2. Eva Perón (May 7, 1919 – July 26, 1952), former First Lady of Argentina, has been a consistent presence in popular culture in her homeland and internationally ever since… …   Wikipedia, Perón, Eva — ▪ Argentine leader in full  Eva Duarte de Perón , née  María Eva Duarte , byname  Evita  born May 7, 1919, Los Toldos, Arg. Eva Longoria Foundation. She was born in poverty in the rural village of Los Toldos, in the Pampas, as the youngest of five children. in the war-ravaged Old World disillusioned her. there, and Evita had died there, the mansion was razed by the military or without charge to National, Provincial or Municipal governments. “Evita constructed the Foundation rapidly, in the same way that she She Its name was later changed to the simpler Eva Perón Foundation. At first they insisted that it was because she was too young; but it was widely interpreted as an insult to the new First Lady. 4, 1946. Many people in Argentina today wish they could find the At first they insisted that it was because she was too young; but it was widely interpreted as an insult to the new First Lady. Contribute or collaborate by any means available to the realization The Eva Perón Foundation was a charitable foundation begun by Eva Perón, a prominent Argentine political leader, when she was the First Lady and Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina. official and one unofficial. I asked her, ‘And the money?’ It had funds of over three billion pesos, controlled $200 million on the exchange rate, employed over 14,000 workers, purchased 500,000 sewing machines, 400,000 pairs of shoes and 200,000 cooking pots for distribution annually and it had succeeded in building numerous new houses, schools, hospitals and orphanages. By the time of Evita's death in 1952, the popularity of the Foundation amongst her millions of followers had given her an aura of sainthood.[5]. [ Most of this article is based on the findings of N. Fraser and M. Navarro in their biography, "Evita: The Real Lives of Eva Perón" and the unpublished essay, "And the Money Kept Rolling Out: The Eva Perón Foundation and Social Welfare in Mid-Century Argentina," by G. Russell; submitted to the St. Peter's College Essay Prize, University of Oxford, 2006. She began to buy food and clothing with her Latinas are a rapidly growing group with extraordinary potential, yet they disproportionately lack educational opportunities and face economic challenges. “Of course,” Evita replied. ‘It is time,’ Evita declared, ‘for [real] social justice.’ [ N. Fraser and M. Navarro, "Evita: The Real Lives of Eva Perón", p. 116 ]. ', The chairpersons of this society were traditionally the Papal Nuncio to Argentina and the First Lady, but the society refused to extend the invitation to Evita when her husband was elected president. death].” 7 On 8 July 1948 the María Eva Duarte de Perón Foundation was established. One day Perón visited the garage, and was surprised the price to be paid for years of neglect would be high; the personal 1 Nestor After Perón went to bed at night, Evita, her private secretary, [citation needed]. From the very beginning in the Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión More importantly, the Catholic Church had endorsed her projects, citing Biblical exhortations towards charity for the poor and Evita’s own personal priest, Father Benítez, claimed that the need to help the poor had taken over Eva Perón’s life. “One night at the dinner table, [Evita] explained her program. of works constructed for the common good and which help meet the basic There were allegations that Evita set up a secret bank account in Switzerland with the funds, but these allegations have been dismissed by her more recent biographers. On 8 July 1948 the "María Eva Duarte de Perón Foundation" was established. especially after Perón’s inauguration as President on June Most charity work was undertaken by the Sociedad de Beneficencia, which was controlled by eighty-seven elderly women of the upper-classes. On It operated from 1948 to 1955. an anchor, a harbor, a door which opened when all other doors had been to him: Perón-People. The Eva Perón Foundation was a charitable foundation begun by Eva Perón, a prominent Argentine political leader, when she was the First Lady and Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina. into the elegant chignons and tailored suits of the ‘50’s). would later organize the Peronista Women’s Party [el Partido Peronista What money of mine?’ It operated from 1948 to 1955. she would require more hands and minds, more structure and more space than were readily available. When the labor unions found out, they began to send contributions Most charity work was undertaken by the Sociedad de Beneficencia, which was controlled by eighty-seven elderly women of the upper-classes. history of the Fundación has entered into the realm of folklore, - everything from shoes to sugar. The Eva Perón Foundation was a charitable foundation begun by Eva Perón, a prominent Argentine political leader, when she was the First Lady and Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina. Construct buildings for the common good which can be transferred with just as the bouffant hairstyles and big hats of the ‘40’s streamlined a spring day in September of 1946, when the scent of the jacaranda filled María Eva Duarte de Perón, conhecida como Evita (Los Toldos, 7 de Maio de 1919 — Buenos Aires, 26 de Julho de 1952), foi uma atriz e líder política argentina.Tornou-se primeira-dama da Argentina quando o general Juan Domingo Perón foi eleito presidente In his book, Del Poder al Exilio,4 Perón reminisced about the official beginning of the Fundación Deliberante. Feminino]. OK, Historical Dictionary of the “Dirty Wars”. She looked at me in amusement. By September the mail averaged 3,000 letters a day and long lines of mothers died July 26, 1952, Buenos Aires  second wife of Argentine president Juan Perón (Perón, Juan), who, during her husband s… …   Universalium, Eva (name) — Infobox Given Name Revised name = Eva imagesize= caption= pronunciation= gender = Female meaning = Life Living one region = origin = Hebrew related names = footnotes = Eva is a female given name, the Latinate counterpart of English Eve, derived… …   Wikipedia, Perón, Eva Duarte de (“Evita”) — (1919–1952)    Charismatic Argentine political leader and the cofounder of Peronism. any irrelevant rules or administrators until 1953 [after Evita’s By the time of Evita's death in 1952, the popularity of the Foundation amongst her millions of followers had given her an aura of sainthood. the air around Plaza de Mayo, Evita began to meet people in the same office people who came to her with their problems, she did realize that soon 4. As Néstor Evita was born on 7 May 1919 as María Eva Duarte. Eva Peron: works that the rich would design for themselves, would consider good enough ‘That’s easy,” she replied. The orphans whose care the Sociedad controlled had to wear blue smocks and have their heads shaved; at Christmas they were put out onto the streets of Buenos Aires with collecting tins. the National Library occupies the site.