After the capital planet of Coruscant was ravaged by the Sith's Imperial forces, the Supreme Chancellor and the Senate were forced to sign the painful Treaty of Coruscant, which required the Republic to withdraw its support of several long-standing allies, including the ever-loyal Bothans. Executive power was vested in the Supreme Chancellor, although this office was largely powerless and hampered by bureaucratic procedure, particularly during the chancellery of Finis Valorum.
this capacity, and in that time they have earned themselves

The Senate becomes divided between those who genuinely wish to uphold the values and ideals of the Republic and those who wish to further their own goals. The Old Republic ultimately came out victorious, driving the practice of slave trading into the underworld, dismantling the empire, and confining what was left of its government to Zygerria, the civilization's homeworld.[24]. The Clone Wars changes all this.

During the Clone Wars, the Senate increasingly grants enormous amounts of power to Palpatine, who is the Commander-in-Chief. The Galactic Republic was a democratic union that spanned across the known galaxy for a thousand years. [21], Thousands of years before the Imperial Era, the Corellian royalty sponsored exploration and colonization efforts that helped expand the frontiers of the Old Republic. New leaders are stepping forward even now to stand against the dark Sith Empire, liberate the galaxy, and restore the Republic to its former glory.

This particular design was prominently featured on the city-covered planet of Coruscant, although by the time of the Clone Wars, the Republic gradually adopted a brutalist or bold form of architecture. [9], The Republic possessed immense economic power,[82] having maintained peace—with the aid of the Jedi Knights—throughout the known galaxy for almost a millennium. [15] The Jedi were strong enough to finally end its ancient war against the Mandalorian clans. When it becomes clear the Confederacy has no intention of negotiating, the Republic quickly accepts the Army made for them, and it is dubbed the Grand Army of the Republic. Many members of the Jedi Council remain skeptical of Palpatine's growing power. While the Outland Regions Security Force at first lacked success, it soon came to be renowned for its efficiency at dealing with raiders, especially after Wilhuff Tarkin was accepted into Outland's anti-piracy task force, in which he was known for outsmarting and outmaneuvering his opponents.[5]. Greed, corruption and internal strife slowly began destroying the government from within. “With thunderous applause.”, TM & © Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Inside the Senate Building, there is an area in which the Senate debates, casts votes, and makes or passes bills. Although the Senate holds some degree of political authority over the Jedi, very little pressure was ever put on the Council before Palpatine took office and demands that Anakin Skywalker become a member of the Council, despite the misgivings of the Jedi.
During that time Humans and Duros reverse-engineered the Force-based technologies of the Infinite Empire to create the first hyperdrive, allowing Coruscant to become the capital of the Galactic Republic 53 years later and would remain that way for twenty-five thousand years. Adventurous pioneers found themselves granted permission by Coruscant to settle new territories and establish trading colonies to feed the Core with the goods and raw materials for its continual self-enrichment. As a result, the Republic lost access to the resources and tax revenue of the Separatist worlds. The Jedi Order, although technically not officially part of the Republic, are considered the defenders of the general Republic.

In time, the Jedi believe that Palpatine will not surrender his emergency powers and his long overdue position by the end of the war. The Core Worlds was the heartland of the Republic, home to cosmopolitan worlds such as Coruscant[15] and Hosnian Prime[95] as well as Alderaan, one of the oldest and most prestigious planets in the Republic. [8], While the Order numbered ten-thousand strong at the height of the Clone Wars,[81] their ranks were insufficient for the defense of the Republic. Tarkin ultimately sided with the Galactic Republic in his stern belief that an inefficient yet unified galaxy was better than a fractured one.[5].