"[9] Besides, the title Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has several layers of meanings. Sources et légende : version française (VF) sur Voxofilm[2]. Perhaps she recognized that her training and potential as a warrior could never be fully realized with him. Les combats ne sont pas de simples échanges de coups, mais une façon pour les personnages d'exprimer la singularité de leur situation et de leurs sentiments. Jen had, in fact, been the apprentice of Jade Fox, learning Wudang techniques from her, but Jade Fox quickly realizes that Jen had read the Wudang scriptures that Jade Fox, illiterate, had stolen, and surpassed the master in skill. You can stay near Mount Cangyan if you prefer; there’s a hotel right at the base of the mountain. In 2016, it was voted the 35th-best film of the 21st century as picked by 177 film critics from around the world. Rien n'est blanc ou noir, tout est nuance et se veut initiatique », « le dragon caché, rebelle et séduisante, créatrice et séductrice à la fois. When Jen and Shu Lien come to blows, Shu Lien, the more experienced fighter, is forced to repeatedly retrieve new weapons to replace those destroyed by Jen’s sword. I asked my driver to wait about 2.5 hours and told him I would pay him ¥175 directly, and he accepted. She. À la suite du succès du film, une série télévisée taïwanaise reprenant l'intrigue des romans de Wang Dulu est produite en 2001[67]. Desson Howe, du Washington Post, souligne les rebondissements « magnifiquement imprévisibles » du scénario, « la grâce et la puissance » des personnages et « la chorégraphie aérienne » des combats qui en font « le film le plus merveilleux de l'année au niveau visuel »[32]. Soon after, Mu Bai arrives in Beijing and discusses the theft with Shu Lien. The 2000 movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, directed by Ang Lee, was a surprise international hit. Such is the intimacy between the two that toward the end of the film, Jen starts referring to Shu Lien as “sister.”. Cette envie de liberté conduit ces deux femmes à des actions qui menacent la position de supériorité masculine en place dans la société[56]. Shu Lien feels obligated to suppress her feelings for Li Mu Bai in memory of her deceased fiancé, Li Mu Bai’s brother. I’m tempted to say that if Gladiator hadn’t stepped in to take Best Picture from it that Crouching Tiger just might have won, but that may be wishful thinking. Dans la Chine du début du XVIIIe siècle, Li Mu Bai est un virtuose des arts martiaux. “I knew she would intrigue you,” Shu Lien says to Li Mu Bai, with a tinge of jealousy, as they discuss Jen. Wang Du Lu’s series, collectively called the Crane-Iron Pentalogy, were published in the 1930s and follow the exploits of a number of martial arts heroes in China. That's never happened before in my life. The name of the film is taken from a Chinese idiom which describes a place or situation full of unnoticed masters. To return to her family would be to forfeit her say in who she loved. Sir Te's servant Master Bo and Shu Lien trace the theft to Governor Yu's compound, where Jade Fox had been posing as Jen's governess for many years. Also doubles, The first couple don't get together, the second do. [17], Although its Academy Award was presented to China, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was in fact an international co-production between companies in four regions: the Chinese company China Film Co-Production Corporation; the American companies Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia, Sony Pictures Classics, and Good Machine; the Hong Kong company EDKO Film; and the Taiwanese Zoom Hunt International Productions Company, Ltd; as well as the unspecified United China Vision, and Asia Union Film and Entertainment Ltd., created solely for this film. After his death, a heartbroken Shu Lien, having let the love of her life slip through her fingers, approaches Jen: Shu Lien: Now you must go to Wudan Mountain. Internationally, the film took in an additional $85,446,864 in box-office business for a combined worldwide total of $213,525,736. Il a connu, grâce à ses scènes de combats spectaculaires chorégraphiées par Yuen Woo-ping et à son intrigue mélodramatique qui dépasse le simple cadre du film d'arts martiaux, un grand succès commercial et critique. Il maîtrise tous les aspects d'une scène, le montage, le rythme, les mouvements de caméra. All of it is simply a state of mind.Jen: Stop talking like a monk! Shu Lien is the superior fighter, but Jen wields the Green Destiny: the sword destroys each weapon that Shu Lien wields, until Shu Lien finally manages to defeat Jen with a broken sword. Plus nuancé, Pascal Mérigeau, du Nouvel Observateur, « attend les scènes d'action avec délectation et gourmandise, car le reste semble souvent bien long ». Grâce à la qualité exceptionnelle de son épée, Jiao Long tient longtemps Shu Lien en échec avant de la blesser et de s'enfuir. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was very well received in the Western world, receiving numerous awards. Nearby, Shu Lien and Mu Bai convince Lo to wait for Jen at Mount Wudang, where he will be safe from Jen's family, who are furious with him. Tan Dun s'applique à écrire une musique représentant les diverses influences culturelles du film et mélange donc la musique orchestrale occidentale aux instruments traditionnels chinois, Yo-Yo Ma étant chargé d'assurer le lien entre les deux styles[17]. As Li Mu Bai says in one long overdue intimate moment with Shu Lien: There’s nothing we can hold onto in this world. The whole trip can take between 1.5 hours bare minimum to the whole day, maximum. Lo came to Beijing to persuade Jen not to go through with her arranged marriage. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Film/CrouchingTigerHiddenDragon. Her invocation of the young man, who in the legend sacrifices himself because of circumstances beyond his control to save his ailing parents, seems almost spiteful. Au sein de la francophonie, il attire dans les salles de cinéma 1 825 687 spectateurs en France[23], 377 427 au Québec, 162 279 en Suisse et 98 055 en Belgique. It’s for that reason that the Taiwanese-American director’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon seems like some sort of miracle: A lavish kung fu period piece, set in a period about which most American moviegoers are totally ignorant, subtitled, entirely starring an Asian cast that somehow nabbed a Best Picture nomination. With Shu Lien’s entreaty hanging over her, Jen reunites with Lo one last time and tearfully makes love to him, before leaving behind her comb. Both Jen and Shu Lien are talented female fighters living in a society that minimizes their ability. During Jen’s rampage at the inn, each of the fighters watch helplessly as the Green Destiny splits their weapons into pieces. En France, l'accueil critique a été enthousiaste, le film obtenant une moyenne de 4,8 étoiles sur 5 pour les critiques de la presse sur le site Allociné[36]. Jen’s dramatic leap is more of a gentle glide, and her face remains calm and impassive as the clouds slowly subsume her body. La mort de certains des personnages principaux semble réaffirmer la structure patriarcale de la société. Shortly before the film’s end, a devastated Shu Lien, having failed to act on her feelings for Li Mu Bai before his death, exhorts Jen to be true to herself. La série est publiée en France par Tonkam à partir de 2004 mais est interrompue au bout de 8 tomes[73]. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon is a story of stifled possibility, of lives lived with unrealized potential, where masters are forced to hide in plain sight to avoid the scrutiny of a society that rejects their desires. Now, free of her family, lover, and masters, she roams the countryside as a warrior, living out the fantasy she described to Shu Lien in an earlier conversation: Jen: It must be exciting to be a fighter, to be totally free!Shu Lien: Fighters have rules too: friendship, trust, integrity. Having relinquished both sword and comb, Jen leaps from Wudan Mountain, away from the physical world forever. Li Mu Bai himself warns that without guidance, Jen could become a "poison dragon". Il a remporté de nombreuses récompenses, dont quatre Oscars, quatre BAFTA Awards et deux Golden Globes, et a relancé l'intérêt pour le genre cinématographique du wuxiapian. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (simplified Chinese: 卧虎藏龙; traditional Chinese: 臥虎藏龍; pinyin: Wò hǔ cáng lóng) is a 2000 wuxia film directed by Ang Lee and written by Wang Hui-ling, James Schamus and Kuo Jung Tsai, based on the Chinese novel by Wang Dulu. When one of the fighters, recognizing Li Mu Bai’s sword in her hand, asks if she is related to the great fighter, she lies and says that he is her defeated foe. Despite Li Mu Bai’s clear feelings for Shu Lien, the budding master-apprentice relationship between him and Jen is fraught with emotion, and at times is even romantic. It was the first wuxia film to gain widespread Western acclaim; it won many awards, including four Oscars, and opened the wuxia genre to huge new audiences. The path to the top of the mountain was just to the right of the booth, so I headed up that way.