Iago Character Analysis. William Hazlitt called his character “an amateur of tragedy in real life.” He doesn’t look at this world poetically like Othello rather he says, “for I am nothing if not critical.”, His character shows a superior level of self-consciousness. Racial and female stereotypes also dominate. There is no evidence for adultery except that Cassio is 'a slipper and a subtle knave' (2.1.229), his slipperiness emphasised by the sibilance, and that Desdemona was seen to 'paddle with the palm of his hand' (2.1.240–41). He shows contempt for human kinds but at the same time, he believes in advancement in life which makes him a very worldly-wise man. The beginning of Act One demonstrates this with Iago making a complete fool out of his loyal follower Roderigo whom he has deftlytaken advantage of via Roderigo’s remark “That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine” (1.1.21), a sign that Iago has managed to manipulate the monetary fortunes of Roderigo for his own benefit. Iago spends the entirety of his time during the course of the play manipulation others and indulging in deceitful behaviors. Iago uses it against them which, The first symptom that Iago exhibits is deceitfulness. He meticulously observes the other characters and also uncovers their weaknesses. His control of their heartstrings mirrors his control of Roderigo’s purse strings (1.1.2–3). He knows the true essence and weakness of characters like Othello, Desdemona, Roderigo, Cassio and even his own wife Emilia but he uses such an understanding in the evilest way. 7–32 ). Iago spends the entirety of his time during the course of the play manipulation others and indulging in deceitful behaviors. She’s full of most blessed condition’, the sheer volume – and forcefulness – of Iago’s words obscure the illogical reasoning and overpower Roderigo. Webster’s portrayal of the Duchess marks her embracement of death as […], Much as the often-flooding rivers of Mesopotamia shaped their cultural beliefs in demons punishing humanity and the open grasslands and calm weather of central Asia shaped the Mongols’ cultural beliefs […], Some people do not realize what is really happening in front of them, no matter how obvious it seems to other people. “Be quiet” versus “Shut up” is one example of the power that language holds. It is the green eye'd monster which doth mock Alexandra Melville is a writer and educator. He is a great actor who calls every other character into action under his careful watch and no one is able to sense his deception until the very end. ” (Hall, 1999, p. 72). According to the great English essayist and scholar William Hazlitt, the character of Iago from William Shakespeare’s masterpiece Othello “is one of the supererogations of Shakespeare’s genius,” due the fact that Iago’s “villainy is without a sufficient motive” (345). (Rosenberg, 1961, p. 168) Also contrary to the idea that Othello gave Iago genuine provocation for revenge is the fact that Othello is consistently portrayed as virtuous, almost single-mindedly so. Othello is one of the four great tragedies written during Shakespeare’s period of despair when the bard seemed to be concerned with … Nothing has actually happened. Iago looks on as Othello and Desdemona greet each other. There is an extremely long list of traits that Iago has that prove this disorder is something he has, with the main trait being manipulation. No other character can even come close to his evil. Jacobean portrayals often reduce women to saints, mothers or whores. Throughout the entire play Iago is seen as the master of manipulation, Character Analysis of Iago Iago Character Analysis Essay - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.