Both names are modern forms of the Germanic Chlothar (which is a blended form of Hlūdaz, meaning "fame", and Harjaz, meaning "army"),[1][2] Hlothar or Lothaire. Dylan Schombing. After Callan's mother died in birthing him his father Anduin Lothar … Scheduled maintenance to the Archive servers may result in missing emails for the next few days. Prince Varian Wrynn is the current Prince of Stormwind. Khadgar can handle his alcohol just fine, until he can't. Sam and Dean Winchester didn't think they'd live this long, and now it's time to start thinking about the future. Due to this, we have temporarily disabled the invitation queue and account creation. Khadgar & Anduin Lothar; Khadgar/Anduin Lothar; Anduin Lothar/Cally Lothar; Anduin Lothar; Khadgar; Llane Wrynn; Medivh; Garona Halforcen; Cally Lothar; Pre-Slash; Drabble-ish format; Second POV; Third POV; Angst; LionTrust; Summary. =). [1] People with this name include:, Pages using sidebar with the child parameter, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, ^indicates a given name article above (surname may have alternate derivations), Marina Lotar, professional name of Bellis, This page was last edited on 14 February 2020, at 11:54.

Still, you wake up, drink your water, and then hold Azeroth through sheer force of will.

Cally Lothar was the wife of Anduin Lothar, who died in Stormwind barracks living quarters while giving birth to their son, Callan during the reign of King Wrynn. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. WW2 ETO infantry AU. It isn't long until the Kirin Tor kicks him out on the basis of being a liability. Lotar is German, Norwegian, Polish, and Swedish masculine given name that is a modern form of the Germanic Chlothar (which is a blended form of Hlūdaz and Harjaz). I'm hoping this kick starts my writing again and I can get back into the swing of things! Lothar was loath to leave anything of his house as proof, but felt that his lady wife would be displeased with him should he ignore his duty as Tanyth's forebearer." The major magical malfunction leaves the budding mage Khadgar permanently wounded. You must login to create and manage your collections. Lothar is Danish, Finnish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish masculine given name, while Lothár is Hungarian masculine given name. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled.

( Log Out /  The world has ended. A re-write of GoT canon from the time John becomes Lord Commander to accommodate him having a relationship with Tormund.