Gustav boasts to Sam of his night with some party-crasher, and when Gustav learns she is the woman in competition for the job, he decides to keep pursuing her, still not fully realizing who she is. On September 6, 2008, America's Most Wanted showed a visual with a picture of him with words below that said "In Memoriam: Don LaFontaine August 26, 1940 – September 1, 2008." Happy?" iReport: Share your thoughts on "the Voiceover King", Slideshow: LaFontaine doing "Godfather II," "Friday the 13th" », Don LaFontaine did voiceovers for thousands of films, Voice specialist best known for "In a world ..." lead to trailers. The trailer voice-over is highly sought after. From 1978 to 1981, he worked exclusively for Paramount, becoming the voice of the company. [1], LaFontaine was born on August 26, 1940, in Duluth, Minnesota, to Alfred and Ruby LaFontaine. "[23], The film opened in three theaters on August 9 with a total gross of $70,980, making it the weekend's number one in terms of overall per-theater-average gross ($23,660). His voice is welcomed in my family room any night of the week.”, – Scott Waz – Owner/Engineer Audion Post Philadelphia. Check out our picks for family friendly movies movies that transcend all ages. Sam storms off. He has recently published an autobiography and is about to receive a lifetime achievement award upon turning 60. But more than that, I took my cues from him regarding professionalism and courtesy with the people we work with on a daily basis. The good-humored LaFontaine was willing to poke fun at himself, particularly in a recent ad for Geico insurance, in which he gave dramatic flair to a woman's story about her car accident. LaFontaine was known as the "king of the movie trailers," having done the trailer voiceovers for films such as Terminator, Fatal Attraction, Cheaper by the Dozen, Batman Returns and his personal favourite, The Elephant Man. He was perhaps the most prolific and well known voice actor, and was featured on hundreds of … Shortly thereafter, he was hired by Paramount to do their trailers, and was eventually promoted to vice president. He is known for his work on In a World... (2013), The Hitter (1979) and Free Radio (2007). In the commercial, he was introduced by the voice-over as "that announcer guy from the movies", with his name printed on-screen to identify him. Instant credibility, instant acceptance. Looking for something to watch? After his discharge from While working on the 1964 movie Gunfighters of Casa Grande, he filled in for another voice actor in a radio promo. In the ladies room, Carol encounters Huling, who bluntly tells Carol that she was not the best person for the job, but was chosen for the greater meaning of having a woman in that role.