He fell in love with me too?

But then, we wouldn’t have this delightful classic of a story which still confounds us to this day! The surprise twist. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5e674a477b81e0b6 Has to be. Thank you. He’s the spitting image. Your email address will not be published. (Wait, what? Find the quotes you need in Daphne du Maurier's My Cousin Rachel, sortable by theme, character, or chapter.

I wonder if I even noticed these three brooding little words when I first read My Cousin Rachel as a teenager. So the first sign that this boy starts to show he likes you…yea you leave or shut him down immediately. Or was Phillip a paranoid schizophrenic? Also when Philip refuses and asks her to drink it she’s suddenly taken aback and changes the topic. Unless it should be fear. My Cousin Rachel Quotes | Explanations with Page Numbers | LitCharts. I liked the physical symptoms but I thought he was lovesick. And so Phillip departs, and heads back to Cornwall. And WHAT? And who is this boy that is so pouty and forlorn? But his feelings become complicated as he finds himself falling under the beguiling spell of her charms. Whether Louise poissoned Phillip to make Ambrose letter accusations to Rachel even more plausible is another subject. My Cousin Rachel: Daphne du Maurier's take on the sinister power of sex Du Maurier’s novel is a tightly plotted, sinuous and undeniably feral piece of work that puts power in … Wha? But why would that be?

If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. You can also subscribe without commenting. so duh, Phillip is still the heir. Where should I go Phillip?

Along the way Phillip gets another letter from Ambrose, written before he passed away, talking about Rachel’s carelessness with money and that maybe, just maybe, she might be trying to poison him. Also, did anyone consider that Rachel purposely planted those letters with intent on making Philip looking like a mad man? Interestingly, Daphne took the name and physical attributes of the title character from a portrait that she had seen at Antony House near Saltash. Ok…. Nick was the one acting suspicious about Rachel and told Phillip he “asked around” about her. It is weird how she runs to the lawyer first thing in the morning to clear her ‘doubts’ on the will. Louise loved Phillip and wanted Rachel out of the picture but she also let Phillip make his own decisions. He knowingly sent her via the cliff trail. Those neat clipped features on a coin. Louise is a normal girl, she played a roll in Phillip’s misreading Rachel but she was jealous and rightfully suspicious of Rachel. But on his 25th birthday, Phillip gives her everything. And so it makes perfect sense that Phillip would direct Rachel to the cliff path for her ride. Could it be the teas and Rachel’s vast knowledge of plants? I believe the long look from Louise at the end was her wondering, “is he thinking about her again… he always thinks about her even to this day.” She is realizing even though Rachel is dead that Phillip is still in love with her.

It seemed to me that I felt as a soldier might feel on being given command of a battalion; this sense of ownership, of pride, and of possession too, came to me […] But, unlike a soldier, I would never have to give up my command. Didn’t she?”). She had defeated both of us. She’s saying of COURSE we pin the blame on the independent woman. He was not the villain either… he just let his love sick heart make him make bad decisions. But no you take his inheritance and play along.

Tara Stuart – I like your summary and thoughts on the plot. She even had the intend to bring Philip over to Italy from the letter), 7)”there are rumors of her cheating ways and spending habits. So Rainaldo wasn’t Rachel’s lover after all. There is no “did she or didn’t she?” as far as I can see. She was raised under the Tuscan sun! Again not the actions of someone who is in pain despite her crocodile tears. Her face in the final scene said it all. My Cousin Rachel is set in the nineteenth century and,not for the first time in the du Maurier canon, has Menabilly as its main location. No, in fact, Rachel wasn’t trying to kill you. Unwarranted suspicion (also at play in Ambrose’s mind, if this path is correct) is an especially strong characteristic. The jewels, the estate, everything. I mean how many people would selflessly help the love of their life get someone else, Rachael. Though this enigma lies at the heart of the story, it seemed to me a secondary concern. So in 18th century women with character who try to define themselves and and do what they really want should be rare. I highly recommend reading the book. And she made is clear to Rachel that the jewelry belonged to the “estate” not the individual who was wearing them (i.e. The story has its origins in a portrait of Rachel Carew at Antony House in Cornwall, which du Maurier saw and took as inspiration. The sickness symptoms was starting to show when Philips was walking back through the forest after the quick love-making with Rachel in the forest. Because… you see… duh… he figured, Rachel would obviously want him, and that she wouldn’t care if the money was hers, or his… but that the money would slosh from him, to her, to him again, in one big happy love fest. No intent. Rachel also invites a ‘companion’ for her to stay at home further breaking Philip’s heart. To me this film was just barely average until the last scene where all was subtlety revealed. The spend the time making fun teas and catching butterflies. I don’t know if Rachel was poisoning with the teas but she could have. It was mine for life. •
I think I may be alone here but I definitely think Rachel was the villain. Rachel has taken care of him, giving him special tea to help him get better. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. The document that he had signed have meant that all the doings ( comforting and helping Philips )from Rachel , have had a very unintended consequence to Philip (of Philip falling in love with her). With Rachel Weisz, Sam Claflin, Holliday Grainger, Iain Glen. and theme. Phillip commented early on the everyone assumes he will marry Louise. I believe in the era the film plays off, men were not as accepting of independent women, a role Rachel pursued relentlessly.

But with this movie, I think we got a bit of evidence that decidedly answers the question as to which theory is at work here. But not necessarily so. I am going to have to rewatch this movie AND the original! Knowingly sent her to her death. Even the motives for all she did, baffling perhaps even to herself, I guessed them too. Plot Summary. I had never seen her look so radiant, or so happy. Phil tries to get to her but alas, too late. Dark and withdrawn, a foreign woman standing in a doorway, a shawl about her head, her hand outstretched. So…what was the story of Alice? The cliff path you say? This made those around him who loved him suspicious of rachel’s motives. Could it be that Rachel is striking him dead slowly but surely? 2) ” someone who claims to be distraught over losing their husband then seduces his nephew” I always thought Rachel had a despair within her when Ambrose dead. Some girls have all the horrible luck. Just because a movie is all skirts and lace doesn’t mean it isn’t awful. (It also killed Ambrose’s father.) It was a queer feeling, as though I sat naked in my chair. I mean seriously? I saw her as someone not responsible for what she did, besmirched by evil.

From my own personal life experiences, Rachel reminds me of a narcissist + manipulator who knows how to play and get what she wants (all her emotional outbursts melt Philip’s heart). […] Perhaps, when all is said and done, I shall have no wish to be free. The portrait was of a woman called Rachel Carew who had married Ambrose Manaton of Kilworthy in It was an immediate success with Daphne du Maurier's fans on both sides of the Atlantic and received excellent reviews from the critics. I don’t think she was poisoning him or meant him harm but she did manipulate him to get the estate which would be returned back to him once she died with what’s left. It’s an enjoyable read. Better yet!? Instant downloads of all 1364 LitChart PDFs In the book, no Louise, no kid, just repeating the first sentence in the book.
I too have noticed only at the very end of the movie that it was Louise & her father who might have been behind the poisoning of Philip, & attempts at trying to turn Philip against Rachel.