Identify Pedrico. He caught a dolphin and saved it to eat later. What does the old man think of porpoises and flying fish, and the pair of marlin he had hooked before? Why is the boy not fishing with the old man anymore? .

. 9. The old man sees the once noble fish now mutilated, lifeless, and defenseless against the shark attacks, and Santiago feels truly sorry about that. He knows himself and has self-confidence enough to not really care about what other people think. 8. 43. “His choice had been to stay in the deep dark water far out beyond all snares and traps . . © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Rogelio A man of the village who on occasion helps Santiago with the fishing net. To whom is Santiago compared in this one? Why is there so much talk about baseball, specifically DiMaggio? The old man trespassed and paid a high price for his “sin” against nature. If one is smart and persistent, he can accomplish a great deal without tremendous strength. 41. in the world.” Explain the importance of this passage.


Santiago tries to justify killing the big fish by thinking of how many people he will feed. Answers: 1.

Santiago’s house was small, had only the necessities for one old man’s everyday life: a bed, a chair, a table, a place to cook on the dirt floor, some religious pictures, a picture of his deceased wife, and a clean shirt. Sharks kept attacking the bloody carcass of the dead, big fish, What are the old man’s arguments with himself about whether or not killing the big fish is a sin? Pedrico is actually Saint Peter, Jesus' closest apostle and a great fisherman (Wilson 50). Tourists A man and woman at the Terrace who see the marlin's skeleton and, misunderstanding a waiter's explanation of what happened, think the skeleton is that of a shark.

40. Martin is the owner of a pub-type restaurant. Does he want to? But since I am not crazy, I do not care.” What does that tell us about the old man’s character? . The big fish towed the old man’s boat. No one would steal from him. By identifying with DiMaggio, Santiago sees that success is sometimes possible (no matter what the odds) if you want it enough. Relevance. He thinks he was born to be a fisherman and the fish was born to be a fish. Why is the boy not fishing with the old man anymore?

El Campeon was Santiago, a champion arm wrestler in his youth. Perico A man at the bodega (his name is Spanish for St. Peter, an apostle and fisherman) who gives Santiago newspapers to read. Identify Pedrico.

What's the point behind the conversation about yellow rice with fish and the cast net? Santiago gives him the marlin's head at the end of the novella in gratitude for supplying him with newspapers that report the baseball scores. What second fish did the old man catch, and what will he do with it? Pedrico.

But there is only you.” What does the boy mean? What is the conclusion of the story? . If the fish had man’s intelligence with its own nobility and ability, Santiago thinks men wouldn’t be able to catch fish.

Why does Manolin cry? ” is one of the many religious references in the novel. All the charges arose from the armed robbery of a supermarket by two men.

A woman and her husband see the carcass of the magnificent fish and incorrectly identify it as a common shark of extraordinary size.

Again, there is a reference to Christ’s carrying the cross. He dreamed of things he remembered from his youth in Africa and the lions on the beaches there. Fred John Felix and David Walter Pedrico were each convicted of four counts of robbery (Pen. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. He decides they are bringing each other in.

The old man prepared his fishing gear very carefully and did all he could to increase his chances of getting some fish. . 3. Santiago often wishes the boy were there. How did Santiago intend to take the fish back to port since the fish was bigger than the boat?

), Santiago thinks it is not a sin to kill the fish because killing the fish will keep himself alive and feed many people. Santiago The novella's central character. Then, he rationalizes that “everything kills everything else in some way.”. Pedrico looked after the old man’s skiff and gear and received the head of the big fish from the old man.

To whom is Santiago compared in this one.

The Old Man and the Sea Questions and Answers. Free online plagiarism checker with percentage. . Last updated by jill d #170087 on 2/10/2015 12:26 AM “Now he was proving it again.

What of the big fish is left by the time Santiago reaches home?

Why does Manolin cry? I ruined us both.”) Why? Santiago sleeps again. and any corresponding bookmarks? Santiago could offer the bird a safe resting place for a little while, but, in the end, the bird would have to fly on and take its chances for good luck or bad luck, life or death, just like all creatures do in nature. What is the implication in broader terms; do we EVER stop having to prove ourselves(according to Hemingway)? The comparison could be to Christ’s suffering while carrying the wooden cross. The Old Man and the Sea Reading Assignments Since The Old Man and the Sea is a novella, there are no chapters or breaks in the story. . . The second lurch caused a cut in Santiago’s right hand. Pedrico A fisherman in the village who looks after Santiago's skiff and gear and receives the marlin's head to use in fish traps. There was no yellow rice or cast net; this is a standing joke — perhaps a wish — between the two friends.

(To what does he compare it?). Why does Manolin want the old man to be ok? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. “But, thank God, they are not as intelligent as we who kill them, although they are more noble and more able.” What’s Hemingway saying? What are the old man's arguments with himself about whether or not killing the big fish is a sin? Previous What did the other fishermen think of the old man? What is the conclusion of the story? What is the conclusion of the story? ” What is the implication in broader terms; do we EVER stop having to prove ourselves (according to Hemingway)? What did the other fishermen think of the old man? Then, he thinks it is a sin because he killed the fish out of pride more than necessity and because he loved the fish. The old man apologizes to the big fish. He made himself ready to take advantage of any lucky strike he might find, so he wouldn’t have equipment failure or be lacking something he needed when he found fish. Santiago asks himself,” . . What does the old man conclude? Why is the boy not fishing with the old man anymore?

Explain the significance of “Take a good rest, small bird . 10.

Pedrico A fisherman in the village who looks after Santiago's skiff and gear and receives the marlin's head to use in fish traps.

In doing so, he has not only destroyed the magnificent fish, he also has lost a great deal himself. Describe Santiago's house. Why? Santiago thought of porpoises, flying fish and marlin as his brothers in the natural world.

Author: SeanZimm Last modified by: zimmermans Created Date: 11/8/2015 10:24:00 PM Company: Listed below are the six sections we will use for reading. 5. Santiago feels he must “prove himself” to the fish and to the boy. But I would rather be exact. (“I am sorry that I went too far out. .

What is the conclusion of the story? Why does Manolin cry?