It is this calm weather that allows researchers and scientists to the ice core samples in this area. That is the coldest weather temperature ever reliably recorded on Earth to date. The temperature at an elevation of 279 feet was an extremely cold, -72.6. The building in the background with the red- and white-striped ball on top is the meteorology building. 'Starman' just zipped past Mars in his rapidly-decaying Tesla Roadster. She was married to Tim for 18 years. (Image: © Todd Sowers, LDEO, Columbia University). Popular The town’s newspaper reported a four-car pile-up as a result, and the record low at Prospect Creek dominated the front page alongside such minor newsmakers as Vietnam and Charles Manson. To people in other places, who speak other languages, some of these phrases can sound absurd. New York, July 8, 2019, 3:00 pm, by OMG Cute Of all the research stations in the world, this one has the second most southern location. This station was built in December 1965 and in 1966, the first team arrived. The United States’ all-time record lowest temperature is about where you’d expect it to be: Alaska, the now mostly-abandoned settlement of Prospect Creek, where it got down to -62.2oC one fine January morning in 1971. We wonder what they’d have thought had they known the worst was yet to come…, It’s like the weather gods roused themselves to look at Vostok Station’s paltry record of -89.2C long enough to scoff and say “know what? January is usually the coldest month with an average temperature of -22 degrees. You will receive a verification email shortly. They were wrong. Cry It is also the site of one of the coldest days on record. The furthers south is the Amundsen-Scoot South Pole Station. WTF Scientists discover new organ in the throat, These could be the funniest animal pictures ever, 1st-ever footage of giant pandas mating in the wild is not 'cute and cuddly', Black holes could become massive particle accelerators, Artemis Accords: Why many countries are refusing to sign moon exploration agreement, 24 million-year-old nursery for baby megasharks discovered in South Carolina. It is too cold there to rain, therefore, the only precipitation that this area gets is snow. They found that relatively warm air that normally flows over the Southern Ocean onto the high Antarctic plateau almost came to a halt during this period. Facts Verse On July 20, 1983, in the city of Glendive in Dawson County, Montana, the temperature dropped to -70 again. LOL A new record of -94.7C recorded in eastern Antarctica in August of 2010, but only reported last month. April 10, 2019, 1:36 pm, by The joke was, the scientists couldn’t celebrate, since all the alcohol they had was frozen at the bottom of their thermometers, but it’s doubtful anyone actually IN Snag at the time thought it was funny. This wasn’t the only time that the temperatures dropped this low. Love To this day, this little village still holds the European record low temperature. Canada is a cold country. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Alaska is on this list since it is the coldest state in the United States. There was a problem. A little over 9 years later, the record was almost broken again in the same region with a temperature of -90 degrees. As such, we know very little about it -- to the point where the ice sheet covers a massive canyon 750 km and more than 800 m deep in some places, and we didn’t even know about until a few years ago. LOL We can’t help but imagine the two towns locked in an enduring rivalry over who’s REALLY the coldest, with many a dagger-glare exchanged between citizens of either community passing each other on the backroads of the Siberian wastes. Coldest temperature ever recorded polar vortex 2019 the coldest weather top ten coldest temperature records what is the coldest place on earth lowest temperatures records for every Coldest Places On Earth Here S A Look At Some Of The Minimum Temperatures Ever Recorded Around World Economic TimesIt S Almost Like Another Pla Coldest Temperature On… Read More » Turner and his colleagues think that the same combination of circumstances lasting over a longer period of time could make the thermometer at Vostok dip even further, down to minus 141 F (-96 C). Hot 10 COLDEST Recorded Temperatures On EARTH! April 5, 2019, 8:17 pm, Trending The hardy souls of the British North Greenland Expedition in the 1950s recorded a temperature of -66.1oC at their base in northern Greenland, a home-ruled Danish territory that is technically a part of North America. Hot The research station is located in inland Princess Elizabeth Land, Antarctica. The average temperature in this area is -80 degrees. Unless you have the original blueprints, you won’t know if there are hidden rooms or passageways that have been sealed up for years. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons. Popular JUST A (VERY) LARGE KITTY GOING FOR A CASUAL STROLL ACROSS THE STREET, Blue Moon to make Halloween extra spooky this year, El Niño to impact Canadian winter, here's what it brings, Five awful things extreme cold does to the human body, Five amazing night sky events for winter stargazers, Brighten up a dull winter with these gardening tricks,, frozen at the bottom of their thermometers, and we didn’t even know about until a few years ago, December 1, 2019, 8:04 pm, Trending The average temperature in this area at this time is very cold, typically around -76 degrees. Unfortunately, it wasn’t recognized by the Guinness World Records because the temperature was not recorded on the ground. A flow of cold air circling Vostok was preventing the mixing of this warmer air from lower latitudes, isolating the station and causing near optimum cooling conditions. As terribly cold as that is, you won’t find it in the Guinness Book of World Records – Apparently it doesn’t count, since it was measured using satellite data, not a regular thermometer (which we think is a dubious bar to entry ourselves). French and, later, American scientists began to participate in coring activities at the site. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Although Verkhoyansk isn’t the coldest place on the planet, it is one of the top ones. The extreme cold temperatures are likely to blame. And it came just a hair’s breadth away from surpassing the all-time record for the coldest day in mainland North America – set just a few kilometres away beyond Alaska’s eastern border. As we plunge deeper into the historic deep freeze, of course we find ourselves in Antarctica. As the day wore on, temperatures climbed to a nice, comfy -48.9oC. © 2020 The Weather Network Pelmorex Weather Networks. During the southern hemisphere winter of 1983, temperatures at Russia's Vostok research station in Antarctica plunged to a frighteningly cold minus 128.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 54 degrees colder than the winter average there and the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth. On January 20, 1954, the residents of Rogers Pass, Montana had to deal with one of the coldest days ever recorded. Angry, by On this day in Alaska, that wasn’t the case. Contrary to popular belief, the military airfield was not closed down due to the extreme cold. […] More, Arlene Nickless Arlene Nickless’s husband Tim died suddenly, leaving her family devastated. February 11, 2020, 7:14 pm, Trending They also dual-wield the scepter of being the northern Pole of Cold (Oymyakon even built one as a monument, down below). Their homes are built on deep underground stilts, although construction workers have to stop work when it gets down to -50oC, when metal becomes too brittle to work with. During the long, dark Antarctica winter … The Vostok site in Antarctica initially was chosen by the Soviet Union for research aimed at drilling deep into ancient ice. That’s more than five degrees colder than Vostok Station was. This extremely low temperature was recorded back in 1924. This record low was recorded at the Vostok in Antarctica on July 21, 1983. OMG Cry The base was in use until January 1969 when it was closed down. Lucky for the airmen, scientists and local inhabitants, it didn’t stay that cold. Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons. The role of a linebacker is protection. Arguably the coldest, in terms of average temperature, so we really shouldn't be surprised when the temperatures plummet to -30oC or below, as will happen somewhere in our country this winter. Much of the north and interior is uninhabited, and buried beneath thick ice. Worth noting as well: When scientists are doing actual outdoor research in those conditions (as in, not streaking), they wear a breather than draws air into their suits through a sleeve, to be warmed by body heat before it reaches the lungs.