The NRDC Action Fund builds political support in the United States for protecting the planet and its people. The final debate will reveal each candidate’s ability to lead us through one of the most central challenges of…, Ignoring massive toxic spills and years of research, Trump pretends unlined coal ash ponds are safe. The NRDC Action Fund PAC provides direct contributions directly to the campaigns of pro-environment candidates and supports GiveGreen, a project of the LCV Victory Fund and NextGen Climate Action Committee.

Washington, DC 20005, We work to elect environmental champions who will stand up to the polluter agenda on Capitol Hill. NRDC Action Fund 2020 Voter Guide: CALIFORNIA. Become a member and your gift will be used to fight back against attacks on environmental protections and blunt the influence of big polluters in Congress and state capitals across the country. Volunteer to help us defeat Donald Trump and elect environmental champions. Washington, DC 20005.

WASHINGTON (June 12, 2020) — The NRDC Action Fund, a national environmental advocacy organization, today announced its endorsement of 1 1 more candidates for the U.S. House and Senate. Averting dangerous climate change, supporting healthy people and thriving communities, and conserving and protecting nature and wildlife. Federal, White House | NRDC Action Fund | October 20, 2020. Build a powerful, nationwide coalition of climate voters that will boot President Trump and his allies out of office on Election Day 2020. (Reuters/Lucy Nicholson) The Democrats at the top of the ticket are expecting a safe win in the Golden State—but much tighter races for California are happening further down the ballot. StreetsLA workers install one of 123 vote-by-mail drop boxes outside a public library in Los Angeles. Donald Trump promised “crystal-clean water and air,” but his administration has been systematically unraveling environmental and public health protections. Please donate to the NRDC Action Fund. The newly endorsed candidates are: Rep. Sean Casten (D-Ill.) ; Rep. Gil Cisneros (D-Calif.) Rep. Jason Crow (D-C olo. Times like this reveal why federal leadership matters. As a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, the NRDC Action Fund engages in various advocacy and political activities for which the Natural Resources Defense Council, a 501(c)(3) organization, faces certain legal limitations or restrictions.

You can support these champions through E2 Protect Democracy. We must do everything we can to ensure Biden is our next president. The NRDC Action Fund is an affiliated but separate organization from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Thanks for your support! Join Us. For more information about endorsements, please contact [email protected]. The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of NRDC. The Action Fund's mission is to build political support in the United States for protecting the planet and its people. You can support these champions through, For more information about endorsements, please contact. The NRDC Action Fund PAC provides direct contributions directly to the campaigns of pro-environment candidates and supports GiveGreen, a project of the LCV Victory Fund and NextGen Climate Action Committee. Washington, DC 20005, For Our Children, Our Planet, and Our Future, We Need Joe Biden. The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. 1152 15th Street NW, Suite 300 Our Next President Must Tackle the Climate Crisis Head-On, Trump Lets Dangerous Coal Ash Ponds Pollute Indefinitely, Trump Administration Denies Wolverines Protection Under the Endangered Species Act. Donations to the NRDC Action Fund are used to mobilize citizens and lobby Congress on behalf of our environment and are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense. We work to elect environmental champions who will stand up to the polluter agenda on Capitol Hill. GiveGreen offers a powerful, easy way to support environmental candidates and accelerate action on climate change. We support candidates who stand up for these goals, and we mobilize the American public to lobby lawmakers and hold them accountable for their votes, both in office and at the ballot box. 1152 15th Street NW, Suite 300 Protect the Planet. Please donate to the NRDC Action Fund today.

Check your voter status, register to vote, or request a mail-In ballot now. From online organizing to get-out-the-vote activities, we’ll alert you when your voice is needed. GiveGreen offers a powerful, easy way to support environmental candidates and accelerate action on climate change.

Trump Is Stalling on the Country’s Most Important Climate Change Report . ; Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)Theresa Greenfield (Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate in … The U.S. Environmental…, Climate change is rapidly shrinking the habitat of this iconic and dwindling North American species, but the U.S. Fish…. We mobilize influential constituencies, experts, community leaders and others to advocate for clean air and water, public health, biodiversity, and a stable climate. Become an NRDC Action Fund member with a minimum donation of $10 per year.

1152 15th Street NW, Suite 300