El Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza agradece el apoyo de sus patrocinadores: Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid. Waterloo Bridge, a masterpiece from André Derain’s Fauvist period, belongs to a group of works painted in London, commissioned by Ambroise Vollard. In this work, the main pictorial motif is Waterloo Bridge as seen from the Victoria Embankment; the horizontal line of the bridge—painted in bright blue—serves as the horizon for the composition. André Derain, Charing Cross Bridge, London, 1906, oil on canvas, National Gallery of Art, Washington, John Hay Whitney Collection. Reserve your pass. In particular, the reproduction may not be superimposed with any other images or text. If the image is reproduced the user must send two free copies of the publication to the Rights Reproduction Department of the Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza. Closed. This work is typical of the Fauvist style, which Derain developed alongside Henri Matisse, featuring vibrant and unblended colors. They should be addressed to: Photographic Archive, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Paseo del Prado 8, 28014 Madrid, Spain. educativos (la utilización no comercial de las imágenes His manner of translating these views of London into an expressive explosion of colour is closer to Turner’s Venetian scenes than to Monet’s London paintings. Use for educational purposes is defined as the non-commercial and non-advertising use of images in presentations, lectures, school or university projects, and academic or research publications of which no more than 1,000 not-for-profit copies are printed. requerirá un mínimo de seis semanas para estar listo. Influenced by Signac’s painting, Derain applies pure colours straight from the tube to a canvas with a white ground, dabbing it with thick, square dots that give the picture surface the appearance of a mosaic. If the image is to be reproduced, the work must be reproduced in full. The pointillist technique and the use of pure colours give the surface a mosaic-like appearance. LAURENCE SALVATOR has uploaded 16 photos to Flickr. From Erich Lessing Culture and Fine Arts Archive, André Derain, Charing Cross Bridge, London (1906), Oil on canvas, 81 × 100 in In the present work Derain uses the pointillist technique he had employed since staying with Matisse in summer 1905 at Collioure, where he had begun to attach greater importance to expressing emotions. Derain, enthralled by London’s atmosphere, painted thirty or so spectacular views of the banks of the Thames, producing a Fauvist rendering of the same subject matter, though far removed from Monet in both style and spirit. Andre-Derain, London-Bridge, (1906)-1. In Spain, copyrights are managed by an independent body called the Visual Entidad de Gestion de Artistas Plásticas (VEGAP). de mayor calidad de las disponibles a través de la web This scene was painted when Derain visited London and captured similar subjects to those Monet had famously painted just a few years previously, though Derain’s color palette and perspective on the scenes contrast sharply with the impressionist master’s work.
Andre Derain London Bridge 5 May 2017 Horizon. 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. daily, East Building ([email protected]). The material may not be reproduced without first obtaining a licence from VEGAP (described in paragraph 6).

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The Parisian dealer, who had a keen interest in Derain’s work and had purchased his entire output in November 1905, sent the artist to London on three occasions between March 1906 and February 1907 to repeat Claude Monet’s earlier experience in his series on the river Thames, which was presented in Paris in 1904.
su Colección Permanente, así como de las obras de la Waterloo Bridge is one of the series of canvases Derain painted in London for the art dealer Ambroise Vollard. West Building Andre Derain London Bridge. Para solicitar imágenes o permisos con fines Andre Derain London Bridge - essay example for free Newyorkessays - database with more than 65000 college essays for studying 】 Free Essays; Topics; Essay Checker; Hire Writer; Login; Free essay samples. Derain was sent to London by his art dealer Vollard to paint a series of London landscapes meant to rival Monet's. The explosion of yellows, pinks and golds from the sun that is concealed from the viewer’s sight is reflected in the cold waters, where a golden gleam interrupts the continuous mosaic of greens and blues. alquiler de material fotográfico de todas las obras de On the advice of his friend Matisse, Derain had gone to see Turner’s pictures in the London museums, particularly his unfinished paintings such as The Thames above Waterloo Bridge and Norham Castle, which were shown for the first time at the Tate Gallery shortly before he arrived in the city. © 2020 National Gallery of Art   Notices   Terms of Use   Privacy Policy, Collection Highlights: East Building-English. reproducción. de Imágenes del museo However, all photographic images are protected by the author’s copyright.