How do we connect globally and share photos with each other?Once registered and you have completed your ride, there will be directions regarding uploading and sharing photos. DGR is a worldwide inclusive event raising funds for men's health. > Are you looking for Specialist UK Bike insurance - … Along with this, we will have a live map where riders can find photos shared across the world. 2020 is our year to prove how connected and caring we are. Cette année il n’y aura pas de ride à participation massive mais les pilotes seront encouragés à s’habiller en gentleman et à rouler par eux-mêmes en partageant avec nous les photos de votre ride ! The 2020 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride is not cancelled. PARTICIPEZ A LA COLLECTE DE FOND JUSQU’AU 11 OCTOBRE 2020 ET TENTEZ DE REMPORTER UNE TRIUMPH MODERN CLASSIC ! On the 27th of September - We Ride! Can I select any city or country even if there wasn’t previously a ride in my city?Yes, when registration is opened, you will have the opportunity to add your city or country if there is no specific ride in the dropdown list. Thank you for all your support in raising funds and awareness to help Movember continue the life-changing work they do! Is DGR for 2020 cancelled?No, this year’s event is not cancelled. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant . It has been a difficult year, but the show must go on! Please refer to our FAQ below for any specific questions relating to the event. You know why - you’ve hea... © 2020 The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride. This will be at your discretion. We will still be riding this year on Sunday the 27th of September, however, it will look a little different to what we're used to. Please ensure you observe our Safety Information regarding riding. How long should we be riding for?We recommend riding for no longer than 2 hours. 0 days to go until The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2020! Le DGR est un événement mondial caritatif et amusant, ayant pour but de soutenir un objectif clair; collecter des fonds pour la recherche contre le cancer de la prostate et sensibiliser à la santé mentale des hommes. Bien que le ride soit gratuit, le DGR a pour but de soulever des fonds essentiels pour soutenir les causes de la santé mentale et physique des hommes. It will, however, be taking place in an adjusted format. All riders will still be able to register to ride, select their country and city, fundraise for men’s health. Can I ride with my family if we live together?Yes, however only if restrictions in your local city or state permit you to ride together and you are ensuring all social distancing laws are being followed. This is about riding solo but together with riders around the world. Des motos classiques Triumph ont été donné au DGR comme lot de récompenses honorant ceux qui collectent le montant le plus élevé au niveau mondial. 100 % des fonds destinés à l’organisation caritative Movember sont collectés en ligne sur le site du DGR. Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2020 27 septembre 2020. I can’t ride on the day by myself? In partnership with Movember, we’re proud to announce a new $4.35M USD Mental Health Grants Fu... How many of you have gone and had a PSA test after learning about prostate cancer through DGR? The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride 2020 | Triumph Events Le dimanche 27 Septembre 2020 rouler pour une balade caritative. You are encouraged to Ride Solo either by yourself or with a pillion. Cependant nous encourageons l’ensemble des pilotes à s’habiller en gentleman et à rouler par eux-mêmes en partageant avec nous les photos de votre ride ! The 2020 ride will be a solo event to comply with all local social distancing restrictions. En raison des conditions sanitaires les places sont limitées. Triumph apprécie l’engagement des motards pour la cause et pour célébrer cela, va offrir d’exceptionnels prix récompensant les efforts de collecte de fonds. This year has proven just how resilient and connected our global community is. THE 2020 running of the annual Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) is having to adapt with a focus on solo or small group rides and social media updates. Riders will be encouraged to dress dapper and ride solo to comply with social distancing measures. Le dimanche 27 Septembre 2020 rouler pour une balade caritative. Do we still need to stick to city roads or can we go for a longer ride than a normal DGR event?The foundation of the event was built on riding through the heart of the city and it is very much encouraged to ride through slower city roads. 1. Announcing our wonderful winners of The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride 2020! On the 27th of September - We Ride! However, it will not be a mass-participation event. As always, we will be riding together on the same day, for the same cause. Rapprochez-vous de votre concession Triumph pour savoir si elle organise un ride restreint et rouler pour la bonne cause ! Cette année TRIUMPH METZ n’organisera pas de RIDE en raison de la crise sanitaire, et comme nous le demande l’association DGR. We will be riding but it will be solo. On the day of the ride, however, there will be no mass ride in your city. We are maintaining a consistent global message that there will be no mass-participation event - but just because we're not riding in groups doesn't mean we're not riding! My city is letting us ride in groups? 1er prix : Triumph Thruxton RS 2e prix : Triumph Bonneville Scrambler 1200 3e prix : Triumph Bonneville Speed Twin 4e prix : Triumph Bonneville T120 » Cette année TRIUMPH METZ n’organisera pas de RIDE … PARTICIPEZ A LA COLLECTE DE FOND JUSQU’AU 11 OCTOBRE 2020 ET TENTEZ DE REMPORTER UNE TRIUMPH MODERN CLASSIC ! Do we complete the previous year’s ride route or can we ride anywhere?There will be no defined route this year; it is at your own discretion to decide where you wish to ride. Riders will be encouraged to dress dapper and ride solo to comply with social distancing measures. The 2020 Distinguished Gentleman's Ride is not cancelled. This is our year to Ride Solo, Together. What does it mean to do a solo event?This will mean there are no mass participation events. Is it possible to complete this over the weekend?Yes, if you are unable to ride on Sunday 27th Sept 2020 it is no problem to complete the ride on Saturday 26th Sept 2020. 1er prix : Triumph Thruxton RS 2e prix : Triumph Bonneville Scrambler 1200 3e prix : Triumph Bonneville Speed Twin 4e prix : Triumph Bonneville T120 ». Can we still ride in groups?This year’s event is about riding solo but connecting globally. All rights reserved. However, it will not be a mass-participation event. The 2020 ride will be a solo event to comply with all local social distancing restrictions. Register. ... You’ve heard it time and time again, this is a strange year. We are not encouraging anyone to ride in groups or with multiple people. The global event brings together the motorcycle community and to support and raise funds for Movember, the men’s health charity. Socially distanced, but globally connected. Préparez votre plus belle tenue, votre plus beau sourire et partagez un momet unique !