, PhD, tells Bustle, you'll finally feel at peace with yourself. Clas of 56, To be honest, there’s nothing really new or special you need to do to use Windows 7 beyond its support window. It doesn’t even have a security system on it anymore so as not to suck up CPU when recording. You don’t need a team. MBAM tells me i`m safe using win 7 with their protection.