They groove into you in lasting, painful, and maybe even therapeutic ways. “I don’t know,” he shrugs. Is he concerned that all this hype around Manchester By The Sea might damage it? TAVI GEVINSON IS A NEW YORK-BASED ACTRESS AND THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AND FOUNDER OF ROOKIE. Sometimes I just want to be alone with my thoughts, but you can’t have everything. “It could be hurt by people not seeing it,” he continues. But that was different. How do you choose what to write about? Good answer. Personally I think we’d better clean up our own act if we really want to think about effectively fighting somebody who talks like a flaming jackass but seems to have a better grasp of how to consolidate support than anybody in the Democratic camp has demonstrated so far. OK. Which one’s the kooky friend who’s hanging around?” [Gevinson laughs] And these hideous things they have to be. Oh. And then when someone else is like, “Well, it’s because you’re this way.” You’re like, “Fuck!” [makes crying sounds], LONERGAN: Well, Matthew’s mom [Broderick, Lonergan’s best friend with whom he went to school beginning in the 10th grade] once said to me … Because I was starting to go out with this girl. To tell you the truth the subject makes me slightly uncomfortable for reasons I don’t entirely understand and if you don’t mind I’d like to move on to the next question. At least that’s my takeaway. “I’m glad that people like it. LONERGAN: Well, if you’re a New York City, Upper West Side, upper-middle-class, intellectually raised kid, you’re a little envious of people who aren’t afraid to get into fights. [laughs]. It seems so inappropriate. I’m in England and for some reason the server I’m using keeps scrambling my incoming emails. LONERGAN: Jessica might say that, but Jessica is way more sensitive than that character, I think. And everybody was whipped up into a dramatic frenzy over this tragedy that she was in love with Bobby. He was wrong, but you shouldn’t have cursed at him.” And I said, “Well, actually, Nellie, he was right because he doesn’t know that I would never knock your block off, and even so, I shouldn’t talk that way to you. I never get tired of hearing it. Create a commenting name to join the debate, There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts, There are no comments yet - be the first to add your thoughts. I’m very brave with someone else. All of Alyssa Limperis’s Characters Are Losing Their Minds. “Cock!”: Nicolas Cage and Marilyn Manson in Conversation, Rick Owens and Miley Cyrus on Rock Stars, Recklessness, and Life on the Road, Nathan Fielder and Louis Theroux Teach a Masterclass on the Art of Awkward, Dylan Sprouse Returns to the Hotel Suite—This Time, in a Pink Dress, Sway House Demands Your Attention, for Better or Worse, Mel Ottenberg and Jeremy O. Harris in Paris: An Honest Conversation About the World’s Most Polarizing TV Show, Joe Wong and Fred Armisen March to the Beat of Their Own Drum, Smile, You’re on Camera: Grinning Through Quarantine with vVardis. It’s really hard to pick because I’m kind of a gourmand, but I’d probably say the fried clams at Nicky’s Cruisin’ Diner near the airport in Bangor, Maine. LONERGAN: Maybe he did. [laughs] I think Eisenhower was president and stuff.