Post your petition to your activity stream with a single click. this is the model our samurai developed over the last few months, and it’s been pretty consistent on the reach and click through rates and % completion/new from there. Create a petition by filling in the form below; Collect signatures. Embeddable petition widget lets people sign your petition from websites or blogs. (Note this does not necessarily hold true for the smallest Facebook pages, where you could be clobbering your audience by posting that much and the drops you’ll get will outweigh any benefits. Create a professional online petition in just a few minutes. Got all your posts ready? If you are petitioning a government office, have the office direct you to the department that handles matters related to your cause. Our service is free, customizable and easy to use. Contact the media. Even if someone believes in your cause, they might not have the time or ability to support you at the moment. Sincerely, Yuri Folin, Russia. Have one statement laminated or in a page protector at the front of your petition. What are Facebook pages and groups, and how can I leverage them? All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published, This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Tag some people you hate in your post – their responses will start a conversation in the comments that will get your post seen by more people. I’m personally part of a lot of groups focused on a variety of topics – my favorites are about feminism. As a best practice you should always include popular, related hashtags on a public post so people outside your social circles may stumble upon it. They’re tailored to you and your interests, but they still offer a glimpse at what a lot of people on Facebook are chatting about. Type @The White House to tag Obama’s social media team into your conversation – sometimes they’ll even respond! You can even choose to print out a few extra copies and hand them out if someone requests such. Here, you'll find over 45 million like-minded people working towards progress, kindness, and lasting impact. Want to get my petition going and get it noticed but Facebook are obstructing me. How would I find a petition writer in Canada? We use cookies to make wikiHow great. We Care2. It only takes a few seconds more, and it covers all your bases. Even at a 1% click through rate, that means you’ll be generating thousands, maybe tens of thousands of actions (and petition signatures) each week following this drill. Try using a website like to help you get your petition going. Open the petition page and click the Facebook button to share the petition on Facebook. Facebook is used by journalists, politicians, companies, nonprofits, celebrities and more. Combine your e-campaign with a paper campaign and synchronise your signature lists. 4. Otherwise, I'd not know where or how to start. Your email address will not be published. Member petitions are frequently mentioned in the New York Times, USA Today, and on other major media sites. ", "Wanted to know the specific steps of forming a petition in general. Friends, I have started a petition to get the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to recognize William Shatner with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Bonus points: create a short link using or a similar service for each new petition. Do I need to include the year in the date or would the month and day be sufficient?