Foundations is a program for those who are thinking about doing the Spiritual Exercises in daily life (19th Annotation) and want to learn more about the experience in advance, as well as for those who simply would like to know more about the basic elements of the Ignatian prayer. We belong to God; we were made for Him. The examen will begin at 4 p.m. (EDT) and will take just a few minutes. While recuperating, Ignatius Loyola experienced a conversion. A guided four-week retreat based on an adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises, A series for men to reflect on relevant life issues using an Ignatian lens, A guided silent day of reflection for the the middle of the year, A four-day guided retreat based on a modified version of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Ignatian Spirituality Center, 732 18th Ave E, Seattle, WA, 98112. At 10' walking will find the city swimming pool which offer special discounts to our retreatants. Training for Adolescents, Youth and Families, Saint Ignatius and the Spiritual Exercises. Discernment enables us to assess situations, pay attention to various clues, approach our... Spirituality.

Ignatius had a vision that became a mission and that was to lead people out, which is the root meaning of "education". I have the wonderful opportunity to write and speak of the spirituality which underlies all that we do here. We encourage our students, faculty, staff, and community to embrace Jesuit wisdom by inspiring awareness, thought, reflection, discernment, and action. Back to Top. A two-part online program to offer prayerful hope during uncertain times. Our lives are full of hopes and dreams.

+34 93 872 04 [email protected]. Ignatian Spirituality Center, 732 18th Ave E, Seattle, WA, 98112 (206) 329-4824 [email protected] Participate in one of our many program and retreat opportunities offered in the Puget Sound Region, Find out about our organization and why we support those seeking to deepen their relationship with God, Ignatian Spirituality Center, 732 18th Ave E, Seattle, WA, 98112. 416 22nd Street Denver, CO 80205 (303) 298-1498 [email protected]. Center for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS) The Center for Ignatian Spirituality (CIS) provides opportunities for experiencing, learning about, and training in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. 08241 Manresa (Barcelona) We are excited to bring our gifts and talents to all we do, and at times we feel stressed and overwhelmed with all we face. Copyright © 2020 Trustees of Boston College. We desire to make a difference in the lives of our students, colleagues, friends, and family. THANK YOU. Camí de la Cova 17 You may also like to visit our Calendar page. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Over the years, Ignatius became expert in the art of, . The Mornings and Evenings of Prayer are meant to offer actual experiences of various forms of Ignatian prayer, such as the Daily Examen, Ignatian Meditation, and Ignatian Contemplation. The Center for Ignatian Spirituality is primarily an experiential resource for faculty and staff through the process of discernment characteristic of Ignatian spirituality: the reflection upon lived experience. The Center brings together lay people, vowed religious, and Jesuits trained in Ignatian, and other spiritualities, to provide programs designed to deepen spiritual growth. A four-week Examen prayer series to reflect on how God accompanies us in a range of emotions and experiences - in our daily life and relationships, in the pandemic, in the work of racial justice, and in our civic life today. Get Our Updates. We hope participants will encounter a loving God who is found in all things, and who labors through us to nurture healing, compassion, and justice. The activity of the Center wants to convey an education that combines values ​​such as interiority and deepness, capacity for analysis and discernment, critical sense and social commitment and individual and social awareness. A panel conversation with Ignatian leaders discussing the role of Ignatian Discernment in life and leadership. With a small group of friends, Ignatius Loyola founded the Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits.

(1491-1556). Due to COVID-19 IN KING COUNTY, THE ISC HAS MOVED OUR PROGRAMS ONLINE via zoom FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. A spirituality training school, especially for "trainers" and "multiplier" agents. Participation in all programs except the Prayer Practicum require an application and acceptance process. Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality. An introductory evening focusing on how the gifts of Ignatian prayer and spirituality can help us discern God’s presence and invitation during this unprecedented time. The Center has various spaces and services available to our guests: more than 75 rooms with private bathrooms, 5 dining rooms with a capacity till 150 people, a library, 12 meeting rooms adapted from 20 to 120 people ( 5 with screen, projector, micro and audiovisual ), lounges, 7 private offices, 3 chapels for 30 to 50 people, 4 oratories of different sizes and styles with a capacity from 5 to 50 people, an outdoor terrace, a computer room, Wi-Fi throughout the whole Center, own laundry, 2 large gardens with an exceptional view of Montserrat, soccer camp and private parking with 27 spaces. This Center is dedicated to leading people out of their darkness about who they are in God's eyes and who Jesus has blessed them to be. Learning about the Ignatian tradition and vision that have emerged from the life and Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and from those who have since followed in his footsteps; Experiencing the gifts and fruits of Ignatian prayer and contemplation; Reflecting on the integration of Ignatian spirituality with daily personal experience, decision-making, vocation, relationships, and service of others in today’s culture and world. He collected his insights, prayers, and suggestions in his book the. The Center brings together lay people, vowed religious, and Jesuits trained in Ignatian, and other spiritualities, to provide programs designed to deepen spiritual growth. Grounded in Catholic Social Teaching and energized by Ignatian Spirituality , we offer people the resources they need to nurture their relationship with God, as well as the concrete opportunities to live out what this relationship demands: a real and uncompromising love of the world. Omaha, NE 68178 Today's Ignatian Reflection October 20, 2020 Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time. As a young man Ignatius Loyola was inflamed by the ideals of courtly love and knighthood and dreamed of doing great deeds. This 6-week course helps members of the Boston College community understand the art and skills of discernment as an organic part of their work life. FALL 2020