Upon receiving the award, Adams says: For forty years I've been privileged to live out my passion, standing up for the natural inheritance that belongs to us all. He discusses how less toxic waste facilities are often placed in minority, specifically Black or Latino, spaces[11]. Activist Facts is committed to accuracy. 1989: Petitioned the EPA to issue a comprehensive ban on asbestos. And to date there has been $700,000 in net revenue from it. Some of Adam’s less notable awards include[14]: One World One Child Lifetime Achievement Award (2005), NRDC's Forces For Nature Award (2005), the Wilderness Society's Robert Marshall Award (2005), the Natural Resources Council of America's Award of Honor (2001), the Green Cross Millennium Award for Individual Environmental Leadership (2000), the Judge Lumbard Cup for public service from the United States, Attorney's Southern District of New York, the National Conservation Achievement Award from the National Wildlife Federation (1999), the Francis K. Hutchinson Conservation Award from the Garden Club of America (1990), Duke University's Distinguished Alumni Award, and in 1992, Duke University Law School's Charles J. Murphy Award.
1991: Helped stop a Senate bill to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. After successfully stirring up groundless fears of Alar, NRDC is now pushing to ban bisphenol A (BPA), a common chemical used in plastics. As of 2020, he serves on the board of the Open Space Institute, Woods Hole Research Center, and the League of Conservation Voters[8]. In receiving this great honor today, I stand on the shoulders of a remarkable NRDC team, and of Americans everywhere, who love this country and believe we share a common duty to safeguard the waters that nourish us, the wildlife that inspires us, the air that sustains us and the land we call home. The “Give Swordfish a Break!” campaign was operated by a group called SeaWeb, which, conveniently, was created by Fenton specifically for this purpose. In 1992, he published “The Mainstream Environmental Movement” in the EPA Journal; the piece recounts the environmental racism working in urban planning. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) was founded in 1970 by lawyers James Gustave Speth, Richard Ayres, John H. Adams, John Bryson and Edward Strohbehn as a nonprofit environmental law firm aimed at protecting the environment from "the forces of pollution and corporate greed." Ford subsequently gave similar grants to the Environmental Defense Fund, the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, and the Southern California Center fo… They have three children: Katherine L., John H., and Ramsay W, and six grandchildren[5]. The NRDC is one of the best-funded environmental activist organizations in existence, with net assets of over $182 million. 1973: Began action resulting in the phase out of lead from gasoline. John and Patricia Adams coauthor this piece on the United States' first litigation-focused environmental organization. She is a teacher, writer, and environmentalist. This could cost hundreds of thousands of jobs. According to a 2011 report from the Government Accountability Office, between 1995 and 2010, taxpayers reimbursed the Natural Resources Defense Council to the tune of $252,004.

Adam’s alma mater, Duke University Law School, endowed a professorship in his honor in 2017. It employs seemingly endless litigation to get its way. An exposé by the Washington Free Beacon uncovered that Klein Ltd., a company incorporated in Bermuda that exists solely on paper, donated at least $10 million to the SeaChange Foundation. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences, British Royal Society, World Health Organization, American Medical Association, and American Association for the Advancement of Science have all expressed their support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s report that carbon emissions have resulted in a warming climate. Ironically, the organization has economically benefited from the very fossil fuels it wants to eliminate. The NRDC believes in policies that would destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs. The Natural Resources Defense Council is one of the many environmental groups that have colluded with federal agencies in “sue and settle” lawsuits. 2001: Campaigned the EPA to adopt stricter standards for tap water treatment.
Rather than trusting in the environmental review process it treasures, NRDC hopes to stifle new developments before they’re ever vetted—simply because NRDC, like most radical environmentalist groups, essentially never met a mining project it liked. In 1989, the NRDC colluded with Washington PR firm Fenton Communications to create the “Alar-on-apples” food scare. & Renee E. Belfer Family Foundation, Robert F. & Marilyn H. Schumann Foundation, Robert Stewart Odell & Helen Pfeiffer Odell Fund, Rose Foundation for Communities & the Environment, S. H. & Helen R. Scheuer Family Foundation, Sarah K. de Coizart Perpetual Charitable Trust, Saul Z. Adams recounts the NRDC’s 50-year history of triumphing over the world’s most powerful polluters. The NRDC conducts knee-jerk advocacy and creates scare campaigns on a wide array of environmentalist issues, including ending affordable energy, pushing a “guilty until proven innocent” chemical policy that goes against science, and opposing resource development. In January 2018, ConEdison, a utility company in New York, announced they would stop accepting applications for new natural gas service in some areas. The FDA has determined that science does not justify a ban of BPA from all food and drink containers. John married Patricia Brandon Smith (now Patricia Brandon Adams) on September 30, 1963. Jennifer Bernstein – Chief Development Officer, Michelle Egan – Chief Communications Officer, Andrew Jackson – Chief Administrative Officer, Josh Mogerman – National Media Director, Communications, Marc Boom – Director Of Federal Affairs, Government Affairs, Susan Casey-Lefkowitz – Chief Program Officer, Pete Altman – Director Of Federal Campaigns, Christina Angelides – Director, American Cities Climate Challenge, Josh Axelrod – Senior Advocate, Nature Program, Ralph Cavanagh – Energy Co-Director, Climate & Clean Energy Program, Sheryl Carter – Director, Power Sector, Climate & Clean Energy Program, John Walke – Director, Clean Air, Climate & Clean Energy Program, 40 West 20th St. 11th Floor, New York, NY 10011. While under Adam’s leadership, the NRDC had many notable accomplishments[9],7: 1971: Aided in the passing of the Clean Water Act, allowing citizens to sue polluters directly. The George Soros-backed Open Society Institute and Foundation to Support Open Society gave NRDC over $2.2 million since 2008. 2000: Stopped Mitsubishi’s plans for to build a salt factory on grey whale breeding grounds in Laguna San Ignacia, Mexico. Natural Resources Defense Council is connected to the following people: Activist Facts is a project of the Center for Organizational Research and Education. Let us explain. Hedge-fund billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer, who could be called the next Al Gore, backs an anti-fossil fuel organization called the Energy Foundation, which has given millions to NRDC. NRDC also receives considerable funding from more traditional liberal foundations.

Fish and Wildlife Service to condemn the campaign as “flawed to the core,” while the National Marine Fisheries Institute declared that swordfish were never in any danger of extinction at all. With the help of his team at the NRDC, Adams has worked on numerous environmental movements including passing the Clean Water Act, phasing of lead from gasoline, and curbing the emissions of coal-burning power plants. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is one of the largest and most well-funded environmental activist organizations in the United States.

The NRDC would reduce that contribution to the US energy sector, threatening over 625,000 jobs in natural gas, over 197,000 jobs in coal, and nearly 800,000 jobs in petroleum industries, according to a report from Energy Futures Initiative and the National Association of State Energy Officials. The NRDC has trained its legal might on good-paying fracking jobs, and it has hurt consumers’ access to needed energy sources. Honorable Maurice D. Hinchey of New York presented Adams’ honors in the house of representatives. Trust, Robert A. The source of that chaos, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), is known for that sort of alarmist junk science.

Adams was inspired by similar organizations in different fields, namely the ACLU and the NAACP, to conduct activism at a legal level[4]. 2010: Advocacy resulted in President Obama establishing the first-ever National Ocean Policy. Adams published his first book in 1985.