"[146] She withdrew the proposal after encountering opposition from the Conservative-led coalition government. [102], Tabak initially maintained he was not responsible for Joanna Yeates's death, claiming that DNA evidence linking him to the crime had been fabricated by corrupt officials. [19] As there was no evidence of forced entry or a struggle,[24] investigators began to examine the possibility that Yeates may have known her abductor. "[149] Appearing before the same inquiry on 16 January 2012, the Daily Mirror editor, Richard Wallace, described the newspaper's coverage of Jefferies's arrest as a "black mark" on his editing record. [67] DNA that had been found on Yeates's body was tested for a potential profile. [100] Tabak, legally represented by Paul Cook, declined to request bail during a hearing the following day. "[133], He was represented by Louis Charalambous of the law firm Simons Muirhead and Burton, who in 2008 had successfully acted for Robert Murat after he became a suspect during the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann and had faced similar media scrutiny. [1] However, he did not offer an explanation for the reasoning behind Tabak's initial attack on Yeates. [16] The pathologist Nat Carey consented to the release of the body on 31 January 2011. [82], In January 2011, a reconstruction of the case was filmed on location in Bristol for broadcast in the 26 January edition of the BBC television programme Crimewatch. He is also a convicted sex offender after admitting four charges of possessing more than 100 indecent images of children in March 2015. Much of the coverage was not only completely irrelevant, but there was a homophobic tone to it which I found deeply offensive. [16][25] The body was declared by police as that of Yeates. [152] Prayers for her were also said at the church on 17 December 2011, the first anniversary of her death, while visitors left tributes and messages of condolence for her family. She received her postgraduate diploma in landscape architecture from the University of Gloucestershire. "[139], On 12 May 2011, the Administrative Court granted the Attorney General permission to move a motion for committal for contempt of court against The Sun and the Daily Mirror for the way they had reported the arrest of Jefferies. His trial started on 4 October; he was found guilty of murder on 28 October, and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 20 years. [3] Yeates and Reardon moved into a flat at 44 Canynge Road, a large house that had been subdivided into several such flats, in the city's Clifton suburb in October 2010. He worked as a "people flow analyst", a role which required him to examine how people move around public spaces such as schools, airports and sports stadia. Devious Tabak claimed he accidentally choked Jo while trying to silence her screams. [137], Dominic Grieve, the Attorney General for England and Wales, stated on 31 December 2010 that he was considering action under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 to enforce the obligation of the media not to prejudice a possible future trial. [49] Investigators were aware that the perpetrator could have used an alternative bridge across the River Avon less than a mile to the south to avoid CCTV coverage. Being a retired English teacher who lived alone, whose physical appearance and "eccentrically unkempt white hair," made him stand out, led people to believe that he looked the type. "[165], The following locations were pertinent to the investigation:[16][166]. He contacted Avon and Somerset Police to tell them that Jefferies had been using his car on the night of 17 December, and a CID officer, DC Karen Thomas, was sent to Amsterdam to talk to him. He claimed that Yeates had made a "flirty comment" and invited him to drink with her. [144] The proposed legislation was introduced into the House of Commons in June 2010, by Anna Soubry, the Conservative MP for Broxtowe, a former journalist and criminal law barrister. While most parents are busily preparing for Christmas, Jo’s mum and dad will be focusing on the heart wrenching task of putting the finishing touches to her final resting place. [159], Following the release of her body on 31 January 2011,[29] Yeates's family arranged to hold her funeral at St Mark's of Ampfield, Hampshire, and have her interred in the churchyard. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. View our online Press Pack. We know words can be etched out and changed but we didn’t want that.”. [1] Samples found behind the knees of her jeans indicated she may have been held by the legs as she was carried, while fibres suggested contact with Tabak's coat and car. We never considered this trial as a process of justice for Jo. "It will be seven years at Christmas, that’s a significant time. She had been reported missing eight days before when her sex killer next door neighbour strangled her after she spurned his attempt at kissing her in her Bristol flat. [9], Investigators determined Yeates had spent the evening of 17 December 2010 with colleagues at the Bristol Ram pub on Park Street, leaving at around 8:00 pm to begin the 30-minute walk home. [103], Evidence was presented that Tabak had then tried to conceal the crime by disposing of her body. They met at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport on 31 December, where Tabak elaborated on his story, but Thomas grew suspicious of his interest in the forensic work being carried out by the police and because what he said did not concur with a previous statement. [52] The post mortem indicated that she had died "... several days before being discovered". BDP announced it would dedicate a charity cycle ride between its offices on its 50th anniversary, with proceeds to go to charities selected by her family. [3][15] She phoned her best friend, Rebecca Scott, at 8:30 pm to arrange a meeting on Christmas Eve. However, on 8 February, he told Peter Brotherton, a prison chaplain, that he had killed her and intended to plead guilty. On 5 May, he pleaded guilty to Yeates's manslaughter, but denied murdering her. [127] The item, presented by journalist Geraint Vincent, claimed police had made little progress with their investigation, and questioned whether they were following correct procedural methods. But we could say that the probability of it not being a match with Tabak was less than one in a billion. [164], Jefferies has since given his account of what happened, and described to the press in 2014 the mental strain the investigation had on his life for over two months. Lastly, we would like to thank the media for not pestering us and giving us space to try and start coming to terms with our loss. [60] Jones stated that his officers had established over 1,000 lines of inquiry. [55], A young woman attending a party at a neighbouring house on Canynge Road on the night of Yeates's disappearance recalled hearing two loud screams shortly after 9:00 pm coming from the direction of Yeates's flat. [53] The examination also confirmed that Yeates did not eat the pizza she had purchased. [34] The police gathered surveillance video from Clifton Suspension Bridge, which forms part of the most direct route from the crime scene to the Clifton suburb where Yeates was last seen alive. Speaking on the sixth anniversary of the jailing of Jo’s killer, evil Vincent Tabak, 65-year-old Teresa said: “It’s modern and contemporary and something Jo would have wanted. [28] Funeral arrangements were delayed as investigators retained the body. “But we’ve finally made the decision, it felt the right time, and we’ve chosen the right words in tribute to Jo.”. The paper was published in 2008. "[138] Wilson called Yeates, a white female professional, an "ideal victim" for the media. [121] The court heard that DNA swabs taken from Yeates's body had provided a match with Tabak. All we heard were words of self pity. ", "Joanna Murder Suspect Released on Police Bail", "Police seek driver of 4x4 in Yeates murder case", "Joanna Yeates: Police not ruling out multiple killers", "Joanna Yeates: £60,000 in rewards offered to help catch killer", "Sun offers £50000 reward in Joanna Yeates case", "Joanna Yeates police warn public to be watchful while killer remains at large", "Joanna Yeates' killer 'could have avoided CCTV, "Joanna Yeates Cause of Death 'Still Unknown, "Post mortem results on body of architect due to be released", "Killing similar to death of Melanie Hall 14 years ago", "Parents of missing architect Joanna Yeates: 'we knew she had been abducted, "Police try to unlock riddle of landscape architect's final hours", "Joanna Yeates murder: police review unsolved 1974 killing", "Joanna Yeates: parents lay flowers near where body was found", "Poor CCTV film may let Joanna Yeates killer escape", "Police delay Joanna Yeates' post mortem results", "Police are understood to be investigating the possibility Joanna Yeates may have frozen to death on the lonely country lane where she was found", "Joanna 'was strangled' Murder hunt is launched over death of 25-year-old", "Bristol architect Joanna Yeates was strangled, say police", "Joanna Yeates Murder: 300 People Contact Cops", "Boyfriend Greg not a suspect in architect's murder, say police", "Joanna Yeates murder: screams heard the night architect went missing", "Joanna Yeates murder case: Neighbour heard cry for help", "Joanna Yeates 'seen leaving flat with two other people, "Joanna Yeates murder: the unanswered questions", "Exclusive: Criminal Profiler Aiding Jo Police", "Joanna Yeates detectives focus on missing sock as extra officers drafted in", "Jo: More than one killer? [35] Crime Stoppers offered a £10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of her murderer,[36] while The Sun newspaper offered £50,000. [126][140] On 29 July, the court (Lord Judge CJ, Thomas LJ and Owen J) ruled that both newspapers had been in contempt of court, and fined the Daily Mirror £50,000 and The Sun £18,000. Nothing’s in place yet but we’re getting it done, the headstone’s well on its way.”, Former supermarket cashier Teresa added: “There’s been no rush, we wanted to get it right. [156] Building Design Partnership and the local NHS trust announced plans to commemorate her with a memorial in a garden she had been designing for a new £430 million hospital in Southmead, Bristol. We felt all emotion expressed by him was false. [115], The trial of Vincent Tabak started on 4 October 2011 at the Crown Court at Bristol before Mr Justice Field and a jury. [1] Tabak pleaded guilty to manslaughter, but denied murder. I feel sure she would not have gone out by herself leaving all these things behind and she was taken away somewhere".