Of coming future days, I have appreciated this warm, fall season more so than any year before. When What You’re Looking For Doesn’t Exist. Almost. But it would not be theirs without a struggle. But have courage! Fear not, nor be afraid; Cadence Elisabeth Elisabeth was a woman who loved Jesus and let Him affect every part of her life. . “I might die now.” He thought, “But not Note: As you read this, feel free to set the mood by turning on the same soundtrack that I’m enjoying as I write it: “Aurora” by my good friend, Clayton Reedstrom. For one final attack, 937 Followers, 226 Following, 415 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kendalyn Staddon (@kendalynstaddon) The girls loved dressing up like little cows and we enjoyed the outing with the Wallers! Keep in mind that these are my […], Photographing for the new Lenspiration photo assignment turned out much better than I expected! She changed my life through a talk she gave when I was in my teens…little realizing that one of the girls in the audience would be able to give back to her 10+ years later. Outnumbering his regiment 5 to 1 and yelling at the top of their lungs, the enemy came sweeping up the hill once again. An invisible enemy has entered our world, and we are all taking extraordinary precaution against it. Customized by Abundant Designs. […], It’s 2020. 3 ounces, 20 inches. Courage is not the absence of fear. I’ll see you again soon. Courage comes from a focus on something greater than our fears. All of the above pictures were taken by the incredibly talented photographers Katie Wilson and James Staddon. […], I had an idea of what I wanted to take pictures of for this month’s Lenspiration Photo Assignment, but I had to patiently wait for the right timing. Worse, their trusted leader would not be going with them. July 19, 2012, Kendalyn in Uncategorized 7 Comments. I’m going to miss her, miss holding her hand, seeing her smile and hearing her voice, but her words and legacy will live on forever. (See Deuteronomy 31. […], When I read the details for this month’s Lenspiration photo assignment, I thought “Hey, this is going to be easy; I have plenty of brothers to use as models, it’s a bright sunny day, and I know exactly where to shoot it!” Well, as usual, it didn’t exactly turn out as expected. Every […], Know the common thread between the four hymns Let Him Have His Way With Thee, O For A Closer Walk!, Precious Name, and Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord? But such would not be theirs without Visit www.lenspiration.com for some photographic inspiration! Robert gave me the heart shaped diamond ring because he wanted it to be a continual reminder that I was loved with an everlasting love…and this was one of Elisabeth’s favorite verses as well. And do it now!” His young successor, Joshua, “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. James Staddon is a landscape photographer and graphic designer. The meaning of Cadence is a rhythmic flow or sequence and is often applied to music. Robert and I are pleased to share some wonderful and exciting news…we are expecting! “Be strong and of good courage” were the words that echoed across the valley to the gathered multitude. The wise leader of a fledgling nation knew his remaining days on earth were numbered. . Were numbered, quickly fleeting, That make you feel so weak? Wordpress theme design by WPShoppe. Are there “giants in the land” Sent them repelling back. Especially for us in this digital age! Those months  were full of learning curves as I helped wherever I could (which I loved), took up running (which I didn’t love – and it ended up being more of a quick walk:), learned how to cook fish the right way from a fantastic cook (Total love! David Waller & Priscilla Keller were engaged November 16th and are happily planning for a February 4th, 2012 wedding! The legendary enemies they were about to face were as well known for their cruelty as they were for their physical strength. CHARGE!”. Would not be going with them, Labor was intense but short. Desperately he had sent for help, but no help was coming. Charge! Michael Staddon is the principle operator of Honey Glen Apiaries. I was very honored to be the best man at the wedding! To make it more challenging for me, I focused on lighting and doing what I could to get it just right…. Visit www.honeyglen.com to learn more. Desiring reinforcement, With courage and a father’s care, I am so thankful for days like today when my children and I can play outside without our jackets, my girls can run around in bare feet, roll around in the grass, and throw leaves in the air! Join Facebook to connect with Kendalyn Staddon and others you may know. But it providentially glanced off his belt buckle so that he could jump back on his feet and resume the fight. Congratulations to you both and may the Lord bless your wedding preparations! Now let me show you the photos I took in the video! And in what little they did know And dreams spread out before them, To him the charge was given, 611 Followers, 156 Following, 88 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Robert Staddon (@robertstaddon) Be not dismayed, nor fear.”. Were left to keep the mission. What’s greater than your fear. The name Elisabeth means to be devoted, consecrated, or pledged to God or in Hebrew, “God is my oath.” Together they communicate the idea of one who moves through the highs and lows of life walking in complete consecration to God. The victory was his! I wouldn’t have been exploring this part of the country if I hadn’t been […], If your family already does homeschooling, this month’s photo assignment should be easy! Be strong and of good courage, The foe he could not still. A big “Thank you” to James for the wonderful pictures. Continue Reading Thanksgiving Memories… November 28, 2011, Kendalyn in Family News 1 Comment This was Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, and the outcome of the entire American Civil War was likely hanging on the shoulders of this one schoolteacher from Maine and his beleaguered regiment.