If you are on the receiving end, make sure you are aware of your obligations.

Reversed: good times are on the way; don’t give up now.

Take the time to learn, improve skills and hone your abilities. ’t be held back by conventional expectations. Reversed: secrets are being withheld. — Upright: emotional loss, disappointment, hopes dashed. Love the world and the world will love you. You have found inspiration and now you have to put it into action. — Upright: a person who has come to terms with their emotional self. The long awaited Deviant Moon tarot app is here! ’t take action. Page of Wands — Upright: be adventurous! — Upright: focus, concentration and dedication are necessary if you are to succeed. Confident, independent person. A good life is not about material manifestation but about inner satisfaction.
Reversed: loss, fear, resistance to change, suffering. — Upright: a young (or young at heart) person who is not afraid to channel their emotions into their creativity. Learn from these experiences; it will stand you in good stead. Mathers assumed that if The Fool was placed before the I – The Magician card, the astronomical symbol presented in the guide book would perfectly correspond to the figure of the 22 Major Arcana cards.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'tarotx_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',105,'0','0'])); In the new order, card VIII will be assigned to the Lion zodiac and the card XI corresponds to the Libra zodiac. Don’t place limits on yourself.
Near the turn of the 19th century, a group of infertile women came together to end their collective despair. Reversed: those opportunities are slipping through your fingers, as is your cold, hard cash. Since this variation did not present any hint to the reader, there was no reason to explain it more. All those twisty, wormy, negative thoughts that visit you on a sleepless night. Reversed: The foundations are shaky. On the two wrists of this man, one side wears two bracelets, the other only wears one. Did you cause this? Strict, cruel and mean. Step boldly into a realm of magical adventure, with Mystical Manga Tarot! You will begin to understand that sharing your time, — Upright: Financial and social difficulties; you may need to seek help to survive. Alternatively, watch out for a brazen thief. — Upright: a charismatic individual, usually a leader or innovator. Reversed: you are unable to break free of the establishment. Deviant Moon Tarot. Watch out, you will be caught.

Seven of Wands — Upright: your character is being put to the test. I first discovered the Tarot at the age of nine. — Upright: your mind has been taken over by an obsession resulting in a loss of confidence. A student unwilling to put the effort in and do some research of their own. The High Priestess – Deviant Moon Tarot Deck. Ground yourself, eat properly and resume walking your path. Home › Trionfi Della Luna Collection. Set your vision free. Back to work on the oracle after a bit of a detour the past 2 months.

However, understand that you have to develop your skills in order to express your individuality. Reversed: poor retirement planning. Your enthusiasm is boundless but your patience has definite limits. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. Your burdens are heavy and you have too many responsibilities.

S/he knows that love can heal the world. You may not be using your imagination to create your life. You may have suffered a string of disappointments and feel the need to hide away from the world. If you are in need, then remember to express gratitude and do every thing you can to get back on your own two feet. Browse the Asylum for strange tarot decks, original artwork, and other oddities. You must weigh up all your options before taking an irreversible course. A sudden turn of fortune. — Upright: evaluate and adjust. Reversed: Stop worry about the past. Reversed: this is a warning to avoid becoming involved in someone.