Yellowtail have a reputation of being fussy eaters, and the most successful anglers have a good understanding of the species' environment and know what signs to look for when they are close or feeding. just drop your lure over the side straight down and let it drop fast Consider upgrading your membership for less than a box of tackles! If the jig stops that means a fish is on the line so real any slack up as quickly as possible and fight the fish. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual";
!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? The moment I saw the shape, I knew this would be another awesome candy to throw at schoolie tuna.

a fast retrieve but if one way doesn't work after being exhausted, amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "1dcecda5e32910bf9ad749a5006a8431"; Accurate Boss Conventional Fishing Reels are one of the most popular Southern California angler fishing reel picks for Tuna and Big Game fish - Search or browse for the new Accurate Boss Fury FX-600X Reel - Right-Hand best price point reel or buy here! or deeper water structure.

When they are biting, it seems anything dropped in the water they hit in a frenzy. Anything similar is adequate - I learned on a Cal Star 870 with a Penn Jig master 500 because I figure learn on a basic setup like that and the nicer gear will be effortless to hone skills. Tweets by @sportfishsd

amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; This combo can also be used for dropper loop fishing when the yellows are biting the sardines near the bottom. Personal preference here again. Sometimes its easier to catch bait when it's not so bright. (Here's a pic of my lights for comparison - note the Barracuda paint chips Year round Yellowtail especially farther south

It’s an Super Seeker Jig and Bait Rod matched with a Penn Fathom 25N Reelthat is brim full of 65# Stren Sonic Braid and rigged with a short Blackwater 40-pound fluorocarbon leader. out produces lighter surface jigs on a daily basis Good luck and tight lines. It sinks fast for better jigging. They are out nearly every day of the year and know best at a given moment what is biting and how to rig. Yellowtail can be caught year round off San Diego and most Southern California with big game spring "mossbacks" Yellowtail making a show with the squid spawn typically around Mid-March. prefer to make up for length of rod in one of the reels made with screaming high ratio winding reels like mentioned here my favorite on the local 3/4 day daily open party boats, my CalStar 800L,M or H (I have a Graphighter 800L for surface iron casting Tady 45 Lights and similar and a 800H for deep yo-yo iron fishing where the Daiwa Sealine 30 fast retrieve and separate roller bearings makes it a reel I love for both yo-yo jigging and long casts throwing lites on the surface. Feel free to Email me anytime for more info, tips, recommended tackle or boats I like. Learn to cast a Penn jig master 500 and you can cast anything out there. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Yellowtail spots fished by sport boats out of San Diego Landings and yo-yo jigging works well. Fyi - Don't mess with the hooks like I did, keep the stock trebles - I was You will not regret the purchase Accurate makes some beautifully engineered fishing reels perfect for Southern California year-round Yellowtail fishing. My favorite colors are in the photo's above. I found Amazon's best deals discount priced Penn Reels. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links";
and retrieved). The Daiwa Sealine has a smoking fast retrieve and casts for miles as I say. You can't fish Yellowtail with one rod, On a slow bite most fisherman prefer to use small anchovies for bait, go as light as 12 to 15 pound line on a small conventional reel like my personal favorite and most bang for the buck reel the older Daiwa Sealine SX 20 is a fun and very sturdy little reel with star drag and Daiwa's separate roller-bearing free-spool makes casting the lightest of pinhead-size anchovies a breeze with a light rod as the fish can be fussy or "line-shy".