Interested journalists can register for a Dec. 1 embargoed press conference by contacting Lauren Zelin of the World Resources Institute.

Box 443Portland, ME 04112-0443USA, Common Dreams is a small nonprofit with a big mission. "Resilient communities need resilient oceans, and the Ocean Climate Solutions Act pursues both," said Steve Mashuda, oceans managing attorney at Earthjustice. “We are not well prepared at all for sea level rise, as a nation or as a world,” she warned. Common Dreams brings you the news that matters. The ocean panel also looked at the future of food from the sea to publish a white paper (and subsequent peer-reviewed Nature study) that calculated the ocean could supply over six times more food than it does today — as a result of fisheries reforms as well as aquaculture, namely for bivalves such as mussels, oysters and clams. 5, No. We don't survive on clicks. The ocean is our past and our future. Poor little snowflake Donny's been super busy throwing tantrums after one of those mean girl reporters hurt his feelings again. We want the world to be a better place. Virginia Gewin is a freelance science journalist based in the Pacific Northwest who covers climate change, agriculture, conservation and diversity in STEM. Grijalva was joined at the event by co-sponsors—including Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.), chair of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis—and various backers of the legislation.

Lubchenco further highlighted how ocean-based food security is on the rise. "This bill will tap those solutions, and everyone benefits.". @RepRaulGrijalva’s climate bill will ignite #OceanClimateAction to help fight inequality by prioritizing funding for communities of color & lower-income, Tribal, & rural communities most impacted by the dangers of #ClimateChange. Pivoting to how the ocean offers opportunities for an equitable, sustainable blue recovery to the COVID-19 pandemic, she noted that the ocean panel released a report in September detailing how investments in coastal restoration, seaweed or bivalve aquaculture, sewerage for coastal communities, renewable energy and zero-emission marine transport could pay off five-fold.

Many scientists say ignoring and abusing the oceans will bring forth our downfall. And see past issues of the SEJournal archived here. At a workshop on oceans, climate and the 2020 election, Lubchenco pointed to the work of the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, a diverse partnership of heads of state, including 14 world leaders, prime ministers and presidents — representing 30% of the world’s coastlines and 20% of the world’s fisheries — who have committed to transition to a sustainable ocean economy. In 2000, there were 92 overfished stocks; by 2019, that number had been slashed to 46. 37. Asked to comment on the appointment and nomination of climate change deniers to key posts at NOAA, she expressed grave concern. It was blank, but still. The Arizona Democrat, who chairs the House Natural Resources Committee, unveiled the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act during a virtual press conference.

SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment, SEJ Regional Conferences, Meet-Ups and Webinars, SEJ Bylaws, Policies, Agreements and Guidelines, Sign Up for SEJ Discussion Listservs (members only), Society of Environmental Journalists’ virtual conference, High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, Time To Flip the Ocean Script — From Victim to Solution, ocean-based renewable energy (wind and wave), conservation of existing blue carbon in coastal and marine ecosystems, carbon storage in the seabed (the only option that requires further study). Later in the SEJ workshop, Lubchenco fielded questions on a range of topics including the scientific integrity of NOAA, the future of aquaculture, greater protections for marine reserves and U.S. readiness for sea level rise. The bill, which is co-sponsored by leaders of multiple relevant House committees, was also applauded by other advocacy organizations, including the Center for American Progress, Earthjustice, Environment America, Greenpeace USA, League of Conservation Voters, National Ocean Protection Coalition, National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Ocean Conservancy, Surfrider Foundation, and Urban Ocean Lab. In recent years there has been progress to reduce the amount of wild-capture fish needed to feed carnivorous farmed fish, she noted, but it is not yet considered sustainable.

While some states — notably California and New York — are addressing the issue, Lubchenco said the country needs to take parallel actions to mitigate the consequences of sea level rise in parallel with rapid efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “The future, especially with climate change, will be on non-fed species,” added Lubchenco.

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Lubchenco argued there’s so much more potential and so many fewer problems with bivalve aquaculture — for example, mussels, oysters, clams — because they feed on plankton in the water. Specifically, as a statement from Grijalva's office outlined, the bill aims to: "By presenting smart, focused solutions to the climate crisis, this pioneering legislation propels the oceans into the heart of the climate debate in Congress," said Jacqueline Savitz, Oceana's chief policy officer for North America. She is based in Corvallis, Oregon.

—Jane Lubchenco, Oregon State University.

To that end, Lubchenco mentioned an innovative new partnership among 10 top global companies called SeaBOS, or Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship, which is working to realize sustainable seafood production. Well they are not infinite, and we have brought about change.

Jane Lubchenco Earth System Science (ESS) is a rapidly emerging transdisciplinary endeavour aimed at understanding the structure and functioning of the Earth as a complex, adaptive system. ': Democratic Challenger Pulls Ahead of Lindsey Graham. In the end, Lubchenco predicts Congress will have to weigh in and create a law to govern aquaculture. Now the ocean is primed for a new role, with emerging evidence pointing to a more hopeful narrative that the ocean offers untapped climate, food security and economic recovery solutions.

World Resources Institute has established a world-class and globally-representative Secretariat to serve as the hub of an outstanding international research and communications network and support the work of the Ocean Panel, the Expert Group and the Advisory Network. A healthy ocean is an environmental justice issue and we made sure to put protections for low income and communities of color at the front and center.". The US Spends More Than $80 Billion a Year Incarcerating 2.3 Million People, On Trump's Full, Flowing, Magnificently Brilliant Answers. To inspire.To ignite change for the common good. "This bill also aims to protect marine mammals from ship strikes, noise pollution, and climate change. * From the weekly news magazine SEJournal Online, Vol. ", House Democrats on Tuesday introduced the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act.

"As sea-level rises we have to end offshore oil drilling and help our coastal communities transition to the resilient, clean energy economy we all need," Sakashita said. Without Your Support We Simply Don't Exist.

To introduce her to his Senate colleagues for her confirmation hearing, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) called Lubchenco 'the bionic woman of good scien… Follow @oceanpanel "It draws on the latest science to tap the treasure-trove of ocean solutions to accelerate progress on climate change.