I don’t mean that it has to finish with everyone living happily ever after, the mystery completely solved or the long lost lovers reunited at last. The extension of the novel allows the plot to be developed widely, giving space to complex situations. There are four types of point of view: first person, second person, third person omniscient and third person limited. By using this website or by closing this dialog you agree with the conditions described, The most important characteristics of the novel, Brooklin College. For example, historical novels use the narration of real historical facts but nuanced by fictional characters and events. I do enjoy short, concise sentences (e.g. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The size and complexity of many novels, makes it necessary to publish independently. If you get part way through the book and you wonder why the publisher classed it as a romance, or whether the front cover illustration actually bears any relation whatsoever to the story, then this takes away from the overall effect. Her work has been published in several newspapers, magazines, online and most recently in an inspirational book as a contributor. Required fields are marked *. According to research done by National Center for Education Statistics in 2003, 32 percent of Americans read books on a daily basis, while 38 percent read books on a weekly basis. I want some drama, some surprises, something to keep me reading. The author creates a story that is believable, or at least relatable to true events, feelings or actions. The author may not go into long detailed descriptions of what each character looks like, but they give you enough – a few key, well-chosen words that conjure them up as real flesh and blood.

An example of this is the books of the saga of Harry Potter where each one of the novels was longer than the previous one. Plot is an essential characteristic of all novels. A good novel has all the aspects and characteristics of a good book that will entertain you.

Wimmer, J. In reality, it depends on the ability of the author to give each fact and each character the necessary depth in the development of it. It is more a matter of the writer, having chosen a language style that works for that particular narrative, sticking to it, and using it well. Third person omniscient allows the reader inside the heads of all characters involved. After reading over a million words from the best literature, I have come to appreciate what makes a good book great is not by accident or luck. In contrast, the science fiction novel , create future societies based on orders and technologies that do not exist. However, in general, the range is considered to be between 60,000 and 200,000 words. The length of novels is one of the most debated features within the literary field. First person is written from the main character’s perspective. It has to engage me as a reader, and make me interested to know what happens next, or what happened, or what might happen.