“By remembering the achievements of the industry we establish the most appropriate memorial to those who lost their lives in winning coal.”, The 1887 painting Under the Coaly Tyne, by J Hodgson Campbell, in the Mining Institute, Newcastle, portraying a miner at the coal face of what is believed to be Redheugh Colliery, When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. On Saturday, there will also be events and family activities from 2pm - 4.30pm at The Spinney in High Heaton, which was previously thought to have marked the location of the disaster and where two plaques commemorate the catastrophe. Careful inspection is, however, made, to ensure that the drives do not get danger-, ously near the water, otherwise there might, The surface soil in the mining region is of, the poorest possible description, quite un-, fitted for agricultural purposes. 12 died. 11 died. Apedale Colliery, Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1835 Explosion. Shaft Accident. 7 died & 5 injured. Dudley Colliery Disaster, Newcastle, NSW, 1898. An interesting historic feature of North East coal mining were the early wooden railways or horse-drawn colliery wagonways, mostly of the eighteenth century and known as ‘Newcastle Roads’ which were arguably the world’s first railways. The Gretley mine disaster of 1996 claimed the lives of four men following an inrush of water. Evidence presented and conclusions made at both the Coroner's Inquest and the Court of Investigation are outlined. Podmore Hall Colliery Minnie Pit, Halmerend, 1915 title = "Dudley Colliery Disaster, Newcastle, NSW, 1898". 22 died. Methane explosion caused by shotfiring using gunpowder. Exhall Colliery, Nuneaton, 1915 Hem Heath Colliery, Chesterton, 1915 The Heaton Main Colliery miners hit the old workings of an 18th-century pit, from which water gushed in 'with the roar of thunder', Want the top news headlines sent to your inbox daily? It was discovered that spontaneous combustion caused a fire that produced the gasses that killed these men. Diglake Colliery, Audley, 1895 The work-. Blasts. dicular sense, they did live on the mines, and by the irony of circumstances the com-, mittee which had been formed to check the, progress of mining was obliged to devote its, first efforts to promote the renewal of mining, The whole region round Newcastle is being, steadily undermined, and some of the works, stretch far out under the waters of the har, bour. On May 3, 1815, near where St … Bunkers Hill Colliery, Audley, 1875 Retired history teacher and Heaton-born and bred resident Les Turnbull recounts the story of the disaster in his new book, A Celebration of Our Mining Heritage, published by Chapman Research at £15 in conjunction with the North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers and the Heaton History Group. 9 died. N1 - Imported on 12 Apr 2017 - DigiTool details were: Journal title (773t) = Journal of Australasian Mining History. Brownhills Colliery, Brownhills, 1861 Elizabeth Thew’s youngest son John had survived, but she had to look for her husband, her eldest son George and her middle son William. You need to login before you can save preferences. AU - Beauchamp, Clive. The Mining Institute is the Royal Chartered membership organisation for science and technology in the North. Old Park Colliery, Dudley, 1856 In the latest in our Tyneside Revealed series, we recall the mining disaster that killed 92 men and boys, the youngest being eight, Want the top news headlines sent to your inbox daily? 9 died & 2 injured. Explosion. Another five weeks passed before another 55 victims were found in one spot. Methane explosion caused by shotfiring with gunpowder. But we need to be super sure you aren't a robot. Bad ventilation lead to a build up of methane which caused an explosion. 7 died. Young and his, mate came with a light and met Thompson's, attempted to make their way through the fall, on the main road, but found they could not do, skips to support the roof, but observing the, roof to be working badly, they left that part, of the mine and made a road through an old, bord.