Express. And he went, 'OK. If you choose to use this review on your site please link back to this page. Een niveau hogerJackson had al vanaf het begin de intentie om het Thriller album naar een hoger niveau te brengen en het was een hele slimme zet om zijn muziek met beelden te combineren. "It created MTV really," he says. You have to be able to hum it.". Here the director of Thriller… "Het arrangement van 'Beat It' komt grotendeels van mij, maar Eddie Van Halen kreeg alle credit.". Wat is het verhaal achter deze legendarische videoclip die zo'n grote invloed heeft gehad op de muziekindustrie? One of Jackson's biggest songs ever was the single Beat It from his sixth studio album, Thriller… Bied wekelijks op meer dan 65.000 bijzondere objecten, geselecteerd door {experts_count} experts. Michael Jackson daughter: What is Paris Jackson like now? Het disco-orkest van Quincy Jones maakt plaats voor synthesizers en hij huurt de mannen van de dan enorm succesvolle rockband Toto in om het merendeel van Thriller in te spelen. ", The purpose of Thriller, in Landis's mind, was "to give Michael some balls". What, I wondered, is his mood like these days? "Michael was terrific to work with," says Landis. MTV AND ALL RELATED TITLES AND LOGOS ARE TRADEMARKS OF VIACOM INTERNATIONAL INC. De video 'Thriller' had een belangrijke invloed op de muziekindustrie. '", The next potential problem arose with Ola Ray, the actress Landis wanted to play Jackson's girlfriend. Marketing departments realised that more and more singles could be pulled from a record to prolong its shelf life, and Michael Jackson became the King of Pop with the whole of the recording industry at his investiture. It endorses Satanism. Wanneer Thriller op 30 november 1982 verschijnt, geeft Rolling Stone de elpee een gloeiende recensie met vier sterren. Na het zien van 'An American Werewolf' in Londen nam hij contact op met regisseur John Landis en vroeg hem om Jackson te veranderen in een monster. By the following Christmas, Thriller had become the phenomenon it remains to this day. "So I went to see him with Rick Baker, who had done the special effects make-up on that film, and we took along a big book of monsters for him to look at. Registreer je vandaag en ontdek onze wekelijkse veilingen, die door ons team van gespecialiseerde experts worden samengesteld. Then, as if driven by an obsession to reinvent, he made himself the star of the promo video that would transform the way pop music was marketed. Het eerste resultaat van de samenwerking is Off The Wall. Nirvana - Nevermind [European Pressing] - LP Album - 1991, Garbage - Beautiful Garbage (original 2001) - 2xLP Album (dubbel album) - 2001, Oasis - Adidas - Herdruk poster (Heruitgave) - 2020, Tame Impala - Currents - 2xLP Album (dubbel album), 45-toerenplaat (Single), Gelimiteerde boxset, Luxe Editie, Flexidisc - 2017. All but two of its nine tracks were hit singles. DON'T MISS...Elvis Presley 'alive': King 'hiding in BUNKER with Michael Jackson' [THEORY]Michael Jackson 'needed LIFE-THREATENING' surgery just before death [NEWS]Elvis Presley 'alive': King 'attended Michael Jackson's funeral' [INFO]. If you take an album like Nutcracker Suite, every song is a killer, every one. The shoot was rumoured to have cost $1 million. But the 14-minute mini-film inspired by Thriller's title track rewrote the rules for the music video, opening up undreamed-of creative possibilities - and, in the process, helping MTV on its way to world domination. One of Jackson's biggest songs ever was the single Beat It from his sixth studio album, Thriller. It reached number eight on the UK chart, and the album sold well, but certainly not in the manner that the man who’d delivered Off the Wall should have done. Townshend explained how he was originally asked to appear on Jackson's Thriller - but he didn't accept the invitation. There is no question that Michael Jackson's music speaks for itself. "After The Blues Brothers, I wanted to do a good musical number with real dancers and shoot it correctly. Als je geen blanke man met een gitaar of synthesizer bent, heb je het begin jaren '80 moeilijk om je videoclip op MTV te krijgen. The female presence in Jackson's two previous videos was virtually zero, "so I said I want to get a pretty girl, and I want you to relate to each other sexually. Steve Wright in the Afternoon BBC Radio 2, The Chris Evans Breakfast Show BBC Radio 2, Tracklistings come from MusicBrainz. Samen met choreograaf Michael Peters werkte Jackson er hard aan om ervoor te zorgen dat de dansende zombies er ‘cool‘ en angstaanjagend uit zouden zien, in plaats van op de lachspieren te werken. Na het zien van 'An American Werewolf' in Londen nam hij contact op met regisseur John Landis en vroeg hem om Jackson te veranderen in een monster. Indeed, he still has the highest regard for the troubled singer, and they remain friends. "It's the melody, the melody is the most important. MTV betaalde ook grof geld voor de exclusieve rechten om de video uit te zenden en beide bleken goede investeringen te zijn; de kijkcijfers voor MTV bereikten recordhoogtes en de videoclip won een Grammy voor beste video.