Good to know that mines in China stash enough non-perishables to last 17 years in random shafts, just in case?!?! Wow, poor guy… seriously so sad. Yeah that guy is hence forth known as the manliest man to ever live. How could you possibly buy into this. People on television should feel pretty stupis ! At least he’s going to get a big pay check with all that overtime. The miners were trapped underground for four days reaching the surface once again July 28, 2002. I’m very doubtful it is true, just don’t happen that was. . I’m all for a source, but there’s a difference between rice being palatable and rice being edible. Even though Wai was suffering from great physical and mental stress, he managed to give proper burials to all of his comrades, spending almost a year in this great selfless act. This story is just fiction people. All Right Reserved. He was quickly rushed to the hospital where a complete check of his physical and mental states is set to be carried out in the coming weeks”, the fake article reads. And not for nothing an article link in the banner said russian scientists have found a “cure” for homosexuality…im not gay but thats pretty offensive my god…this is world news daily mind you…. The image of the crying ‘miner’ used in the story was taken from a 2009 Chinese news report about a Japanese memorial service for wartime Chinese forced workers. Updated May 11, 2014. cuz if th mine were to collapse which it did but it wasn’t yrs but it prob was enough to help for a lil bit, One of the trapped miners in the underground chamber shaking his fist. What type of lighting did he have? Over the last years, the authorities have been cracking down on many unregulated mining operations which account for almost 80 percent of the country’s 16,000 mines. Various media outlets took over the news about a Chinese miner who survived a 17-year-long ordeal as he remained locked in a mine. Hoax-Slayer is owned and operated by Brett Christensen. Families of miners trapped underground stay put. There is more to the story than we are being told. To GOD, be the glory for moving others to find him. If you are not gay (as the word “them” seems to indicate), who are you to speak for what WE are tired of or not. Get real. While they were exploring the galleries, they came across Cheung Wai, a 59-year old survivor from the 1997 accident, obviously in a rather bad shape. Sad that you just believe what you read. This unfortunately as bad as it was shows us to really appreciate life and the moment right now that we have. Namaste and one love all! This is bull dont belive it his teeth would be Rotten and why the hell would they be years of supply of food when they just work down the mines ?????????????? Yea “cure for AIDS” would have been more appropriate. It just is what it is. This is a tragic survivor story, and that is that. I’m skeptical. Wow!!!!! <3 Always love the other! After working through the night to rescue trapped illegal miners from a disused mine in Langlaagte, Johannesburg Emergency Services (JES) suspended the search on … One thing is for sure. Video: Chinese miner trapped underground for 17 years, found alive (False Story), Tags: Cheung WaiChina Mine AccidentsChinese Miner HoaxChinese Miner SurvivalFake Story China MinerUnderground Mine Survival, Your email address will not be published. Thus, claims the story, a team exploring the old mine were greatly surprised when they discovered 59-year-old Cheung Wai, who had apparently survived on an emergency stash of rice and water and by supplementing his diet with rat meat. Learn how your comment data is processed. Any resemblance to the truth is purely coincidental, except for all references to politicians and/or celebrities, in which case they are based on real people, but still based almost entirely in fiction. how is the man now? I dub thee sir Beast of total bad ass. And I thought I was having a bad few years. The ‘inspiring’ incident described never took place, in China, or anywhere else. Ben, you have my thanks and my express permission to speak sensibly on my behalf!!!! read the disclaimer on this website!! ALL stories are fictional (not real). And lastly, many people still refuse to believe that Stonehenge, the Great Pyramids and the Statues of Easter Island were all created and moved by human hands JUST because we are so reliant on machine power that we can’t comprehend human beings possessing that kind of strength and will power. From my research the rice he would have to eat would have to bee vacuum sealed and kept at 40 degrees F for it to last that long. Read More, Hoax-Slayer is part of a business that trades under the name Brett Christensen and has the Australian Business Number (ABN) 12 992 424 947 ABN Lookup. Birgitta, det där är en artikel om Chile. There’s the effects of disease from the rats & decaying corpses. How are you people so ignorant to real news? The rest of what I said still stands. thats whats wrong with this country people believe this hahaha. It is not a boring mind that wants more data – more *reliable* data – when fantastic claims are made. World News Daily Report assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content.