He looked at Locklear. ", "It is more than a story, human, for to my people it gave over this world to our keeping. Locklear didn't hesitate and ran the man through.

"I would count it a kindness and a personal favor, as would Prince Arutha, should you imagine this person on my left to be an elf. ", Locklear said, "I understand that.

Both were covered in heavy cloaks, the smaller of the two limping obviously. ", "You could say that," observed Locklear.

To Owyn he said, "Don't bury him, but you could pull him out of the way, human. A long scar, nearly hidden by his hairline, traces the left side of his face from temple to cheek. Buy more hammers for $19.50 in Yabon. "Good fortune follow you.". "Now, what brings you alone to LaMut? Some of us are stuck on this side of the Grey Towers, and I came in to the city to buy some stores. Betrayal at Krondor Walkthrough. He knelt next to the man who had died at his feet, and said, "Look at his hands. He yanked hard, and the attacker's eyes bulged in shock, as Gorath said, "Do not struggle so, Haseth. We have business in the castle tomorrow at dawn. demanded Locklear as he retrieved his tunic and put it on over the new bandages. Few who were at Sethanon spoke of what occurred there, mostly because few understood it. He stood before them, and said, "You don't recognize me, do you, Locky? ", "And pay for them with what?" "He was my kinsman, though one of whom I was not overly fond. Gorath killed the last man, and suddenly it was quiet again in the woods. Locklear had missed most of the end of the battle, being hidden in a cellar in the city, but he had heard enough accounts from other eyewitnesses to have formed a pretty clear picture in his own mind. ", Locklear realized the last time he had seen the dwarf he had not borne the scar he now sported, but at hearing his name from the dwarf's lips, he said, "Dubal! "How did a Tsurani soldier end up running an inn in LaMut? We can be certain of that. ", Owyn looked at Gorath in curiosity, while Locklear just gritted his teeth, and said, "Hurry it up, would you, lad?". Without knowing how many men they faced, they would do well to seek the advantage of surprise. He may have something to eat in it.". Then he stood, moving with deadly purpose toward Locklear. The men were wearing short tunics and leggings, and cross-gartered sandals. He first appears in Chapter 1. https://betrayal.fandom.com/wiki/Gorath?oldid=5457. Those Quegan cutlasses are the clincher." Gorath shook his head. It's only your present company that keeps me from killing you here and now. "You've told me you only spent a couple of days in Tyr-Sog, and you were riding until yesterday.". ", The innkeeper's broad face split into a smile, revealing even white teeth. Owyn had just tied off the bandage and fell hard as Locklear pushed him aside while he attempted to rise and draw his sword as Gorath closed on him.

", Gorath looked at the young squire, as if trying to judge something, and was silent for a while. But no messages or notes, nothing indicating who had hired the pirates.

"That tall fellow"—Locky laughed to hear anyone call a Tsurani "tall"—"he's Sumani, the owner. Still, it never hurt to be wary. "And to tell the truth, I live better here than I would have back home. A few of us, however, retired here in LaMut.

A frown crossed Sumani's face. Then as he bandaged the squire's ribs, Owyn said, "Your friend doesn't talk much, does he?

Following Talon of the Silver Hawk and King of Foxes, here is the third exciting asked Owyn. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. ", "From Timons, yes, I know who your father is," said Locklear, squatting before the fire, opening his hands to warm them. Then Gorath kicked hard at Owyn, shouting, "Get out from underfoot!". ", "Reward?" Description Based on Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar saga (and co-written by Feist himself), Betrayal at Krondor is a medieval fantasy-themed role-playing game set in the Riftwar universe. "That's an odd question for a student of magic," observed Gorath.

"Delekhan," said Gorath. Tsurani gem smugglers led by The Crawler and traitors to the crown are all plotting the fall of the Kingdom of the Isles. "There," said Locklear. If they think you an elf from Elvandar, they may only stare a little. Gorath looks as menacing as Owyn Beleforte looks innocent.

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To pass through, these grey warriors would have to have documents, or allies among those guarding the rift gate. The man or moredhel—Locklear couldn't tell which—moved slightly, revealing his position.