Unfortunately, many of us still write this way.

I’m pinning it on Miss Whom, your grammar school teacher.

They’re admiring their driveway – after three years of having this $20K investment done. For bigger businesses that need to target a bigger audience, it’s more important to try different writing styles – that’s a good suggestion. Business writing is not like academic writing – well said! The Spaniards had no longer any hope of adding Luxemburg to their Franche-Comt; while the Holy Roman Empire in Germany, taken in the rear by Sweden (now mistress of the Baltic and the North Sea), cut off for good from the United Provinces and the Swiss cantons, and enfeebled by the recognized right of intervention in German affairs on the part of Sweden and France, was now nothing but a meaningless name. Shopping for used record albums has become an obsessive hobby for some diehard music lovers, and for good reason.

Melissa shoes stand out from the pack for good reason. The passive voice isn’t technically incorrect—it’s just a weaker way to express a thought. For the benefit of others; for purposes that are pure and not evil. A Roadmap for Getting Your First Freelance Writing Client, “Look, Melanie! Here are some great ways to make sure that every word you write earns its place: The best sentences do more than relay facts and figures—they wake you up and make you feel alive. It’s a wonderful paragraph isn’t it?

I cooked dinner and my father bought some drinks. It is available in ivory or black, with a thin bezel for good quality stacking.

Look for good customer service ratings and availability. Unless you’re doing laundry, you’re not allowed to fluff. Remember, carbohydrates are necessary for good health, so cutting them in favor of more protein will do you no favors in the long run. How specific can you get? You can then spend less time looking for good picks, and more time playing your guitar. Put aside your draft for a while and then cut it down—perhaps way down. Until someone shakes things up, writers—especially nonfiction writers—will continue to produce bad and boring sentences.

A lot of it.

Retail stores will try to liquidate as much product as they can before they close their doors for good. So now that we’re clear on that, how do you construct good ones?

Some of these bad sentences might even be yours. Object.

This eliminates gaps between layers, along with the internal reflectance caused by those gaps.

Apple gets this right, too. St Augustine introduced the rule for good reason, primarily as means of confronting nepotism and its associated corruption within the Church.

Please try again. GRAMMAR CHECK SENTENCES: What is a good sentence checker tool? Here, weâll take a distinctly summery photo and dress it in a blanket of snow, adding a blizzard for good measure. Have a great week! The precise temperature control is why proper equipment designed just for cooking sous vide is necessary for good results. U.S. A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good. Good writing requires a few rounds of editing. Sonic The Hedgehog is Sega's best-known mascot and for good reason! I appreciate your compliment Happy writing! Again, the passive voice isn’t necessarily wrong, and there may be times you choose to use it. But the gradual and indirect results of the Norman conquest of England are easily to be seen to this day, and they have been largely, though indirectly, results for good. So many good observations. The word proprietary inspires thoughts of boogiemen and horrors galore in the average technophile, and for good reason. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that has antioxidant properties and many benefits for good health.

Ernest Hemingway. It will take a few weeks before the fracture starts to, for God's sake for goodness sake for heaven's sake. The stronger you can make each one, and the more tightly you can connect it to the ones on either side, the more powerful your writing will be. First of all, be on the alert for redundancy. I’m learning to inject energy and a bit of pizzazz into my text, thanks to your suggestions. Hopefully with a bit of spunk! Whilst the campaign of 1809 had seriously shaken the faith of the marshals and the higher ranks in the infallibility of the emperor's judgment, and the slaughter of the troops at Aspern and Wagram had still further accentuated the opposition of the French people to conscription, the result on the fighting discipline of the army had, on the whole, been for good. Her father was in the Air Force in her younger years, moving the family around from California, to Biloxi, Mississippi and Del Rio, Texas, before finally settling for good back in California.

The good news is you already know more than you think you do about how to write effective sentences. Vitamins and minerals combine together to give the body the essential nutrients that it needs for good health.

In the constant battle for good quality cheerleading gear, Soffe cheer skorts have emerged to solve many problems and provide an excellent part of the squad's uniform.

And timely, as always. Make the sentence your mantra. They also use phrases like “re-imagined” – just to make us aware that this is not an upgrade, but something completely new and we really really have to get a new iPhone or iPad even though our old one is still fully functional . Perfect the art of sentence structure and you’ll set your ideas free.

And short sentences are truly the key to keep people engaged and entertained.

Your paragraphs will become more powerful. Style-conscious parents are naturally attracted to designer toddler clothes, and for good reason.

This leads us to Commandment 4. And they sure now how to make the mundane sexy! I am a true detractor of text in general, maybe because of my profession, but if it isn’t almost self explicative, we have a problem.

insubstantial sum of money from an unnamed officer who was convinced were going for good! After her hard, dark novitiate - but one that was so generous and faithful -complete peace returned to her, for good. In this case, the sentence uses a conjunction to join two halves of the sentence, each of which has the same structure. Is the allergy tied to dairy products, for example? They do use a lot of broken sentences … but it adds intrigue to their copy and it works. Buy Feng Shui offers everything you need for good luck and positive energy. Take on any writing project with gusto. As William Zinsser said: “Good writing is hard work. In How to Write a Sentence, Stanley Fish calls John Updike’s little ditty on “what it was like to see Ted William — the Kid, the Splendid Splinter — hit a home in his last at bat in Fenway Park on September 29, 1960” one of the greatest sentences of all time. Roast lamb is the classic partner for good Claret.

So, schools teaching it as science are violating the separation of church and state specified for good reason in the constitution. In short, look for ways to trim the fat from your sentences, leaving them as lean and expressive as possible…no, wait. The ley will have a thick bottom sward for good hay, silage and grazing. I see you are always hunting for the best and the shortest.Love Annamarie, You know me too well, Annamarie. It may also be thought of as retributive, as a reversal of present conditions so that the miserable are comforted, and the prosperous laid low, or as a reward or punishment for good or evil desert here. I’m a fanatic reader of your tips.