Kushi is a young orphan raised by the monks of Lhan. She named the Roc Altun, and thinks of him as her brother. I went for the tofu and the mushroom skewers and got the teriyaki-chicken and the chicken-meatballs. Human I found it tasty, especially the kushi. I thought this place was great! Why can you charge a box of rice like this for $7? A bit high considering what it included, and the low quality. 2.

Other people have commented on the quality of rice, so I will voice the fact that my rice was perfectly done.Overall, I probably wouldn't choose that box again, but I enjoyed it. It was chock full of lots of 'stuff' which I couldn't identify. Peeking inside to see how much (or how little) they had given me, I found 2 foil pouches! I had the Megabox Combo B (air travel starving) which was Teriyaki chicken, tsukune, uzura maki on rice w/ nori, mayo & half boiled egg (the Megabox) with a chicken meatball kushi and a can of pop (Combo B).It was just enough food to hit the spot and not pig out just before bed. You might think my rating is harsh, but I will explain.An express take out store by Zakkushi, I expected something better. My first impression was that it was a busy place and noise…", "I'm shocked this place is so underrated, because I'd literally be willing to make…", "Ok, I've been coming here for... well, I won't ever tell lest it give away my…". .css-1o5pw2t{width:24px;height:24px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle;position:relative;overflow:hidden;top:-0.1em;fill:rgba(187,186,192,1);}.css-1o5pw2t::before{position:absolute;display:block;left:0;}.css-1o5pw2t::after{content:'';display:block;position:absolute;left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;}.css-1o5pw2t svg{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;fill:inherit;display:block;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;}.css-1o5pw2t:hover,.css-1o5pw2t:focus{fill:rgba(117,114,128,1);}. Riding Mode: Altun soars into the sky, crashing down after a period of time, damaging all nearby enemies.

In this state, she can block as per normal, though she blocks more damage if Altun is perched upon her arm. I was actually beelining it for Gyudonya - a staple of my Tokyo days - but it was ridiculously crowded. The mayo and the egg was already in the "box", but the sauce was in a small container so I could add as much or as little as I wanted.It's not fine dining, but I thought it was good value for the money and it hit the spot when I needed it. Indivisible Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It has tsukune, quail eggs, teriyaki chicken and onsen tamago.

I was a…". Zebei and Kushi share the same sidequest. she is an amazing person,a bit aggressive but kind hearted and if you gain her trust she will always support you and go to any end

Kushi is an apprentice Protector and considered to be the tamer of Altun, a Roc, although she argues that they are friends. After a long day at work, I was starving when I walked past this place. It was the type of sauce that would work well if lightly brushed on meat and grilled so it could caramelize, but not applied in goops raw to the rice.The yakitori skewer was small, but tasty. The saltiness of shredded nori on top really complimented the earthy BBQ flavour, and the sauce was fabulous when it all got mixed in with the rice. IMHO its rather clever, but I was VERY surprised when the little styrofoam coffeecup I recieved felt rather ... empty. Thank god.). A tiny new place on Robson for Japanese fast food. They poured a lot of sauce into it, imagine.....MUSHY RICE+ONSEN TAMAGO+A LOT OF SAUCE, I was like eating congee! "Ali Wong mentioned in her comedy special that authentic Asian restaurants have a number in the name and leave you deaf. To activate this, you must talk to Kushi- talking to Zebei does not start the quest. And I mean DROWNED in an overly salty goopy "teriyaki" sauce that killed the flavour and made the rice liquid mush. This box is $83. GDC Plays indivisible with Mike Z and Mariel Cartwright, https://indivisible.fandom.com/wiki/Kushi?oldid=8330. I've generally felt the sauce distribution is just right, but that's including the egg mixed into the rice as a sort of sauce as well, so I can't say how it'll be for you if you order a box without the half boiled egg. K(h)ushi is a Sanskrit word for "pleasure" or "happiness" while altun is Turkish for "gold". Getting access to the area requires you to have "Nature's Retribution" to enter and exit. Kushi is a Telugu romantic comedy film directed by S. J. Surya and released on 27 April 2001.

And in a very short time, I was handed a Chinese takeout container filled with tsukune, chicken meatballs in a savoury sauce, over rice. I think Kushi Box must refer as much to the size of the joint as it does to the fact it's food in a box (great, now I can't get that song about something else in a box out of my head).The meatballs (focus, mind out of gutter) had a slightly smoky flavour and were tender yet not too soft. A quick glance around located the hot-water carafe in the corner. Protectors

English VA Female The p-toro skewer was dried out entirely and had the consistency of rubber. They gave a Chinese take-out container filled with the mush salt liquid rice/chicken ball concoction, a separate plastic container for the skewers, and all put into a plastic bag with plastic utensils, which were also wrapped in plastic. Price for the lunch combo was $9.99. The main thrust of the menu is "boxes" (picture Chinese take out cartons) which consist of a protein (teriyaki chicken, meatballs, tsukune, pork or tofu) on rice. Led by Ajna's screams as she is falling from the crashing Fortress Vimana, Altun catches her in mid-air and brings her to the ground, where Kushi is waiting. Japanese VA The apple martini is sweet and sour and the lychee soju was sweet. I got home to open my bag of goodies and found that the two kushi skewers I got were NOT what I ordered.
The meatballs were DELICIOUS. I think their staff are not stable so their services are not same every time.

But it smelled good, the decor was cool, the prices were right, and there was no lineup. Not a good substitution especially if one happens to be Vegetarian.The big box was wrong too. Proudly created with Wix.com. We came from Japan to start Yakitori la Kushi in Amsterdam with desire to have our guests, from vegans to meat lovers, experience the true taste of handmade Japanese cuisines made ground up, as much as possible, with locally grown fresh food without chemical seasonings or food additives. Not at all spicy, but there was a nice little plastic container full of salty black sauce which I happily drizzled all over the contents (I used about half of the contents for the whole box).As for whatever was in the box, it was tasty. I checked-in late at L'Hermitage (no room service, it's only fault) and really needed something to eat, since the airlines are determined to force some weight loss on you. This had some nice charcoaled barbecue chicken with tasty rice, and they also serve some thick and delicious soy sauce with it. While foraging with the monks one day, a Roc swooped down and grabbed Kushi. This will prompt the player to look for a monk in Tai Krung city. Sumeru. I'm already a repeat customer! After defeating the turtle and retrieving the carapace, go back to the same monk to get the sacred bell fixed. About Us. The ambiance is clean and professional but…", "Yesterday my boyfriend and I went to Cactus Club Station Sq location for the first time yesterday. P-toroThe rice is mushy and packed. They also have oden and karaage, and takoyaki, for those of you who like that stuff.
Hot off the grill & bite-size -- they were tasty and totally hit the spot.