This article was most recently revised and updated by, This peninsula is famous for the production of mineral oil and date palm. Inhabitants of Spain and their descendants who immigrated to the Americas, List of Governors in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata,, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2020, Articles needing translation from Spanish Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. 12. It spreads between Gulf of Carpentaria and Coral Sea. Arabian Peninsula or Arabia is the largest peninsula of world which occupies an area of 3.2 million square Km.

It has great strategic importance for Russia. 14. Initiative Against Commercialising Education providing you with Quality Study Material including Videos of Aptitude and General Studies totally free of cost. Sinai Peninsula: situated in West Asia, it is part of Egypt. They defended Cádiz's monopoly on trade, upsetting the criollos, who turned to contraband with British and French colonies, especially in areas away from the main ports of call for the Flota de Indias. Tourism is developing along the Pacific Ocean coast land of this peninsula. Inhabited by the primitive tribes of the Yellow Race. peninsulares) was a Spaniard born in Spain residing in the New World, Spanish East Indies, or Spanish Guinea. Ungava Peninsula: It is situated between Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay.

It is only part from South America by Drake Passage. Jutland Peninsula: It is situated between North Sea and Baltic Sea. Kamchatka Peninsula: It is situated between Bering Sea and Okhotsk Sea. It is made of ancient hard rocks. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. In the context of the Spanish colonial, a peninsular (Spanish pronunciation: [peninsuˈlaɾ], pl. Dairy industry and sheep breeding have developed here a lot. Grapes and Olives are cultivated a lot on this peninsula. However, it has great strategic and geopolitical significance. In the context of the Spanish colonial, a peninsular (Spanish pronunciation: [peninsuˈlaɾ], pl. Bank’s Peninsula: It is situated on South Island of New Zealand.

‘Murmansk’, the only sea port of Russia which is opened for all 12 months, is located on this peninsula. Cape York Peninsula: It is located in Queensland State of Australia. Higher offices in Spanish America and the Spanish Philippines were held by peninsulares. Crimea Peninsula: Located in Black Sea, it is an important region of Ukraine, which is diamond shaped.

It is surrounded by Red sea in west, Gulf of Aden in south, Arabian sea in southeast, Gulf of Oman in east and Persian gulf in northeast.

Due to influence of cold Labrador Current, the human population here is very less. The World's Largest Peninsulas Arabian Peninsula. 8. It is an extremely cold peninsula due to impact of Oyashio cold current. Tourism industry has developed a lot in its coastal parts. 15. 10.

It is famous for the production of mineral oil and Iron-Ore. Its culture is an amalgamation of different ethnic group. The second largest peninsula is 800,004 square miles. Kjollen Mountain spread in its central part, which act as watershed. This part has been cut to constructed the world famous Suez Canal. 18. [2] Godos is still used pejoratively in the Canary Islands for the peninsular Spanish, and in Chile for Spaniards.[3]. Baja Peninsula: Belonging to Mexico, it is an arid and mountains peninsula. 16. In some places and times, such as during the wars of independence, peninsulares or members of conservative parties were called deprecatively godos (meaning Goths, referring to the "Visigoths", who had ruled Spain and were considered the origin of Spanish aristocracy) or, in Mexico, gachupines. But it is most rich in petroleum reserves. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? This a list of peninsulas ordered alphabetically by continent or region and by Florida Peninsula: Important state of U.S.A., Florida Peninsula and surrounded by Gulf of Mexico and … Apart from the distinction of peninsulares from criollos, the castas system distinguished also mestizos of mixed Spanish and Amerindian ancestry in the Americas, and mixed Spanish and native Filipino (Spanish Filipino), or Chinese[citation needed] in the Philippines, mulatos (of mixed Spanish and black ancestry), indios, zambos (mixed Amerindian and black ancestry) and finally negros. Merida and Cancun cities are situated on this peninsula. This region is highest deposits of ‘Drumlins’. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Scandinavian Peninsula: A large peninsula of northern part of Europe, on which countries, like-Norway and Sweden, are situated. peninsulares) was a Spaniard born in Spain residing in the New World, Spanish East Indies, or Spanish Guinea.Nowadays, the word "peninsulars" makes reference to Peninsular Spain and in contrast to the "islanders" (), from the Balearic or Canary Islands or the territories of Ceuta and Melilla. Many small rivers originate from here. Colonial officials at the highest levels arrived from Spain to fulfill their duty to govern Spanish colonies in Latin America and the Philippines. Tourism has also developed here a lot. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Metallic minerals, especially Iron and Mercury are found in large amount on this peninsula. 9.

Updates? The two largest peninsulas are mainland Europe and Scandinavia to the north, divided from each other by the Baltic Sea.

3. They worked to preserve centralized imperial power and sometimes acted as agents of patrol. Three smaller peninsulas— Iberia, Italy, and the Balkans —emerge from the southern margin of the mainland. They may be very large, as in the case of Arabia, or quite small. The surrounding water is usually understood to be continuous, though not necessarily named as such. Australia’s world famous ‘Weipa mine’ is situated here, which produces maximum Bauxite in the world. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Without a doubt, the largest peninsula in the world is the Arabian Peninsula at 1,250,006 square... Deccan (Indian) Peninsula.

The largest peninsulas in Western Europe are the Iberian, Scandinavian, Apennine, and Jutland Peninsulas.

A peninsula can also be a headland, cape, island promontory, bill, point, or spit. Kola Peninsula: Situated in Arctic Ocean, it is part of Russia. Having the sparse population of Eskimos this peninsula remains covered by snow at least for six month in the winter season. [1]. The Balkan peninsula is separated from Asia by the Black and Aegean Seas. Many active volcanoes and hot springs are found on it. Iberian Peninsula: It is an important peninsula of Europe, on which Spain and Portugal are situated.

There are immense possibilities of finding natural gas here. Denmark is situated on it. Peninsulas are areas of land surrounded by water on three sides. 11. It is world famous for Bauxite production. The deepest hole in the Earth (about 12 km) was made on the Kola Peninsula by the Russian scientists. It is 400 Km long. It is located in middle east and comprises of 7 countries including Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar. Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. Sinai where according to ‘Bible’ and Holy Quran the ‘Ten commandment and the Tables of Law’ were given of Moses. In the Portuguese Colonial Brazil, Portuguese people born in the Iberian Peninsula were known as reinóis, while Portuguese born in Brazil with both parents being reinóis were known as mazombos. 19. Silver is produced here on a large scale.

If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article.

It is an important region of Canada. Peninsulas are very important in many tropical areas as tourist resorts, this can provide jobs for people who work at these resorts, peninsulas are also used as national parks and nature conservation areas, Point Pelee national park in Ontario (picture seen below) is an excellent example of this, Peninsulas can provide space for both wildlife and tourists in crowded areas. Peninsulas are areas of land surrounded by water on three sides. It is world famous for dairy industry. It is rich in iron-ore and Coal. It is mainly a plateau region. The largest peninsulas in Europe include the Iberian Peninsula, the Balkan Peninsula, the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Apennenine Peninsula, and the Jutland Peninsula. Mountains like Cantabrian, Sierra Morena and Sierra Nevada, are located on it. Why is Europe called 'the peninsula of peninsulas'? Its main sea port, Sevastopol, remains open throughout the year. Dairy industry has developed here a lot. 7. Spaniards born in the Spanish Philippines are called insulares. Yucatan Peninsula: Surrounded by Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, it is an important peninsular region of Mexico. 5. The Deccan Peninsula is … Fjords are found in its western parts. It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean in west and Mediterranean Sea in the south and east. Shandong Peninsula: It is important region of China situated between Gulf of Bohai and Yellow Sea. It is a very important from strategic view of point, because it can be used to keep surveillance on Asia. 13. 4. Arabian Peninsula: It is a desertic peninsula located in far south of West Asia. It is one amongst the world’s lowest populated regions. This region has Tundra vegetation. ‘Rub-ul-Khali’ desert is located on it. They may be very large, as in the case of Arabia, or quite small. Personnel.

It is famous for Apple production. Palmer Peninsula: Part of Antarctica, which lies in South Atlantic Ocean. Omissions? Its southern parts is in under Germany control. Mahia Peninsula: It is situated in eastern part of North Island of New Zealand. 2. Chukchi Peninsula: It is a part of Russia surrounded by Arctic Ocean.