The pair work well as just that - a pair. It works as an action movie, but if you're looking for loyalty to the book, it will sting. While it makes Cavendish's brother seem truly cruel, the comic effect is worth the change. Thanks for the review :o). Ewing saves Autua by bashing Dr. He also rescues himself by hiding in the back of the Range Rover. It is an emotionally resonant piece of work with humanity at its heart. Good or Bad? Minimal for the story, massive for the meaning. They do a superb job of taking the film-unfriendly structure of the book and shaping it into something much more cinematic. If it sounds broad it's because Cloud Atlas isn't an easy book to summarize. In the Book: At the end of the story, Cavendish returns home to find his book has been optioned for a film and he's fabulously rich. Cloud Atlas Book vs Movie Add A Difference . They could have reigned it in a little, eschewed some of the schmaltz, and the film would have been better for it. The Wachowski siblings and Tom Tykwer accepted the challenge, working with author David Mitchell to turn his complicated prose into stunning cinema. How Different Is It? Oktober 2012 in den US-… Good or Bad? How Different Is It? How Different Is It? In the Movie: Eva does not exist, and most details of her story are missing. patience, they are both thought-provoking and stunning to behold. It was always hard to imagine how the book could be adapted to film, and I'm intrigued to see it. It is hard to enjoy something, after all, that just flies over your head. The Media Action Network for Asian Americans has lambasted the filmmakers for using Caucasian actors to portray people of Asian descent, saying the choice is tantamount to yellowface. For my friend and me, being in that theatre with the eight other people who were not there to see Twilight or Skyfall, (Javier Bardem and Daniel Craig's abs, Ima get to you later) it was an important film, and also importantly, an entertaining film that we will be speaking and thinking about long after the feeling returns to the asses we forgot we even had. While the plot is changed, the end result does not. Hit and miss. He wrote in the New York Times: ...[the directors'] plan to foreground the novel’s “transmigrating souls” motif by having actors perform multiple roles (each role being a sort of way station on that soul’s karmic journey) struck me as ingenious. Good or Bad? How Different Is It? The intention is to talk about things that are beyond race. I think Tom Twyker and the Wachowskis did yeoman service in adapting the book; it was one of those works said to be impossible to adapt. Unrelated, but related, the unauthorized movie, "Nina" currently being filmed is taking some similar heat (replace blackcake for yellowcake) for casting a "not-black enough" woman (Zoe Saldana) in the role of Nina; saying Saldana does not meet Simone's phenotype. Good or Bad? In the Movie: The discussion does not occur, but Sixsmith does show Rey a photo of his niece. It's one of the cooler ideas presented in the book and would have made for some good jabs at mega stores like Starbucks and McDonald's. In the Movie: Horrox appears at the beginning of Ewing's story and is the man with whom Ewing is inking a slave trade agreement on behalf of his stepfather. In the Book: Hae-Joo Im is an adept spy for Union and Chang is a driver/bodyguard for Mephi. Fine. Mixed. If you went into the film knowing nothing, it would probably be a jarring experience that would leave most viewers baffled. Looking forward to finishing the book this week. 2. The race hierarchy theory is spoken by Horrox, but credit is given to Ewing's stepfather. Cloud Atlas - Book vs Film - The Book The book is slightly difficult to get into there are 6 stories which we need to become familiar with before we can start to get in to the book as a whole. In the Book: Various characters keep the flaws of the nuclear reactor covered up because Seaboard would lose a lot of money if the reactor was shut down. Good or Bad? (It's a pretty sizeable part of her story, so this is just the gist of it.). How Different Is It? The few I've heard have been, "That sucked!". I'm almost through chapter 2 now (the Ayrs stuff) and that's been going by just fine. Again, mixed. Great. Other characters are distracting not so much due to egregious performances as bad makeup jobs. I had tried a few times earlier to read the book but never got beyond the first chapter since it was so boring. Decent. Good or Bad? Goose pins him and strangles him. The book doesn't really focus on physical descriptions of the characters, so it could be a drastic change. Good or Bad? In: Book Versus Film; Cloud Atlas; David Mitchell; Film; Wachowskis; Stories cross mediums like clouds cross skies, an' tho' a cloud's shape nor hue nor size don't stay the same, it's still a cloud an' so is a story. In the Book: Sonmi gives this advice to Zachry: "Hands are burnin', let that rope not be cut. I thought the movie was insanely ambitious and a great experience. Good, because it gives Meronym a more pressing reason to risk her life to get up there. This, once again, serves to reinforce the inate connection between everyone. Even then, this is the story that changes the most from the books. So much more to the book. Even though they edited, changed, shuffled and condensed, they were true to Mitchell's vision. What the film manages to capture is sublime. The book spans our past, present and future with six different storylines that are connected in some way as each person's soul continues to move through time. In the Movie: Cavendish calls his brother and speaks to him, at which point his brother explains that his imprisonment at Aurora House is revenge for sleeping with his wife. In the Book: Vyvyan Ayrs has a daughter, Eva, whom Frobisher at first loathes, but eventually falls in love with. What Mitchell has managed to achieve with this book is nothing short of miraculous. The latter drives Sonmi-451 around. I'd just add that the film also stays true to the book's sense of fun and bold inventiveness. Very good. The story basically jumps directly to the second half. Rafael is arguably the least interesting part of the least interesting story in the book, so he's not really missed in the movie. In case you have been living on Mars for the last few weeks, this is a fairly straight-forward plot. Union is not made up, but it wants Sonmi-451 captured in the end because her going public is the only way to truly get the word out. However, Tom Tykwer and Andy and Lana Wachowski didn't let a little thing like complexity stop them adapting it onto the big screen. Adapting anything is not an easy feat, never mind a sweeping saga such as Cloud Atlas (shit, I can barely adapt a recipe...). Another character missing. In the Movie: Grimaldi doesn't exist. Hands are bleedin', don't let go. Goose has stolen everything from Ewing, Autua saves him by forcing him to drink seawater and carrying him to a nunnery where he is cared for. I have only seen 3 book to movies that were worthy, and that was because the books were very short and the screenwriter stuck VERY close....The Shootist, Portnoy's Complaint and The Princess Bride. The Wachowskis are not the subtlest of filmmakers, although I'm not sure a more restrained director would have made a better film. Even if you find their creative choice insensitive, there's no doubt the Wachowskis' hearts are in the right place. In the Book: Zachry and Meronym escape the Kona conquest of the island by sailing to another island. In the Movie: Meronym believes that she can contact the humans who left Earth by reaching the machines at the top of the mountain. I could do without the hammering the themes at the end but oh well. This Spoils the Ending In the Book: In the Movie: No Differences have been entered. 24. MTV AND ALL RELATED TITLES AND LOGOS ARE TRADEMARKS OF VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC, The 27 Changes Between 'Cloud Atlas': Book and Movie. Definitely bad. His short fiction has been published by Vice, Vol. This one is very good. How Different Is It? Good or Bad? The book is really 6 stories...each of which could be a separate movie, therefore the screenwriters had to snick out just a small bit from each storyline to present their reincarnation story. from New York is reading, Behold! Instead of Autua repaying his debt to Ewing for speaking up for him on the ship, he is once again saved by Ewing. Good or Bad? Bad.It takes the surprise punch out of his rousing speech and the surprise joke out of him popping up in the back of the Range Rover.