They operate out of their HQ in Staria, which appears to be a fortress floating out in the emptiness of space and has many, many highways made of Applied Phlebotinum that converge there.

They return to their home at the end of the episode, as the fictional and real worlds need to remain separated. But that's the trouble.

"My Little Pony...My Little Pony To them, the place is pretty normal. She can sometimes be snooty and stubborn. Wind Whistler: "It is illogical to begin a long journey just as the sun is setting.".

This applies to Driver and his Red Any Army, too. King Mole, too. Why is it important that the Glo Friends glow?

I’ll be there right be your side.

Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Prince Charming was THE Prince Charming from the books, and he was only acting in character, while Heart Throb was a hopeless romantic living her lifelong dream. She's an unabashed romantic who dreams of finding herself a "Prince Charming" to be with some day. Ponyland is populated by Bushwoolies, Sea and Flutter ponies, Grundles, bee-people, talking pigs, giant terriers, bird-dog hybrids, zebra-people, evil storm clouds, elves, bigfoot-like people who build forests, and monster weeds, among other, weirder things.

He's guilt-ridden over helping Arabus, and hates himself for it, but until the heroes help him he had no way of actually doing anything about it. What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway? Unlike their relatives, they never agree on anything or with anyone.

A Pegasus.

She was the one who first cursed him with bad luck when he and some friends snuck into her garden and knocked her into her own pot.

It's ... See full summary ». A wandering squire who wants to be a knight. Here is a list of characters from My Little Pony 'n Friends. Though the fact they, Pegasi can fly.

Adaptational Badass: Her toy version just seems to be a cute girl in a dress. Due to their similar age, she gets on best with the Baby Ponies (and, to a lesser extent, the more childish adult ponies).

Morning Glory: Gee...if we only did things that we were good at, we'd never try to make ourselves better. As the result, the pony episodes often ran as television serials, as did the other shorts. The series was an Animated Anthology, featuring quarter hour shorts. Among their number are Robin Hood and his Merry Men, Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, Prince Charming, Sherazade, Aladdin and his genie, and Hercules.

For tropes about his G4 counterpart, see Friendship Is Magic: Historical Figures. A group of giant crustacean policemen on the hunt for the flories.

Moondreamers ran for 16 episodes with 2 serials.

Round fluffy creatures who roam the valley in large packs .

Use the HTML below. After a bit of trouble getting in, the two accidentally unleash Sealed Evil in a Can Queen Scowlene while tagging along to watch how they make dreams. A sad little hobo with terrible luck following him everywhere. A maternal and caring Unicorn pony who takes it upon herself to look after the various Baby Ponies.

They are a group of mole-like monsters that wish to abuse the Glo Friends' ability to light up the night. Female Snake-Eyes Is a Hit, Will She Get Her Own G.I. he admits only helped Arabus because he was forced to. The Big Bad of the series is Queen Scowlene, who torments the everyone with her nightmare crystals, because she herself can't get any sleep. My Little Pony 'n Friends An infant dragon who was originally a prisoner of Tirek. He has now grown old, however, and has been captured by his old foe. Then again, she's the one who often has to fix other peoples' messes and the one time she disobeyed the rules and let two dimwits into Staria a. My Little Pony…My Little Pony After a while, both of them realize that the situation is awkward and politely call it quits. A monstrous yeti in King Charlatan's service. What will today's adventure be? It ran for 23 episodes with no mutlipart episodes.

A book-loving Pegasus who particularly enjoys telling stories to the other ponies, adults and babies alike. Pluma's grandfather. The Moochick's long-suffering rabbit assistant. Monkey-like creatures who live underground and create and maintain nature.

An old sorceress who drains the life-force of living beings through their dreams to retain her youth and power. Then again, 80s kids ARE made of tougher stuff. Nice job breaking it kids. It was based on the toyline of the same name. They manipulate Posey and the other ponies into protecting them against their captors, the Crabnasties, and then devour Posey's garden to go on a rampage. Feline sorceress Catrina and her lizard servant Rep, who loves her, force enslaved little furry Bushwoolies to make her magic potion. the ponies are recaptured and Hydia and Reeka blamed Draggle for her incompetence in an, after Baby Lickity-Split unwittingly made a wish on one the said coins for the rain to stop and never return, the titular Ghost of Paradise Estate turns out to be. In their dormant state, they look like cute, pretty flowers, but they can suck the life out of the ground, killing everything else planted there to grow into hulking monsters. Mrs. A collection of fairytale and storybook characters who enter the real world when North Star opens the Golden Door.

Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. What to Watch if You Miss the "Game of Thrones" Cast.

Armored, armadillo-like creatures with a history of antagonizing the furbobs. the former are escaped convicts, whereas the latter are a heroic police force. The dude manages to fall out of his seat several times just trying to get up. He wrote several episodes of the show and would later become known as a producer and story editor and writer on such series as. They are short-sighted, so they were unsuccessful in their attempts to harvest gold from some nearby mines. The archetypal monster of fairytales, represented here as a dragon in a wig, the Monster is released into Ponyland when the Golden Door is opened, but turns out to not be such a bad guy after all. An exuberant Twinkle-Eye Earth Pony whose favorite food is gingerbread.

He led the pennas when they settled in ancient Dream Valley and fought Squirk, breaking his magic flash stone.

Though its continuity was...kinda lax, all of the stories take place within it. King Charlatan's son and heir, Edgar is much kinder and more level-headed than his father, but his limited power and his dad's overbearing personality mean he can't really do anything about it.

If they fail, they will cease to glow in the dark.

A knowledgeable but scatterminded hermit who lives in the Mushromp. A penguin who has the magical ability to launch freezing Eye Beams.

A family of three evil witches who dwell in a nearby volcano. He never intended to help Arabus, just get help b.ecoming a musician, and almost instantly tried to quit when he realized Arabus was using him... but Arabus threatened to steal his shadow and leave him with no chance to ever save his home town unless he worked with him. Just like going to a friend’s house after school, the ponies spend most of their time at Sugarcube Corner. Medieval Fantasy Animation for Children of All Ages, Favorite Movie with the Movie Title "Movie", Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures: The Ice Goose Cometh/Pirates with Dirty Faces. A giant reptile whose village was ruined by Woebegone's bad luck, the alligatorsaur chases him into Ponyland in a rage and right into the ponies' garden.

You Gotta Have Every Hair Color Imaginable,, Michael Reaves, too.

As such, the Moligans have attempted to enslave the Glo Friends to power their lanterns, allowing them to see in the darkness of the mines, harvest the gold and then buy out the kingdom of Molslavia. A pony with a southern American accent, Truly is in charge of the nursery and the baby ponies. He has the heroes trapped in a giant mousetrap when he mistakes them for accomplices of the bad guys, but releases them once he realizes what's going on and joins them in their quest. Yes, the series was very Merchandise-Driven. They revolt and escape, so she plans to replace them with Little Ponies, who are having a costume ball. Exactly What It Says on the Tin. As a matter of fact, most of the voice actors from the. The episodes focused on My Little Pony ran for 65 episodes in total. (1986–1987). Birthdays are big in the world of My Little Pony, and everyone gets in on the fun. The ponies are assisted in their adventures by a teen named Megan; her siblings Molly and Danny; Spike the Baby Dragon; and the Moochic, a scatter-brained gnome wizard with mushroom motif, and his Beleaguered Assistant, Habit the Rabbit.

Explore the funny side of friendship with My Little Pony: Pony Life! The snowman guards the maze surrounding the king's palace, and attacks the ponies and Megan when they try to cross it. A shy and retiring Earth Pony who loves to garden.

The ponies with the help of their friend, Megan, a girl who lives over the Rainbow in the human world who originally appeared in Firefly's Adventure (not the same film as they have it on ... See full summary ».

The furniture of Paradise Estate, brought to life by Beezen's magic paint.

Letting your heart be your guide She doesn't wish to work for him, but is forced to do so by his holding her grandfather hostage. The Moondreamers themselves seem to come in two varieties: Christmas Elves and Fully Dressed Cartoon Animals.

The mayor of Muensterville, a town of humanoid mice whom Arabus, Zeb and Knight Shade have already passed through. A surly and greedy troll whose help the heroes seek out to undo some dangerous wishes, as these were made with coins from his treasure and only he can reverse them.

11 of 12 people found this review helpful. With Sherry Lynn, Bettina Bush, Susan Blu, Nancy Cartwright.

The story of a human named Megan in a world of magical ponies and their adventures together in Pony Land.

Apparently these guys have never heard of oil lamps before. Bye Draggle, see ya!

Via a magic mirror, Twilight Sparkle travels into an alternate universe in order to recover a crown that was stolen from the Crystal Empire.

He is not, however, very happy with his situation.

The Moondreamers are a group of celestial people led by Crystall Starr, the designer of the stars.

basically Arabus's slave, and only works for him because he's being forced to do so. A look at the funny side of friendship, with the mane 6 going on adorable adventures. A pair of Mad Scientist monkeys who kidnap Danny and Surprise to hold as ransom in exchange for the Rainbow of Light. A fun-loving, mischievous Pegasus who is constantly running/flying around all over the place.