Just keep gasping. Becky's eating a cup! Male Driver: Hey!

Hey, I know those guys! The world's most powerful pair of glasses. Everyone needs to stop. Two pump blood to the gills while the third pumps...Blood throughout the body. Everyone has a family. It looks like Dory can do something besides forget. Nemo: The Jewel of Morro Bay, California? Hope you find your parents.

Dory: That's okay. Ooh. Dory: Cleveland? Destiny: Oh, come on, guys. Male Employee: Oh, I'm fine. That's the exhibit located right next to...I don't care.

I never had a plan. Marlin: She should just pick 2 and let's go. An aquarium. Off! Mm.

I guess I missed the rest of my family too much, huh? We're trying to... Marlin: Son! You're in a hurry. What do we do? I can see everything! Marlin: No, this is nuts! Dory: Are you sure? Crazy things! Just try something. Dory: Yes! Are you okay? Turtle Hatchling 1: How are you gonna find your parents? Hi, Dory! Everybody does it. The under--The undertow? Hey! Did I forget again? Isn't that right, bill?

That's ill-defined and roundish. My family. Let's get going. Is that a restaurant? Hey Marlin- OW! There's always another way. Oh...we're going home. Kids grab things. Musical/Theme Parks: In The Big Blue World • Go With the Flow. We're backing away. Oh, good idea. Come on. It's nature's inspiration to move around the sea.

Marlin: Well, she would definitely have an idea of what to do if she were here. Female Educator: Our next guest has been here a very long time. Website streaming nonton film movie online  Finding Dory 2016 Cinemaxindo juga memiliki banyak film terbaru untuk kamu nonton movie online  secara gratis di sini. Hey, where is everyone? Gil: We won't have any more problems from here on out. Jenny: I know they're good friends of yours, but a truck is kind of a tall order. Help!

Like Bailey's head. Everyone else, stay here. Ooo-roo, ooo-roo! Bailey: I can't tell!

Destiny: Is it them? I just want to live in a glass box alone. "The world's most powerful pair of... " I know that.

If I had short-term memory loss...I'd just swim off into the blue and forget everything. Marlin: All right. Good plan. This is crazy. It's right there. How exactly is Becky supposed to carry us? Hank, we need to go that way! D... Marlin: No, no, no. Dory: Oh. I'm by myself Oh there they are. He's gone!

What would Dory do? This is it! Nemo: Dad. Hank: Sh! He's a septopus. Whoa! Oh boy. The... Bucket. The octopus escaped again? Cars have to stop. Do you wanna play hide and seek? Whoa! [Mumbles in harmony] [A second pauses as Dory turns] Did I forget, again? I'm getting something. I'll forget. Now, if you ever get lost, Dory... Charlie: Okay, kelpcake. See, Nemo, I knew she'd find a way... what? Those are sea lions.They are natural predators.They could pounce at any moment. I'm just gonna repeat it, okay? Things that they like. I can't remember right. Because that's really our strength. Hank: Not me, kid. Female Driver: All right. Young Dory: Hi, I'm Dory. I'm sorry. Shells. We need to go back. Is she with you? My parents are here! Hank: I'm sorry.

Dory: Wait. Dory: I'm a bit new to the memory thing, so I can't say for sure...But something tells me they were mostly blue, with s... maybe yellow. Dory: Me? No, no, Becky wait! Pipe pals! Date night, have fun! Don't be a stranger... stranger. • Summer Blast, Finding Dory: Marlin: You weren't exactly with the class. I'm sorry. Really focus! It's Dory. Oh! This is really happening. Dad! I can see the quarantine! Take two lefts, swim straight and you'll hit it. Because you remembered.

Becky! Jenny: Oh, sweetie. You coming, Dory? That class. We'll come find you! Septopus. Dory: No, you listen to me. Ow! How did you... Jenny: We went into quarantine to look for you, but you weren't there. Hello. She just does. Still think this is destiny? That's right, sweetie. Half the exhibits here have purple shells in them. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bailey: Okay, when I tell you you're gonna... Destiny: Yeah. I can figure this out. Dory: Really? Dory: Actually Marlin never believes I even know how to speak whale...But you know what, he always kind of trusts me anyway. Stan asks Dory to know if any of the other kelp forest fish are her parents, since Dory is unable to remember where her parents were as she tells them that she suffers from short-term memory loss.

Thanks but, heh, I'm looking for someone. What was it? Hank! Lost, alone. Off! They're being shipped to Cleveland? Left. How do you hold your eyes open that long? Which one? What would Dory do?

It's happening. All that? Daddy, here's a shell for you. I just forget.

Marlin: I think I'm getting the hang of this! • Finding Nemo: The Musical • Pixar Playtime Pals • Rivers of Light: We Are One Marlin: Well, then we'll just have to think. Stop.

I have to get to the Jewel of Morro Bay, California and find my family.

See, I can remember some things because well...uh, they make sense. How 'bout we-. We have to keep going.