It was the location of several major landmarks, including the Jedi Temple, Monument Plaza and the Senate Building. In various novels, characters aligned with the Empire refer to Coruscant as "Imperial Center". Sunlight almost never reached the lower levels, which had to be artificially lit.

The hallways were stripped of all statues and Republic-era ornaments.

Coruscant system[2] [11] The podium could be lowered to an office used by the Chancellor below the chamber. In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story the planet is briefly revisited via the dreams of Jyn Erso, featuring her childhood on Coruscant with her father Galen Erso and Orson Krennic. Region Coruscant, as the center of the galaxy, thrived on the rule of government.

[4] Monument Plaza housed the top of Coruscant's last remaining mountain peak. Among the rich and powerful of the planet were the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and members of the Galactic Senate. 12,240 kilometers in diameter, Coruscant orbited relatively far from its small sun, varying from 207 to 251 million kilometers, and thus did not have a climate that suited any one particular species (although this inconvenience was rectified by technological means and the vast heat ge… Over 1 trillion[7]Over 50% humans[27] The new Coruscant is a combination of technology and organic life, to represent the peace between the Galactic Federation Of Free Alliances (Galactic Alliance) and the Yuuzhan Vong. In the beginning of the film, Separatist cyborg general Grievous has kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine and uses the Separatist fleet to help assault the capital and cover his escape. A Separatist terrorist attack disabled power to large sections of Coruscant, including its government district. In the center was a large bar, usually crowded, that catered to all parts of Coruscant's society.

Societal information
The prequel trilogy and the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and television series showed Coruscant as a major center of activity and action. The day after that, stormtroopers began going door to door stating that Rebel spies had recruited local residents and that Alderaanians had to be taken in for questioning.[44]. Native species [26] However, the New Republic did not establish its government on Coruscant, choosing instead to rotate the capital among the various member worlds. [14] The Galactic Republic maintained Coruscant as its capital. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Coruscant has four moons; Centax-1, Centax-2, Centax-3, and Hesperidium. The Federal District was also the location of the Jedi Temple, headquarters of Jedi Order, as well as 500 Republica, a massive residential tower home to the most powerful on Coruscant. Its labyrinth of bars, gambling rooms and sleeping quarters allowed for a wide variety of visitors and entertainment. [7] In Lucas's third draft, the Imperial City of Alderaan has become the home world of the Sith Lords, and Darth Vader holds Princess Leia captive here. [16][39][53] Below the housing blocks and surface levels was the population inhabiting the Coruscant underworld. [7] As such, most visitors to Coruscant chose to bring their own air supply to last the length of their stay.[4].

Although the planet fell under Sith occupation for a time, Republic forces ultimately liberated Coruscant with the aid of the Jedi Knights. After escaping custody, Tano would ultimately prove her innocence, but leave the Jedi Order.[37][38]. Though unknown to all, the true murderer was rogue Jedi Barriss Offee. [12] Even prior to the beginning of the war, changes could be seen in the Republic.

Inside the tallest buildings, enormous differences of temperature and air pressure from top to bottom produced unusual and unpredictable microclimates. However, the Imperial Navy withdrew support from the throne world as Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax refused to allow Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, the figurehead of the Navy, to send reinforcements to the planet. For several days, rioting continued until the combined efforts of the Coruscant Security Force and Imperial stormtroopers restored order by firing indiscriminately into the crowd. He then instructed the Grand Army clone troopers to execute Order 66 against their Jedi Generals, resulting in a galaxy-wide purge that all but destroyed the Jedi Order. In addition, the Empire ceded its own capital to the Republic, although Amedda was permitted to return to Coruscant as the head of a provisional government.

Bureau of Ships and Services Heritage Museum[8]Federal District[4]500 Republica[1]Galactic Courts of Justice[4]Jedi Temple/Imperial Palace[13][14]Republic Center for Military Operations/Naval Intelligence headquarters[15][14]Senate Building[7]Senate Office Building/Imperial Executive Building[16]Grand Republic Medical Facility[4]Lower market districts[17]Monument Plaza[18]Museum of Multispecies Sciences[19]Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center[20]Republic Science and Technical Center[21]The Underworld[1]Uscru District[7]Galaxies Opera House[1]Outlander Club[4]The Works[1]Verity District[22]Hall of Imperial Register[22]

Within the book, RA-7 protocol droid DK-RA-43 described Coruscant's fall from grace into lawlessness as one of the greatest tragedies of their current era. Squidmaster. [33] When Tano went to visit her, Turmond was killed by a Force choke, making Tano seem to be the murderer. A large sector and industrial area, The Works was once a great manufacturing district, recognized as a major source of production for spacecraft parts, construction droids, and building materials. Primary language(s) The fighting saw the formation of the so-called Anklebiter Brigade, a group of youths familiar with the underground maintenance systems, who would use them to sneak behind Imperial lines and disrupt their abilities to fight.[46]. Lucas continued to hone his script, aided by screenwriters Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz; names of planets and characters were revised and the narrative was improved, and by the fourth draft, scenes on the Imperial capital planet had been moved to a space station called the Death Star and the name of Alderaan was now given to a peaceful world destroyed by the Empire.[8].

Fives fought back against the Red Guards and escaped the facility, though he was eventually located and killed by the Coruscant Guard. Coruscant a Régi Köztársaság, a Galaktikus Birodalom és az Új Köztársaság fővárosa volt, majd a Yuuzhan Vong foglalta el többször is.

[22], In this vacuum, the Imperial Security Bureau was left to coordinate Coruscant's Imperial forces. However, as the war began to conclude, the Jedi became more separated from the hierarchy of the military command and establishment.

[56] At the height of his power, Palpatine disbanded the Senate altogether and gave what little power they had left to the regional governors. Coruscant Destroyed. The Clone Wars became one of the most turbulent times in galactic history[12] and the first, full scale war in over a thousand years. Retaining its status as galactic capital, it was on Coruscant where the Galactic Senate governed the galaxy for centuries, establishing an era of peace that lasted for almost a millennium under the protection of the Jedi peacekeepers. [14] The structure remained standing on Coruscant throughout the Emperor's reign.[45]. During production of The Phantom Menace, it was decided that scenes would be set on the capital planet, now called Coruscant, and artist Doug Chiang was tasked with designing the imperial city, and he turned to McQuarrie's original concept art. The dramatic changes were noted by both the Jedi and the Republic's citizens,[32] specifically on Coruscant. Sectors were further divided into zones, with zones determined by purpose, such as financial, senatorial, or industrial zones. [26], With the Galactic Civil War concluded, the New Republic sought to reshape galactic politics in an effort to both prevent the abuses of the Old Republic and bring in disaffected worlds that had seceded from the Republic prior to the Clone Wars.
Temperate (artificial)[12] The aggressiveness of the forced relocations caused rioting to erupt in the Old Market Sector, which was brutally put down by Imperial forces.

After Palpatine's accession to power, changes came quickly to Coruscant, formally renamed as Imperial Center, and the Galactic City to Imperial City. Compared to the poverty-stricken lower levels, Coruscant's surface was dominated by an affluent society. In The New Jedi Order series, Coruscant is the capital world of the New Republic until, in The New Jedi Order: Star by Star, the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong overwhelm the New Republic defenses in three attack waves, led by Warmaster Tsavong Lah, and take over the planet, destroying the New Republic and creating the theocratic Yuuzhan Vong Empire. Coruscant continued to serve as galactic capital under the Empire, having become the Emperor's official throneworld, although Palpatine himself disappeared from public view for the most part, choosing to leave the day-to-day business of governing the galaxy to his advisors on the Imperial Ruling Council. [11][39] Additionally, the planet served as the home of large communities of various species, some who rarely returned to their original homeworld. Demonym It was constructed in 3996 BBY, bordered by the Financial District and the Sah'c District, was close to The Works, and went by the names Legislative District, Government District and Government Center. During the Galactic Civil War, the citizens of Coruscant celebrated the Emperor's death after a generation of Imperial rule. In the real world, the word originates in the late 15th century from the Latin coruscant- "vibrating, glittering", from the verb coruscare. It first appeared onscreen in the 1997 Special Edition of Return of the Jedi, but was first depicted and mentioned by name in Timothy Zahn's 1991 novel Heir to the Empire. Besalisk[16]Balosar[16]Cerean[11]Nautolan[25]Iktotchi[11]Iridonian[11]Kel Dor[11]Lannik[11]Quermian[11]Tholothian[11]Togruta[16]Yoda's species[11] Present Coruscanti erupted into full-scale rioting. Coruscant's industrial zone, known as The Works, was once a manufacturing powerhouse known throughout the galaxy. Corellian Run[6]Metellos Trade Route[8]Namadii Corridor[9]Nexus Route[10]Perlemian Trade Route[6] [9] The appearance of the cityscape has been described as a "retro-futuristic metropolis", and the streams of floating vehicles travelling between soaring skyscrapers is thought to have been partly inspired by Fritz Lang's 1927 film, Metropolis.

Production artwork produced by Ralph McQuarrie for Return of the Jedi had included some unrealised designs for the imperial capital, Had Abaddon.