Okoye watched in silence as Ross confronted T'Challa about Klaue's reveal that Wakanda actually had large supplies of Vibranium. Despite her position and her serious attitude when her duties are concerned, she shares a relaxed, friendly relationship with T'Challa, quick to make jokes at his expense, especially when Nakia is concerned, and was on the verge of tears after seeing him disintegrate. W'Kabi Just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA. : As T'Challa went to prepare for the ceremony, Okoye participated with the Dora Milaje for the prince's following preparation. Lucas Vaurie - [email protected] Okoye finally returning back into Wakanda. Aucune diffusion de prévue. Okoye tells Shuri about T'Challa freezing. Let us consider that we heal him.

As T'Challa had settle in the procedure with the mission by having a new Panther Habit, Okoye participated in the operation with the idea of using the disguise before tracking in Klaue's location. Okoye

She nonetheless decides to stay and serve Killmonger, albeit reluctantly. Okoye was beaten when she hurled her Sonic Spear at Thanos, who easily repelled it with the Power Stone and then flung her away. Discover the process Marvel Games, Square Enix, and Crystal Dynamics developed when creating the Mightiest Super Hero experience in "Marvel's Avengers," in this behind-the-scenes look from Intel Gaming. This man is a foreign intelligence operative. It just got a little more complicated.

Would you kill me, my love? Gurira will return in the upcoming sequel to Black Panther II (2022). [6] She later assists Thing, Shuri, and the Agents of Wakanda in fighting the Cotati who have breached Wakanda's forcefield.[7]. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. The character, created by Christopher Priest and Mark Texeira, first appeared in Black Panther #1 (November 1998) within the comics. When Everett Ross arrived to meet up, T'Challa was greeted by him before being asked for a private conversation, to which T'Challa asked to give them space. When Thanos arrived in Wakanda, Okoye was one of the heroes who engaged him in battle but soon found themselves hopelessly outclassed by Thanos' use of the Infinity Gauntlet. We can't let him talk to Klaue alone. Okoye accompanied T'Challa when he recruited Queen Divine Justice. : Like an antelope in headlights. Okoye

Okoye argues with W'Kabi about the new reign, Once the council had ended, Okoye argued with W'Kabi and questioned about how T'Challa was ever his friend. Okoye is a fictional character, a member of the Dora Milaje in Marvel Comics. Okoye As they were getting closer to the holographic dome, Okoye flew pass it and arrived at the Golden City and landed on the helipad as the Dora Milaje were waiting for the prince's arrival. If he touches you again, I'm going to impale him on this desk. | Season 7. Okoye found herself surrounded by members of the Border Tribe, putting up their holographic shields and threatened them with their White Rhinoceros. The Lore, Legends, and Heroes from Marvel have arrived in Fortnite.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Black Panther: Trouble in Wakanda, "Black Panther's Okoye Jumps from Movie to Marvel Comics", "OKOYE WORKS TO HELP SAVE SHURI IN NEW 'LEGO MARVEL SUPER HEROES – BLACK PANTHER: TROUBLE IN WAKANDA' SHORT", "SDCC 2016: Marvel's 'Black Panther' Confirms Additional Cast", "Marvel updates Avengers: Endgame poster to include Danai Gurira's name", "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Black Panther DLC Revealed", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Okoye_(character)&oldid=983309351, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, Master tactician, strategist, and field commander, She is expected to appear in the sequel of, This page was last edited on 13 October 2020, at 14:15.
Okoye [2] She has since stood at T'Challa's side.

Okoye would then return to Wakanda and resume her position as General of the Dora Milaje.[7]. : T'Challa soon returned and Okoye soon joined him in the fight against Killmonger and successfully taking back the throne. She is exceptional in using various Wakandan weaponry and tools, especially skilled in the use of spears. Okoye arrives inside Jagalchi Market Casino. : T'Challa I'll talk to him first, then you guys go in. The group of heroes charged at the horde and managed to fight them off.

Okoye took down several opponents but ended up cornered by the Border Tribe with Shuri, Nakia and Ayo. Marvel Character Profile: Okoye, General of Wakanda. [in Xosha]  While T'Challa faced the Border Tribe, Okoye and the rest of the Dora Milaje openly rebelled against Erik Killmonger, calling him unworthy of ruling over Wakanda. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, From Michonne to Marvel Comics: Danai Gurira brings fierce loyalty to Black Panther, Tribal Filipinos Were A Surprising Muse For ‘Black Panther’s’ Dora Milaje, https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Okoye?oldid=1200185. The character, created by Christopher Priest and Mark Texeira, first appeared in Black Panther #1 (November 1998) within the comics. The battle was ultimately concluded when Iron Man obtained the Infinity Stones and wiped out Thanos and his army. Okoye then smiled at the women and left with bitter hope of going back home. We failed. Captain America believed that Wakanda had the means to help them, so the Avengers traveled to the country seeking T'Challa's help. |

Better to let him talk to Klaue alone for five minutes than to make a scene here. Okoye EGOT-winning songwriter Robert Lopez takes Joe behind the creative process of “Let It Go” in Times Square before the two join together to improvise a song. Klaue eventually arrived in the casino with more bodyguards, and Okoye noticed that all of them were armed. Official Sites A staunch traditionalist who is as formidable with her Sonic Spear as she is with her tongue, Okoye finds herself torn between her allegiance to her country and her king when T'Challa begins to challenge ancient Wakandan traditions and rules. Okoye stood behind T'Challa as he announced that Wakanda would open to the rest of the world, and she mildly smiled as a delegate asked what Wakanda, which he believed to be a nation of farmers, could offer to the international community. Gaining reports of an outsider from the Border Tribe, Okoye contacted Shuri, informing that a man showed up at the border claims to have killed Ulysses Klaue. She was created by Christopher Priest and Mark Teixeira. As Shuri and Ramonda were ceremonial dancing as well as the other five tribes, Okoye commanded alongside the Dora Milaje and raised up their Vibranium Spear and send a sonic signal beneath the river to let a Royal Talon Fighter rise up from the shuttle and let the prince through the rivers of the land. : Meanwhile, Okoye was informed by T'Challa that Everett Ross and the CIA was also present. Okoye is a fiercely loyal protector of Wakanda who isn't afraid to question her king but would defend him with her life, fiercely protective of him despite his warrior abilities.

Okoye is a fictional character, a member of the Dora Milaje in Marvel Comics. A week after the death of the former king of Wakanda, T'Chaka, at the hands of Helmut Zemo, T'Challa decided to retrieve his former lover Nakia, a Wakandan spy, from her current mission as he wished for her to be present during his coronation. Once Nakia had apologized for Ramonda's loss, Okoye told Ayo to escort her to the River Tribe, as she accepted. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Okoye is a fictional character, a member of the Dora Milaje in Marvel Comics. As Okoye object the idea of Ross being taken into Wakanda before Nakia's life being saved, T'Challa decided to bring Ross to Wakanda for the reason that he can't just let him die knowing that he could save him.

Visitez eBay pour une grande sélection de marvel legends okoye head. | Look back on the introductions of Nakia, Okoye, and a modern-day T'Challa in 1998's 'Black Panther'! Seeing that T'Challa was preparing to execute Klaue on the spot in revenge, Okoye and Nakia had managed to convince him to stop as he was being filmed by several people. When Killmonger succeeds in taking the throne, Okoye was torn between her personal loyalty to T'Challa, and her duty as the general of the Dora Milaje, which is essentially the king's royal guard. Release Dates Despite her being able to see T'Challa's viewpoint and arguments regarding the issue of breaking Wakanda's isolationism, it is yet to be seen if she turns personally supportive of the king's measures to reveal what Wakanda truly is to the world. T'Challa agreed to let Ross interrogate Klaue on his own while putting a bug on his shoulder to listen to him closely. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. Vous souhaitez nous rejoindre ?
(2018)[1], She joined alongside her friend Nakia to be among T'Challa's wives-in-training.

Okoye : Our mission was to bring back Klaue. Okoye Contactez-nous ! Her bravery was shown when she unhesitatingly charged at Thanos despite his possession of nearly all the Infinity Stones. Our mission was to bring back Klaue. Sometime after Thanos' victory, Okoye joined the Avengers under Natasha Romanoff's leadership as they helped and protected Earth. La création et la gestion du site sont faites par passion. Okoye Lego Marvel Super Heroes - Black Panther: Trouble in Wakanda, "Black Panther's Okoye Jumps from Movie to Marvel Comics", "OKOYE WORKS TO HELP SAVE SHURI IN NEW 'LEGO MARVEL SUPER HEROES – BLACK PANTHER: TROUBLE IN WAKANDA' SHORT", "SDCC 2016: Marvel's 'Black Panther' Confirms Additional Cast", "Marvel updates Avengers: Endgame poster to include Danai Gurira's name", "LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Black Panther DLC Revealed", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Okoye_(character)&oldid=983309351, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant, Master tactician, strategist, and field commander, She is expected to appear in the sequel of, This page was last edited on 13 October 2020, at 14:15. Quand Thanos et ses forces arrivèrent sur Terre pour récupérer de force la Pierre de l'Esprit de Vision, Okoye fut rapidement forcée de défendre le Wakanda aux côtés de son roi et des Avengers, menés par Captain America.

Okoye first appeared in 1998's Black Panther Volume 3, #1. Her loyalty to Wakanda outstrips her love for W'Kabi, as she told her husband she would not hesitate to kill him for Wakanda, although she did look visibly distraught and did not kill him but offered him a chance to surrender, implying she still had enough love for him to give him a chance to realize how much he had fallen. Flying in mid-air with car parts being in pieces, Okoye manages to catch her spear and land on the shredded roof of the car while Nakia skids towards her with the driver's seat and belt buckle intact.