The Colonel however, is nowhere to be seen. Bowser is helping Blair find Sterling. He never subscribed to the Nazi way of thinking, only their accruing of power, so his ability to assimilate into polite society as the very thing Nazis most revile was less of a stretch for him than finding a new purpose after the war. I really had high hopes for this show. It’ll be very interesting to gauge what the audience reaction is to this but for now, Teenage Bounty Hunters closes things out with an unremarkable finale. Debbie looks at her sister Dana and tells her they gave her everything she asked for — “I would never let you take my daughter from me”. But the lingering matter of Hunters Episode 10 in its early going was that Logan didn’t kill Travis (Greg Austin), which disappoints Meyer, who survived his car wreck with the now-missing Colonel (Lena Olin), and himself and Cheeks (Henry Hunter Hall), since all his comic-book idols had defined themselves by killing a big bad – which he had failed to do. If a second season is green-lit, it may be interesting to see Sterling really dive into this sort of behaviour and become the main antagonist for Blair to tackle. The pair argue about what Blair wants. At the lock-in, April hasn’t saved her a spot and her sleeping bag is now next to Luke. © 2020 TheReviewGeek. Long Way Up episode 7 recap – what happened in “Peru”? The final scene of Teenage Bounty Hunters‘ first season drops a bombshell so utterly game-changing, I’ve got half a mind to call Bowser so he can bring the show itself to prison for crimes against my anxiety. I think she might be referring to her and Jonah’s apartment. She tells Sterling she doesn’t want to come out yet and she changed her mind. Bowser heads up and sees Yolanda. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Faith is put to the test in the season finale. Debbie admits she hasn’t been entirely truthful about her past as she was trying to protect them; in her past, she ended up in the wrong extreme crowd and acted out of hate — she set fire to an abortion clinic.

Makes no sense. She regrets it and was acting under the influence of persuasive people. OK, let’s break the episode down: Fresh off their latest discovery (“Mom’s a wanted fugitive! I don’t know, I think I might need to rewatch the show! Unfortunately, thanks to the lock-in she’s stuck inside with them but very much alone. Season 1 ends with another good twist — Debbie telepathically says she’s done everything for her and tells her not to say anything. John Constantine, This recap of Apple TV+ series Tehran season 1, episode 6, “The Engineer” contains significant spoilers.

As the journey of the Nazi hunters come to an end, Meyer Offerman reveals the biggest secret of the story leaving us in shock and awe and it’s only Al Pacino we have to thank for that Blair doesn’t want to go to the lock-in, she wants to be with Miles — she thinks she loves him. Are you foaming at the mouth for a second season? As we approach the ending, Teenage Bounty Hunters season 1, episode 10 provides a finale-type twist to keep audiences excited for the second season. As he’s sat down to eat with the family, including four identical blonde children, an aging Adolf Hitler arrives and begins eating with the group. His reasons for hunting come down to a blood lust but Jonah stands his ground and tells him it’s not his fight, it’s the Jew’s fight. Blair cuts to the chase and starts listing things about her mother and the church she belongs to in Nandina, and the most shocking part — she is a fugitive for first-degree arson. To rectify this issue, he fires them both. Sterling tries kissing her and she’s rejected — this was painful to watch as you can feel Sterling’s world collapse at this moment. * I figured that things wouldn’t be smooth sailing for Sterling and April, but I still had high hopes for Blair and Miles — and I was a fool for that. Which of the aforementioned finale twists blew your mind the most? In order to do that and prove a point to the inmates, he murders this Jewish man and goes on to rally the inmates to his cause. Sign up here. Laura has to try to help him back to the trapper's cabin. This recap of Hunters Season 1, Episode 10, “Eilu v’ Eilu”, contains spoilers. April rushes after her and sits with Sterling outside after unlocking the doors. Not so much. The whole speech is very Blair, including this iconic line: “I feel like I belong with you, and I would kick myself every day in the butthole if I didn’t tell you that I love you, Miles.