Beating people up could for days without a break, in shifts, investigators have changed each other, and worked tirelessly. At that time, the number of people sentenced in each of the four mass operations was respectively: 11,260 (9,450 sentenced to death); 6,300 (4,020 sentenced to death); 7,023 (5,724 sentenced to death); 5,680 (4,672 sentenced to death). In the 1950s American scholars proposed a structural explanation of the Great Terror: as a totalitarian system Stalin’s regime had to maintain its citizens in a state of fear and uncertainty, and recurrent random purging provided the mechanism (Brzezinski, 1958). Ils leur montrent un charnier dans lequel reposent des milliers de cadavres partiellement momifiés, portant des uniformes d'officiers polonais. The instructions issued on August 14, 1937 to the NKVD regional chiefs, emphasized the need "to ensure that there is absolute secrecy concerning time, place and method of execution.

), 2003, Stalin’s Terror: High Politics and Mass Repression in the Soviet Union, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. The instructions issued on August 14, 1937 to the NKVD regional chiefs, emphasized the need "to ensure that there is absolute secrecy concerning time, place and method of execution. A former teacher of shoemaking. CONQUEST, Robert, 1968, The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties, New York: MacMillan. Neither of them studied, mainly because of the scarcity of information on the subject, the mechanisms, organization, implementation of mass arrests and mass executions, or the sociology of the victims, who represented a much wider group than party elites or intelligentsia. We provide independent and objective news to our local readers. Immediately on receipt of this order you are to present a list of NKVD staff permitted to participate in executions. The cleansing operations in border areas were continued and expanded in 1936, encompassing 20,000 families from the Leningrad region and Western Ukraine. Except for those who were forced to testify during the limited purges of the NKVD apparatus after the end of the Great Terror (it goes without saying that these testimonies should be subjected to strong historical criticism), very few witnesses, such as people living in the neighborhood of the NKVD "shooting ranges" for example, left testimonies on this secret mass crime. Out of this number, 111,000 (or 79%) were executed. ), 2000, Reabilitatsia: kak eto bylo. Excavations carried out in 1997 established, sixty years after the Great Terror, that it was a place of mass burials, and probably of mass executions, too (although medical experts were uncertain whether "the corpses were thrown into the graves immediately after their death, or from eight to ten hours after") (Golovkova, 1999). Most of their guilt wasn’t proven. Le NKVD avait pour but de contrôler la population soviétique, afin de détruire toute opposition au régime et d'appliquer la terreur sur tout le pays afin qu'encore une fois l'opposition ne se fasse pas entendre. ARTIZOV, Andrei, SIGACHEV, Iouri, et al. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Two main groups of "enemies" were targeted: The Kulak Operation, launched by the NKVD Operational Order n° 00447 dated July 30, 1937, targeted a wide category of previously identified "social outcasts": the innumerable cohort of "formers", directly and purposefully marginalized in the 1930s ("former kulaks", "former members of anti-Soviet parties", "former White officers", "former tsarist civil servants" and "church officials"), but also various kinds of "socially harmful elements" (such as "recidivist criminals", "bandits", "hooligans", "speculators", "persons with no definite place of work or having ties with the criminal world", etc).

Two weeks later, on August 11, 1937, following a Politburo top-secret resolution taken two days earlier, Nikolai Ezhov issued another secret directive, Order n° 00485, aimed at "the complete liquidation of local branches of the Polish Military Organization (POW) and its networks of spies, wreckers and terrorists in industry, transport and agriculture". As the fate of the arrested depended entirely on the zeal of local NKVD bosses, the chance of being caught and the probability of being sentenced "in the first category" (death penalty) varied considerably: in Armenia, 31% of those trapped in National Operations were shot; in the Vologda region, 46%; in Bielorussia, 88%; Krasnodar territory, Novossibirsk and Orenbourg regions had the highest rate of "first category" victims: respectively 94%, 94.8% and 96.4%! People under the nails driven pins, fought off a finger in the door, put in the so-called “selotape”, punishment cells, where he maintained a high temperature. Tags: crimes against humanity, crimes of the Soviet communist regime, de-Sovietization, decommunization in Ukraine, History, News, NKVD (Soviet People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs), 2020/10/01 - 18:06 • Voir son profil Everyone wants to become an entrepreneur and build their empire, but this is easier said than done. "Soviet xenophobia" (Martin, 2001: 342) was an ideological rather than an ethnic concept. Un autre document prouve que Roosevelt était informé de la culpabilité des Soviétiques en 1943 : le premier ministre britannique Winston Churchill lui a adressé un rapport détaillé en ce sens, rédigé par l'ambassadeur britannique auprès du gouvernement polonais en exil à Londres, Owen O'Malley. These short abstracts were copied in a special album. However, the advance of German troops was so rapid that the Soviet prison workers did not have time to prepare the right amount of train cars.

The SS-Ehrendegen, also SS-Degen (officially Ehrendegen Reichsführer-SS.

Only with the perestroika launched by Mikhail Gorbatchev in 1986 did the tragic events of 1937-1938 begin to re-emerge in the public sphere. Cliquer ICI pour accéder au site des archives, Theatrum Belli was in the Arsenal of the executioners and more sophisticated means. The NKVD referred to these decrees collectively as "the National Operations" directed against "nationalities of foreign governments". 5 NKVD officers carrying machine guns appeared in the corridor, where 10 prison cells were situated, one of which was mine. Les documents montrent en outre que le capitaine Stewart a reçu l'ordre en 1950 de ne jamais parler du message secret concernant Katyn. GERMAN, Andrei, 1996, Istoria Respubliki Nemtsev Povoljia (History of the Volga German Republic), Moscow: Zvenia. well-Known examples when Nazi executioners learned from the experience of the Soviet “colleagues”. A complete collection of these memorial books can be found in the library of the Moscow branch of Memorial (the website has an extensive list of these knigi pamiati). This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The victims of the NKVD’s sadism were killed with a shot in the mouth or the back of the head. Staline et son système, Paris: Perrin. In total, around 24 thousand people were killed. Il a d'abord été présent dans les diverses républiques puis finalement dans l'URSS entière. On estime que le NKVD est à l'origine de plus de 3.5 millions de morts. « NKVD » expliqué aux enfants par Vikidia, l’encyclopédie junior,, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. J.Stalin, 14.X.37".