Or even on a stage around two tables, with power points, white boards, and, so esteemed by some facilitators, a “post-it” graffiti wall of sayings and member contributions. Herod & Augustus: (even more angrily) Oh yes we are!! Matthew: So the story of the birth of Jesus. But I hatched a plan to snuff out that little life by telling them to come back and tell me where he was so that I could go there and give him what he deserved as well. Jesus is Lord and King! Matthew: Absolutely Luke! 1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”. The Jesus Seminar would be rendered boring, fuddy-duddy. 4 When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Christ was to be born. He takes the child and his mother and brings them not to the land of Israel, but to Galilee, in the north where Archelaus, a nasty son of Herod, had no jurisdiction. Yes, you’re extremely fortunate to have me with you this morning and I’m really chuffed that you invited me! Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus might be the first one we read in the New Testament, but it was not the first to have been written. The attentive reader remembers how another Joseph who dreamed also went down to Egypt (Genesis 39:1). These same people who make such apologies for the contradictions in the bible would never let Muslims get away with doing the same thing. Assyria and then Babylon destroy the two nations and takes its survivors into exile. Matthew: And there are bound to be some bits that you missed out, Luke, and that I can make sure that everyone knows about! Luke: Well done Matthew! This is impossible. Jesus has begun the defeat of our evil. Is there any sense in returning to Judaism? . And during this, can Luke’s Shepherds and Angels go and sit down and let’s have my wise men – plus any Herods that we have here this morning – up here on the platform. Christian apologists do incredible mental gymnastics when trying to explain who the “prophets” were that Jesus would come from Nazareth. The senseless census is not recorded in history. Ian Paul: theologian, author, speaker, academic consultant. To make a one-off or repeat donation to support the blog, use PayPal with the button below: I consent to the use of my information provided so I can receive email updates. Before the High Priest and his Council, Peter says, ‘The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree’ (Acts 5:30). In the letters of Paul, the earliest New Testament writings, there is a single reference to the birth of Jesus Christ. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. Matthew claims Herod killed all boys near Bethlehem who were 2 or under. They do not know where he is to be born and so they ask for directions. In the second part (2:16-18), Herod attempts to kill the child whom the wise men had worshipped. Matthew: Well as we finish let’s sing two more Carols now with all of those in costume coming up to the platform as we do so…, Carols: Away in a Manger and See him lying on a bed of straw. And how that baby leapt for joy causing Mary to then sing the most wonderful song of praise to God about all of these events showing his determination to put the world right. That’s why I take titles that Augustus used like Saviour and Lord and give them to Jesus instead!