To seal the bargain between him and Kil'jaeden, Gul'dan and the Shadow Council offered the clan chieftains the Blood of Mannoroth. Ultimately, Gul'dan's thirst for power proved to be the Horde's undoing. A long tail whipped about behind it". Gul'dan - Warlock of the Inner Circle and Destroyer of Dreams - is the true mastermind behind not only the inner workings of the Horde, but those of the secretive Shadow Council as well. Bask in my glory! Gul'dan personally executes Varian after he is wounded by several Fel Guards, obliterating the King of Stormwind's body with a burst of fel magic after hearing his defiant last words. He did not however find the godhood he was hoping for. [citation needed].

Gul'dan was also able to wipe out the Sketh'lon arakkoa with a single spell that not only destroyed their camps, but twisted their spirits too.

It describes how one creature had too many limbs and too many joints and altogether too many teeth; and that it was soon followed by others. It is the people who serve higher moral or religious powers that he fears. Gul'dan bound her mind to his will and began to secretly train her in the art of assassination. This reprieve would ultimately give the Alliance time to regroup and retaliate.

Indebted to a demonic lord and pitted against the mentor he betrayed, Gul’dan is one of a handful of fel orcs on Draenor, his visage and shamanic power twisted balefully by demonic communion. A vision of Gul'dan can be seen at the Altar of Damnation of Shadowmoon Valley in what is now Outland — the remnants of Draenor. It was at some point during these proceedings that Gul'dan acquired the loyalty of Garona Halforcen.

Gul'dan is the 10th and final boss of the Nighthold. This corrupted the Horde further, making it all the more bloodthirsty, barbaric, and evil, becoming a veritable extension of the demons whom they now worshiped.

The face was too narrow at the bottom and too wide at the top, with slanting eyes that glowed a smoky, roiling yellow and a tiny mouth somehow filled with a insane number of razor-sharp teeth. Garona's betrayal of course had been forced. Realizing that the Azerothians intended to slay the Guardian, Gul'dan hastily ransacked Medivh's mind for the Tomb's location. He feels that those people can be most easily predicted and manipulated through offers of wealth or prestige.

He betrayed both his people and his mentor Ner'zhul to the demon lord Kil'jaeden for personal gain and power, and was directly responsible for the orcs' fall to demonic enslavement and their subsequent invasion of Azeroth. Gul'dan serves as the overarching antagonist in Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, the main antagonist in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, and a posthumous antagonist for the rest of the Warcraft franchise, though his alternate version does appear as one of the main antagonists in two expansions of World of Warcraft. Illidan found the Tomb using Gul'dan's memories from the Skull, and Maiev Shadowsong found the runes. She had learned quickly how to avoid unwinnable fights, and how to quietly kill relentless pursuers. ... Kairoz created a bubble that since his death is now a real thing.

He told them that his village had been destroyed by ogres and he was the only survivor. See the ground shatter before us!

Gul'dan agreed, and with the assistance of the Shadow Council, he helped Medivh open the Dark Portal between Azeroth and Draenor. Doomhammer was willing to spare Gul'dan's life, despite his gut feeling he would one day regret this, and even let him run Balor and the ruins of Stormwind Castle, in exchange for information in regards to Blackhand's followers. [4] Both are likely correct; The Skull of Gul'dan remained an incredibly powerful focus of warlock magic for decades after the Orc's death.