Rather than have a meeting arranged with her family and Xander about it, Cassia decides to only tell one person about what happened: her grandfather, whose 80th birthday is the next day. While hiking, Ky tells Cassia the tale of Sisyphus, a man who outsmarted and killed an Official, who was punished by having to push a rock up a mountain, never reaching the top. Reassured, Cassia recites one of the forbidden poems to him, and they begin saying it back and forth to one another. However, when she inserts the microcard, it malfunctions, displaying first Xander’s face and name, and then suddenly another boy’s, before going blank. When Xander went to look for his container, Ky Markham thought he was drowning and dove in to save him. Later, at school, she confesses her feelings for Ky to Xander, who storms out, angry and hurt. Shocked that he knew what she thought was a secret, and horrified that their relationship may have stemmed from actions taken by the Society, she runs from him. He gives her another napkin. When she comes home, her father admits to her that he didn’t lose her grandfather’s tissue sample -- he destroyed it at her grandfather’s request. This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. She is one of the best sorters and rarely makes mistakes. On their last day of hiking, Cassia and Ky defy the rules and climb to the top of the Hill. The next morning, Ky is taken away in handlocks by Officials as his mother screams, causing a scene. In the woods as she hikes, Cassia hides and reads the secret paper in her compact. He says if he could be Matched, he would be Matched to her. The following day, Ky slips a napkin into her hand. Nobody can write, or draw, or create anything that does not already exist. The Question and Answer section for Matched is a great She writes I love you in the dirt, and he says it out loud back to her. They reprimand him before being shooed out by her mother so that the family can eat dinner. When the movie ends with gruesome death scenes, which Cassia and Xander think are comically fake, Ky cries. Cassia is last to speak with him. Xander found the container, and both boys resurfaced unharmed. Cassia and the other hikers have moved to the Hill, a larger and wilder site in the Arboretum, to mark obstacles in preparation for a path being paved there. They are displayed to one another on a screen when they are Matched. She also lets on that she knows Cassia has feelings for someone other than Xander. She lets the paper fall to the floor, making it appear to be part of the refuse. He opens her compact and shows her a secret paper inside, which he reads to himself, and puts back without showing Cassia. He then gives Cassia a package of extra blue tablets for her upcoming journey. Everyone is instructed by the Officials to take their red tablets, which causes them all to forget everything that happened in the last 12 hours. When they are alone on the hilltop, she learns that he can write, and she asks him to teach her. While sharing compensatory ice cream afterward, she and Xander share their first kiss, and she feels sure that she was meant to be Matched with him. In the woods, Ky clarifies that he was lying to Livy about what he and Cassia have been drawing in the dirt. Cassia pockets one of the seeds. Each citizen is allowed exactly one such artifact. It contains two forbidden poems, one of which is Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night.” She reads them several times and then heads to the top of the hill, where she finds Ky. Ky admits to seeing her in the woods, and asks whether she wants help destroying the paper. Back in the present, Cassia visits with her grandfather and tells him about her microcard malfunction. While hiking, Ky tells her that there are Archivists at the Museum who hold onto forbidden poems for buyers to acquire, if they know how to do so. Our story Email Us Call Us: 248.387.9826, USA TODAY • LA TIMES • CBS Detroit • Crains Detroit Business • Corp Magazine, Jon Chu, Adam Shankman, Jennifer Gibgot, Kieran Mulroney, Michelle Mulroney. She must sort the workers into categories of better and worse, knowing that the better workers will be taken away to an unknown new vocation, while the worse ones will stay behind and receive longer work hours. By vocation, Cassia is a data sorter, a person who finds patterns in various data streams and sorts it categorically. Cassia is furious. At home, she sees that he’s drawn and written on the napkin, illustrating his life before and after his adoption. Matched movie production status is currently Pre-Production.