People always make war when they say they love peace. It is loyalty through good and bad times. Votes: 0, When they said "Make love, not war" at Woodstock, they never imagined that one would become as dangerous as the other. Mr. President, I love you, but you're wrong. French philosopher Denis Diderot described war as “a convulsive and violent disease of the body politic.” Webster’s Dictionary defines war as a state of open and declared, hostile armed conflict between states or nations, or a period of such conflict.(1). Votes: 0, Love is the answer, the spiritual solution that holds the power to end the war that rages within each of us.
Votes: 2, All's fair in love and war," said Ron brightly, "and this is a bit of both. It is, by common consent, a good thing for people to get back to nature.

He didn't know all that much about how the machinery worked anyway. I would rather make love than war, but only because condoms kill millions of lives more enjoyably. Not all wars are physical. “Excalibur: A Novel of Arthur”, p.199, Macmillan, Aldo Leopold (1989). We explore the tumultuous 1950s and '60s, beginning with the cold war and ending with a sexual revolution. Discover and share Love And War Quotes. It’s filled with turmoil, death and sadness. If you find quotesgram website useful to you please donate 10 to support.

But in love neither you live nor you die.
Love has its place, as does hate. To die,so young to die.No, no, not I,I love the warm sunny skies,light, song, shining eyes,I want no war, no battle cry,No, no, not I. I used to think you were a decent man. Take things a step at a time. At time of peace, we should love one another.At war, we should set our minds as the hunters. Votes: 0, War scenes are less difficult than love scenes. “Operation Mincemeat: The True Spy Story that Changed the Course of World War II”, p.239, A&C Black, Bernard Cornwell (1999). Votes: 0, Alliance does not mean love, any more than war means hate But wherein lies the goodness, and what can be done to encourage its pursuit? Because it is the one thing that stops women laughing at them.

Even the most supposedly rational people attempt to practice magic in love and war. Like these: We can’t even avoid battles in our daily lives, though not as severe as those in wartime. Make LOVE, Not WAR. Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance. One had to hurry, before the fires flared out.

It is love and reason,' I said,'fleeing from all the madness of war. Occasionally, a re-enactment is a fine thing. Chapter Parallel Compare. We live in a love story in the midst of war. Take a look. Of course war is coming. Votes: 0, Hatred is always at war with love that keeps growing. The Northern part of you stands still while the Southern part tries to secede. Not even for love.

Older men declare war… One had to hurry, before the fires flared out. We simultaneously possess the most primitive of brain stems and the most sophisticated of cortices. When we come to God, we certainly want to come as honestly and openly as we can; we want to be our truest selves before him. It cannot even be fought with regret, but must be waged with a savage joy in defeating the enemy, and it is that savage joy that inspires our bards to write their greatest songs about love and war. James Arthur Baldwin quotes ( American Essayist , Playwright and Novelist , 1924 - 1987 ) Similar Quotes . We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion of war, but on the positive affirmation of peace. If you carry a weapon, war will follow you. There is a saying that no man has tasted the full flavor of life until he has known poverty, love, and war. Votes: 0, The point is the love story. I suggest you to do war but never love because in war either you live or you die. Votes: 0, Joy is the experience of knowing that you are unconditionally loved and that nothing-sicknes s, failure, emotional distress, oppression, war, or even death--can take that love away. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed. Votes: 0, Right now my field must tackle describing a world where falling in love, going to war and filling out tax forms looks the same; it looks like typing. 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I wrote my first script, which was 50 pages, at age 15. Paulo Coelho Votes: 0, War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate. We find God.”, “Ella se excita por la forma en que se relacionan, por las palabras cariñosas, por actos de fortaleza ofrecidos bien lejos del dormitorio y mucho antes de llegar a ella. They are the peaks of human emotion! If we had the courage to love we would not so value these acts of war. . Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature. I got to win a war. “A Sand County Almanac, and Sketches Here and There”, p.165, Oxford University Press, USA, William Butler Yeats (2000).